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Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Empty
PostSubject: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 5:49 pm

ive recently been able to access the old listlogs from the start of the southerns net

thanks to the help of razz CT 2290 ray as they were on the old ct forum tapatalk

and im going to copy n paste them to this thread for all to view 

CT 388 Nelly Smile

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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 5:51 pm

Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all

If there is enough interest, some of us are thinking of starting a SSB net.

It would run on the same night, same channel as the Eastbourne UKFM channel 39 net.

The idea would be to run the FM net to 9 o'clock then switch over to USB or LSB (not sure yet).

We are hoping to cover the following areas. Kent, Surrey, East & West Sussex, Hampshire and beyond.

Looking forward to comments, negative or positve on the idea.

73's and TTFN
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592758.6481-smiley

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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 5:54 pm

Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all

Welcome to my 1st report of the 1st Southern Area SSB Net, held on the 1st of Dec 2016

Thank you Bob for your comments, thanks to all who called in and thank you all for your patience with the "chairman"
So here is the list of stations that called in.

CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
OOM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 2151--Jake--Highbury--North London
CT 2018--Fred--Burgess Hill (nice to hear you again after your absence from radio) Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
CT 1894--James--Epsom--Surrey
CT 1836--Gary--Sydenham--South East London
CT 331--John--Rye Harbour--East Sussex
CT 1836--Stuart--Winchester--Hampshire
CT 2249--Fairlight near Hastings--East Sussex
CT 1552--Darren--Polegate--East Sussex
??????--Mark--Richmond--South West London?
CT 525--Denise--Maidstone--Kent
CT 491--STeve--Hawkhurst--Kent
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex.

A good turn out of homebase & mobile stations even with conditions being flat and the outside temperature dropping down to minus 2.

Thank you all for making the net a success Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592743.2428-smiley Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592743.2428-smiley (in my opinion)

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 5:55 pm

Dec 10, 2016[ltr]#28[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all & welcome
This is my report on the 2nd Southern Area Net, held on the 8-12-16

After the success of the first net, could the 2nd be as good?

9 0'clock came and a call went out to start the net off...............
Here is the list of stations that called in, was heard or worked.

PRO 14--Kevin--Hailsham--East Sussex
CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West Sussex
CT 1910--Rick--Bletchingley--Surrey
FB 879--Tim--Hertfordshire
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex
CT 2018--Fred--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
OOM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
26 ED--Steve--Plumstead--South East London
26 CR 01--Tadpole--Near the Thames Barrier--South East London
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex.

Another good turn out of stations and thanks again for your patience with the "chairman" Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592758.4392-smiley

73's and TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 5:56 pm

Dec 18, 2016[ltr]#31[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all & welcome
Before my report on the 3rd Southern Area Net held on the 15/12/16.
I would like to say thanks to Tim CT 2116 for posting when a where the nets happening,
Rick CT 1910 for words of encouragement and Tim FB 879 for his helpful comments.
Cheers guys Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley

So on to my report
9 o'clock came and the call went out and thankfully it was answered Smile
Here is my list of stations who called in

CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
26 CR 01--Paul--Thames Barrier--South East London
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex
??????--Kevin--Crawley--West Sussex
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
CT 1910--Rick--Blecthingley--Surrey
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex

Thanks to all who called in Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592743.2428-smiley and as chairman, sorry to those i missed or didn't hear.

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 5:57 pm

Dec 23, 2016[ltr]#35[/ltr]
This is a copy of a PM sent to me by Gary 26CT087 and reproduced with permission.

