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 CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!!

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Bee Whisperer
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6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Empty
PostSubject: CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!!   6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2020 3:21 pm

Hi All 

Is there anyway of shutting off the annoying channel change bleep sound on the CRT 6900 ???
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6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!!   6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 19, 2020 6:38 am

Hi Mark,

If you have the programming software and USB lead it's a simple job to program most settings.

If not......

Press and hold the 'FUNC' button until you get to the settings menu, (about a two second hold)

Press 'FUNC' again this time quickly, each time you press the 'FUNC' button you'll scroll to the next menu setting item.

You're looking for the setting "bEu", when you get to this you can set the volume or turn it off by rotating the channel selector knob.

Then either leave the radio for a few seconds or key up the mic and the new setting is stored and the radio goes back to operating mode.

Your annoying bleep should be sorted Smile

BE CAREFUL - don't go changing other menu setting items unless you know what you are doing!

Hope that helps.

All the best,


BTW - I don't own this how the 'F' did I find that out?

This radio is badged under a number of names, a few examples follow :-

Anytone AT-5555
Contest SC-1000
Intek HR-5500
Maas DX-5000

etc. etc.

Knowing these little nuggets of information should allow you to search for various items for these radios, all being similar or exactly the same such as menu settings and even service diagrams.

So how do I know this will work? 

Well, I'm pretty tell me if it worked....then you've confirmed it and hopefully a little snippet of knowledge can be passed onto others Wink


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Bee Whisperer
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6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!!   6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 19, 2020 12:16 pm

Your a star thank you very much.

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Lima alpha 1
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6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Empty
PostSubject: S-Hi warning on ss6900n   6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 3:16 pm

Hi can anyone tell me is there a way of adjusting the hi swr warning from 1.5 to 2.0 as everytime I go onto SSB and start talking my hi-swr warning kicks in and it,s fine on alphamic and frueq modulation. I know that it can be turned off but can I adjust without turning it off , cheers and beers .
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6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!!   6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 4:23 pm

Hi Len,

As you mention you can turn the SWR HI function off but there seems no other setting that either the manual or even USB programming software mentions. So who knows? Maybe not? Perhaps it's a permanent firmware setting.

When posting a query on the forum it would be handy if you could post a new topic with your question rather than tag onto someone elses question. I know, seems a pain, but if anyone searches the topics in future for possible help it'd be easier to find it than them sifting through every CRT6900 posting. Just helps people in the future Smile

(I only realised your question as I had a topic notification email as I've already posted/answered to the original posting).

Anyway, sorry I couldn't help further. At first hand it looks like it's not possible. 
If you find different info let us know on Charlie Tango as it may be handy for others.

All the best,

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Lima alpha 1
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Lima alpha 1

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Age : 55

6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!!   6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 5:21 pm

Hi Victor sorry about that I'm still getting used to the site as I'm a newbie but I appreciate the info cheers I,LL mind that for next time ,I will post any info I get on swr adjustment for the ss6900n as it,s been a bit of a headache cheers and beers, 73,s👍

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6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!!   6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 5:35 pm

No worries Len, it's all good.

The only thing I did find is that a lot of people have had problems with the 'S HI' especially using Sideband. 
This is really down to poor design as we don't tend to measure SWR unless we have a constant carrier such as AM or FM modes. In reality this auto function should be disabled when using Sideband.

I found that people work around this problem by turning the SWR warning off and using a regular SWR meter to routinely check their antenna and connections. Should get rid of that headache! Smile

In reality with it's MOSFET output stage that radio shouldn't suffer unless the SWR is over 10 or even 20 to 1. You've got bigger problems if your antenna is that badly out! Very Happy

All the best to you Len and take it easy.
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PostSubject: Re: CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!!   6900 - CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!! Icon_minitime

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CRT 6900 channel change bleep !!!!
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