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 National Hamfest canceled

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National Hamfest canceled Empty
PostSubject: National Hamfest canceled   National Hamfest canceled Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2020 7:50 pm

[size=34]Cancelation Notice[/size]
It is with a much regret that we must announce the cancellation of the National Hamfest 2020 due to be held on Friday 25th and Saturday 26th September
We have been closely monitoring the ever changing health landscape and emerging government guidance. In consideration of our primary responsibilities to the health and welfare of our volunteers, traders and visitors we have decided that this is the right decision.
The environment in which the event is held presents unique and very difficult
challenges in protecting social distancing, preventing handling of equipment and controlling numbers in a confined area. It is our conclusion that we are unable to ensure the safety of attendees and our large team of traders and volunteer helpers.
We do appreciate the lost opportunities and financial impact to our participating Clubs, Traders and visitors resulting from the cancellation.
Arrangements are in hand for returning to the Newark Showground in September 2021 and we look forward to seeing you there.
The Directors of National Hamfest (Lincoln) Limited.
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