Hi Ray Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley

Thanks for contact this evening. Was a pleasure to make the aquaintance. For your information my location was high ground (approx. 840' asl) 5/6 miles inland from the town of Lyme Regis, on the Devon/Somerset border. Was surprised to make the two way as I was only using the Stinger on a mag-mount !!
Next time I will take the AS 99 and 8 metre drive on mast ! (It might help improve my incoming)
Look forward to working you guys again, but in the meantime........Merry Christmas from the Devonshire coast Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592745.0371-smiley Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592745.0371-smiley

Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley Gary
Thanks for making the effort to come out and call in.
It was a surprise to hear you & a bigger surprise that we did it over 135 miles using mag mounts on our vehicles Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592760.1437-smiley
I look forward to making the contact in the future Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley

A small portion of the contact can be heard on this Youtube clip thanks to Simon CT 941

Now here is my quick report on the net held on the 22/12/16

The weather started off with clear skies but by the end of the night it was foggy & damp.

Here is my list of stations that called in.

CT 087--Gary--North of Lyme Regis--Devon Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West Sussex
CT 1894--James--Bansted--Surrey
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
CT 1910--Rick--Bletchingley--Surrey
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight Hill near Hastings--East Sussex
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex
CT 2022--Fred--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
CT 525--Denis--Between Tonbridge & Maidstone--Kent
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--East Sussex (get well soon good buddy)
FB 131--Drew--Beachy Head--East Sussex
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex

As chairman, thanks to all who called in Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592743.2428-smiley , thanks for your patience and sorry to all if i missed you trying to call in.

Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592755.4594-smiley MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL ON THE CHARLIE TANGO FORUM Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592755.4594-smiley

73'S & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 5:58 pm

Dec 30, 2016[ltr]#45[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 5th Southern Area Net on SSB, held on the 29-12-16.

A cold clear night for the start of the net but by the end, my windscreen and ice on the inside as well as the outside and the fog had reduced visibilty to a few yards Sad

Here is my list of stations that i heard & worked.

CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West Sussex
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
163/26LR114 aka CT 30--Andy--Brecon Beacon--South Wales (static mobile)
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex (static mobile)
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex (static mobile)
CT 388--Neil--Winchester--Hampshire
CT 908--Paul--Bracknell--Berkshire
CT 1837--Stuart--Eastliegh--Hampshire
CT 2072--Steve--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex (static mobile)
CT 1910--Rick--Bletchingley--Surrey
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
??????--Paul--Polegate--East Sussex
CT 2146--Darren--Eastliegh--Hampshire
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
IR 039--Paul--Brighton--East Suissex
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex (static mobile)

Another good night with a variety of stations and locations calling in.
A station callled "Walrus" called in for a radio check, if you happen to read this, you was heard by Simon, Tim, Richard and myself & we did try calling back.

As chairman, i would like to say thanks to all stations who called in and wish everyone
a HAPPY NEW YEAR Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592743.4725-smiley Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592744.2016-smiley Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592760.1437-smiley

73's & TTFN
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592758.6481-smiley

Give us a call on the
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 5:59 pm

Jan 07, 2017[ltr]#50[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report on the 6th Southern Area SSB Net held on the 5-01-17.

First off many thanks to Rick CT 1910 who made the effort on a cold night to meet me for an eyeball
and to loan me some poles and a "silver rod 1/2 wave" antenna for the net, cheers mate Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley

It was a clear cold night on the forest, the temperature started at a warm -2 degress and by the end of the night
it was down to -5 (can we have a cold/freezing emoticon)

Thanks to Tim CT 2116 for his chairman skills covering the westside of the net Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley

So here is our joint list of the stations heard & worked.

CT 2234--Matt--Westerham--Kent (nice to hear you on this frequency)
CT 2114--Jamie--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
CT 1837--Stuart--Portsmouth--Hampshire (static mobile)
CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West Sussex
GD 389--John--Guildford--Surrey
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex (static mobile)
CT 2146--Darren--Winchester--Hampshire (static mobile)
FB 131--Drew--Beachy Head--East Sussex (static mobile)
CT 2275--Pete--Southampton--Hampshire
CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex (static mobile & westside chairman Wink )
CT 2064--Steve--Fareham--Hampshire
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
LR 114--Andy--Malvern Hills--Worcestershire (static mobile)
CT 1894--James--Banstead--Surrey
CT 986--Rich--Gouldhurst--Kent
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
CT 1910--Rick--Bletchingley--Surrey
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex (static mobile & eastside chairman)

Another good night with a variety of stations calling in, thank you all Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592743.2428-smiley
Sorry to all if we missed you calling in or forgot you off the list.

73's & TTFN
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592758.6481-smiley
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:00 pm

Jan 13, 2017[ltr]#75[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 7th Southern Area SSB Net held on the 12-01-17.

A quick thank you to Rick CT 1910 & Nick CT 456 for getting my Turner mike sorted for me in quick time ready for the nights net, Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592743.4725-smiley gents Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley
Quote :
TimH1971 wrote:Don't forget to take a shovel lol

Snow was falling, so i went out prepared with a flask of hot water, coffee, extra layers of clothing
AND yes Tim, i did take a shovel just in case Very Happy lol
Here is my list of stations heard & worked.

CT 1910--Rick--Bletchingley--Surrey
CT 1552--Darren--Polegate--East Sussex
CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West Sussex
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex (static mobile)
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
CT 2072--Steve--Tonbridge--Kent
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
CT 1894--James--Banstead--Surrey
CT 388--Neil--Winchester--Hampshire
PRO 14--Kevin & his FYL--Butts Brow Nr Eastbourne--East Sussex (static mobile)
CT 331--John--Rye Harbour--East Sussex
CT 525--Denis--Maidstone--Kent
CT 1809--Mark--Chichester--West Sussex
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex (static mobile)
Quote :
Walrus wrote:I listened out on USB last night after 9 pm and made a few CQ CT calls, but nil heard.


It was a shame you couldn't hear us returning to you, as you was heard by Rick, Graham & myself, maybe when better weather returns you can get out to one of your local high spots?

A surprisingly good night even with the extra noise reported by a number of homebase stations.
Hats off to the mobile stations that braved the snow & less than perfect driving conditions & thanks to all who called in.

73's & TTFN
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592758.6481-smiley[/size]
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:01 pm

Jan 22, 2017[ltr]#92[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 8th Southern Area SSB net held on the 19/01/17

It was a cold clear night at my new location of Reigate Hill.
Here is the list of stations that called in.

CT 2018--Fred--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex (static mobile & Westside chairman)
CT 2146--Darren--Portsmouth--Hampshire (static mobile)
CT 1837--Stuart--Portsmouth--Hampshire (static mobile)
CT 1836--Gary--Sydenham--South East London
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex (static mobile)
CT 2239--Des--Saffron Walden--Essex (static mobile)
CT 2151--Jake--Highbury--North London
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
FB 228--Martin H--Hailsham--East Sussex
CT 1910--Rick--Bletchingley--Surrey
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex
CT 1894--James--Banstead--Surrey
CT 388--Neil--Winchester--Hampshire (static mobile)
CT 474--Jon--Beckenham--South London
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Reigate Hill (static mobile & Eastside chairman)

A good night with various locations calling in Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:02 pm

Jan 29, 2017[ltr]#100[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 9th Southern Area SSB net held on the 26/01/17

Another cold night for my 2nd visit to Reigate Hill.
Here is a list of stations that called in to Tim (Westside chairman) & myself Ray (Eastside chairman)

26 CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex (static mobile & Westside chairman)
26 CT 2275--Pete--Eastleigh--Hampshire
26 CT 388--Neil--Winchester--Hampshire (static mobile)
26 CT 2275--Darren--Eastleigh--Hampshire
26 OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
26 CT 2239--Des--Saffron Walden--Essex (static mobile)
26 CT 2151--Jake--Highbury--North London
26 CT 331--Jon--Rye Harbour--East Sussex (marine mobile)
26 CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex (static mobile)
26 PRO 14--Kevin--Butts Brow Nr Eastbourne--East Sussex (static mobile)
26 CT 1894--James--Banstead--Surrey
26 CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex
26 CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
E 500--Mike--Eastbourne--East Sussex
And myself 26 CT 2290--Ray--Reigate Hill--Surrey (static mobile & Eastside chairman)

Also heard calling in the net but unable to make a contact was 26 CT 2274 & 26 SQ 02

Another good night for the net even with the horrible noise levels reported by almost all the stations Sad

Here is some of the net recorded by Tim CT 2116 [ltr][/ltr]

And Simon CT 941 [ltr][/ltr]

Well done to all the mobile stations that came out on a cold night and
thanks to all who called in Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592743.2428-smiley & sorry if I missed your call or forgot you off the list.

73's & TTFN
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592758.6481-smiley
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:03 pm

Feb 06, 2017[ltr]#102[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all and welcome

Here is my report of the 10th Southern Area Net held on the 02/02/17.
We have made it into double figures Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592760.1437-smiley Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592743.2428-smiley

With storm Doris threatening some of us still headed to the hills.

Here is the list of stations heard & worked by joint chairman Tim CT 2116 & myself

CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Suusex (Westside chairman)
CT 2151 Jake--Highgate--North London
26 GA 20--Stuart--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 2146--Darren--Eastleigh--Hampshire
CT 388--Neil--Winchester--Hampshire
26 CR 01--Paul--Thames Barrier--South East London
CT 2018--Fred--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
CT 2234--Matt--Westerham--Kent
CT 1910--Rick--Bletchingley--Surrey
CT 1809--Pagham--West Sussex
CT 429--Omar--Guildford--Surrey
CT 1552--Darren--Polegate--East Sussex
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex
CT 331--Jon--Rye Harbour--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
CT 2275--Pete--Eastleigh--Hampshire
And Myself CT 2290--Ray--Riegate Hill--Surrey (Eastside chairman)

Another good night with some new stations calling in Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592743.2428-smiley
Thanks as always to all who called in and sorry if we missed your call or forgot you off the list.
Please feel free to leave comments negative or positive.

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:04 pm

Feb 12, 2017[ltr]#104[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all & welcome
Here is my report of the 11th Southern Area SSB net held on the 09/02/2017.

It was a cold, damp, misty night brightened up buy a couple of surprises Very Happy

Tim was visited by Stuart CT 1837 & Darren CT 2146 for a surprise eyeball
and our net had a suprise visit from Tom 26DA75 Chairman of the Mid Week Net Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley
I'm looking forward to giving the MWN a call in the near future Smile

Here is the log of stations that called in, was heard & worked by Tim CT 2116 & myself Ray CT 2290.

CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex (Static Mobile & Westside Chairman)
CT 1837--Stuart--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex (Static Mobile) & eyeballing Tim
CT 2146--Darren--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex (Static Mobile) & eyeballing Tim
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex (Static Mobile)
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex
26 FB 131--Drew--Beachy Head--East Sussex (Static Mobile)
CT 388--Neil--Winchester--Hampshire
26 DA 75--Tom--Oakham--Leicestershire
26 FI 145--Derek--March--Cambridgeshire
CT 1894--James--Banstead--Surrey
CT 2234--Matt--Westerham--Kent
CT 2275--Pete--Portsmouth--Hampshire (Static Mobile)
26 HL 21--Frank--Hailsham--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
26 GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
26 SQ 02 Heard calling in
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest (Static Mobile & Eastside Chairman)

Contacts of the night for me was Tom 26DA75 about 116 miles Ashdown Forest to Oakham
and Derek 26FI145 about 103 miles Ashdown Forest to March.

Thanks to all who called in, special thanks to all the guys who came out & parked on a hill and thanks to
Tom & Derek who made the effort to give us Thursday night netters ago Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592743.4725-smiley Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:05 pm

Feb 14, 2017[ltr]#105[/ltr]
Hi all

Here's the video for last Thursday's Southern Net - sorry it's late this week! A good evening again with Tom from Leicestershire giving us a shout. Great to also eyeball Darren and Stuart on Goodwood Hill. Well done to all who called in. Hopefully will be warmer this Thursday!
Link is below....

73s Tim.

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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:06 pm

Feb 22, 2017[ltr]#112[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my (late) report of the 12th net held on the 16/02/17

Here is the list of stations heard, called in & worked by joint chairman Tim CT 2116 & myself

CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex (static mobile & Westside Chairman)
26 SQ 02--Tony heard calling in
FB 131--Drew--Beachy Head--East Sussex (static mobile)
CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West Sussex
CT 2018--Fred--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 1910--Rick--Bletchingley--Surrey
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex (static mobile)
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex (static mobile)
CT 2275--Pete--Butser Hill Nr Petersfield--West Sussex (static mobile)
CT 2234--Matt--Westerham--Kent
CT 2316--Glyn--Winchester--Hampshire
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex
CT 1894--James--Banstead--Surrey
CT 2114--Jamie--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 1809--Mark--Pagham--West Sussex
GA 20 Stu--Fell Beacon Nr Lewes--East Sussex (static mobile)
WR 037--Rick--Eastbourne--East Sussex
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
CT 331--Jon--Rye Harbour--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hilll--West Sussex
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex (static mobile & Eastside Chairman)

Thanks to Tim CT 2116 for his video of the night


Thanks to all who called in
Sorry if i have missed you of the list or missed you calling in

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:06 pm

Feb 26, 2017[ltr]#114[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 13th SSB net held on the 23/02/17.

After the cold, clear, windy start to the FM net, the SSB net was graced with cloud, rain & a temperature of 3 degrees.

With Tim off air due to antenna problems, Darren CT 2146 & Stuart CT 1837 stepped in as chairmen.

Here is the list of stations that called in, was heard & worked.

CT 2146--Darren & CT 1837--Stuart--Butser Hill--Hampshire--(static mobile & Westside Chairmen)
26 SQ 02--Tony--Kent, heard calling in
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex--(static mobile)
CT 1894--James--Banstead--Surrey
CT 2316--Glyn--Beacon Hill--Hampshire--(static mobile)
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex--(static mobile)
GA 20--Stu--Firle Beacon Nr Lewes--East Sussex--(static mobile)
CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West Sussex
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex
E 500--Mike--Eastbourne--East Sussex
MW 223--Martin--Euro Tunnel Nr Folkstone--Kent
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--(static mobile & Eastside Chairman)

Thanks to all who called in Smile , hats off to my fellow mobile station who braved the tail end of storm Doris
Apologises to those who I missed calling in or have left off the list Sad

Feel free to leave a comment good or bad

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:07 pm

Mar 04, 2017[ltr]#115[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 14th SSB net held on the 02/03/17.

For those interested in the weather us static mobiles have to endure, it was clear night, no wind & a temperature of 7 degrees.

Here is the list of stations heard, called in & worked by joint chairman Tim CT 2116 or myself.

CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex--Static Mobile & Westside Chairman
26 SQ 02--Tony--Heard calling in only
FB 131--Drew--Beachy Head--East Sussex--Static Mobile
CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West Sussex
CT 1894--James--Banstead--Surrey
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex--Static Mobile
CT 2316--Glyn--Eastleigh--Hampshire
CT 1809--Mark--Pagham--West Sussex
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex--Static Mobile
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 1991--Paul--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex--Static Mobile
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
CT 1364--Dennis--Cranbrook--Kent
CT 2275--Pete--Eastleigh--Hampshire
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
CT 2146--Darren--Eastleigh--Hampshire
CT 1552--Darren--Polegate--East Sussex
CT 331--Jon--Rye Harbour--East Sussex
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--Static Mobile & Eastside Chairman.

Another good net.
Thanks, as always, to all who called.
Apologises to those who we missed calling in or have left off the list.

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:07 pm

Mar 11, 2017[ltr]#116[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 15th SSB net held on the 09/03/17.

The weather for the start of the net was still & 7 degrees & by the end there was a breeze and it had dropped to 5 degress.

No Tim CT2116 due to illness so thanks goes out to Darren CT2146 & Stuart CT1837 for covering Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley

Here is the list of stations that was heard calling in/worked.

CT 2146--Darren & CT--1837 Stuart--Harting Down Nr Petersfield--West Sussex--(static mobile & Westside Chairmen)
26 SQ 02--Tony--Kent--Heard calling in (one day we will get back to you)
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 1910--Rick--Bletchingley--Surrey
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex--(static mobile)
CT 2316--Glyn--Winchester--Hampshire
CT 2275--Pete--Combe Gibbet--Berkshire--(static mobile)
CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West Sussex
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
CT 1809--Mark--Pagham--West Sussex
26 TM 200--Andy--Hayling Island--Hampshire--(mobile)
CT 388--Neil--Winchester--Hampshire
M3YBU--Mark--Richmond--South West London
CT 1894--James--Banstead--Surrey
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--(static mobile & Eastside Chairman)

Yet another good net Smile
Thanks, as always, to all who called in.
Apologises to those who we missed calling in or i have left off the list Sad

Feel free to comment good or bad

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:08 pm

Mar 17, 2017[ltr]#119[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 16th SSB held on the 16/03/17.

It was a clear, still night with a temperature of 10 degrees.

I tried out a new high spot for the net tonight, Tatsfield near Biggin Hill.

Here is a list of stations that called in, was heard & worked

CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex--Static mobile & Westside Chairman
26 SQ 02--Tony--Heard calling in
CT 2234--Matt--Westerham--Kent
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex--Static mobile
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West sussex
CT 1763--Paul--Basingstoke--Hampshire
CT 2146--Darren--Winchester--Hampshire
MB 20--Paul--Lancing--West Sussex
CT 2316--Glyn--Eastleigh--Hampshire
CT 2275--Pete--Sorry i didn't get your QTH
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
26 TM 200--Andy--Hayling Island--Hampshire
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex--Static mobile
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
CT 331--Jon--Rye Harbour--East Sussex--Marine mobile
CT 338--Neil--Winchester--Hampshire
PRO 14--Kevin--Butts Brow Nr Eastbourne--East Sussex--Static mobile
CT 1991--Paul--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex--Static mobile
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Tatsfield--Surrey--Static mobile & Eastside Chairman

Even with a dead keyer on FM, it was another good net.
Thank you all for calling in
Apologises to those who we missed calling in or i have left off the list Sad

Feel free to comment good or bad

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:08 pm

Mar 26, 2017[ltr]#121[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 17th SSB net held on the 23/03/17.
It was a clear windy night on the forest & a pleasant 11 degrees Smile

Here is a list of stations who called in, was heard or worked.

26 DA 75--Tom--Oakham--Leicestershire
CT 1894--James--Banstead--Surrey
26 FB 131--Drew--Eastbourne--East Sussex
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex--static mobile
PRO 14--Kevin--Butts Brow Nr Eastbourne--East Sussex--static mobile
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex
26 FB 773--Nick--Tower Bridge--Central London
CT 388--Neil--Winchester--Hampshire
TM 200--Andy--Portsmouth--Hampshire
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
CT 2037--Phil--Lancing--West Sussex
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--static mobile & Chairman

A special thank you to Tom 26 DA 75 for making time to call in & showing great patience in waiting to make contact with someone else other than me.

Thank you all for calling in
Apologises to those who i missed calling in or i have left you off the list Sad

See you next time on 27.395 USB Mid-Block from 9 o'clock to finish.

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:09 pm

Apr 01, 2017[ltr]#127[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 18th SSB net held on the 30/03/17.
It was a mild night on the forest and maybe the beginning of summer??

Here is my list of stations of that was heard calling in and or worked by Tim CT 2116 or myself (Ray CT 2290).

CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex--static mobile & Westside Chairman
CT 2234--Matt--Heard calling in no contact back
26 FI 420--Richard & the DX dogs Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592745.0371-smiley --Cambridgeshire
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex--static mobile
CT 1837--Stuart--Eastleigh--Hampshire
26 FB 131--Drew--Beachy Head--East Sussex--static mobile
CT 2275--Pete--Butser Hill--Hampshire
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
Bravo Golf--Dan--Beachy Head--East Sussex--static mobile
CT 1910--Rick--Bletchingley--Surrey
CT 1388--Rickie--Leatherhead--Surrey
CT 525--Dennis--Maidstone--Kent
CT 2239--Des--Saffron Walden--Essex
GB 23--Paul--Croydon--South London
CT 331--Jon--Rye Harbour--East Sussex--maritime mobile
26 TM 064--Glen--Maidstone--Kent
CT 474--John--Beckenham--Southeast London
26 FB 9993--Simon--Devils Dyke Nr Brighton--West Sussex--static mobile
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--static mobile & Eastside Chairman

A special thank you to Richard & the DX dogs Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592745.0371-smiley for making time to call in & showing patience waiting to be passed round, thanks Richard Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley
What was it like not being the Chairman & being able just to sit back?

Well done to Glen 26 TM 64 for his lashed together antenna set up and what a contact to Richard 26 FI 420.

Thank you all for calling in
Apologises to those who i missed calling in or i have left off the list Sad

Feel free to comment good or bad.

See you next time on 27.395 USB Mid-Block from 9 o'clock to finish.

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:29 pm

Apr 07, 2017[ltr]#141[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 19th net held on the 06/04/17.
The net was held on 27.385 (channel 38), this was due to european AM stations wiping out some of the distance stations.

It was a mild night on the forest with eerie shadows being cast by the moon.

Here is the list of stations that called in, was heard or worked.

CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex--static mobile & Westside Chairman
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 1291--Toby--Danbury--Essex--static mobile
26 FI 420--Richard--Cambridgeshire
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex--static mobile
CT 2146--Darren--Winchester--Hampshire--Static mobile
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex--static mobile
CT 2239--Des--Saffron Walden--Essex--static mobile
CT 2275--Pete--Eastleigh--Hampshire
26 TM 2121--Adrian--Warwickshire
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
26 TM 200--Andy--Hayling Island--Hampshire
CT 388--Neil--Winchester--Hampshire
Bravo Golf--Dan--Firle Beacon Nr Lewes--static mobile
CT 1049--Gary--Swanley--Kent
26 TM 848--Dave--Patcham--West Sussex
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--static mobile & Eastside Chairman

Thank you all for calling in
Apologises to those who i missed calling in or i have left off the list Sad

Feel free to comment good or bad.

See you next time on 27.395 USB Mid-Block from 9 o'clock to finish.

73's & TTFN
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:31 pm

Apr 13, 2017[ltr]#143[/ltr]
I really need to get a life....

Just checked back over Ray's (CT2290 net chair) logs for the Southern SSB net (SSB only not the FM part of the net which runs 8-9pm).

Since this net started on Dec 1st last year we have had 72 different stations call into the net. Amongst these of course are many regulars and we have between 20-25 call in each week on average.

The break-down between these stations is interesting, in particular the location of each station. Of the 72 stations these are as follows:

East of the region:

West of the region:


Other areas:
BRECON BEACONS/WORCS (same mobile station) - 1 STATION

Thanks to all who call in and have helped to make this an enjoyable net to help chair and take part in. If you have yet to shout in then please feel free to do so. We would love to hear you. Hopefully with better weather, getting up a hill should be easier too.

Tim.CT 2116
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:32 pm

Apr 15, 2017[ltr]#147[/ltr]
Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 20th net (yes the 20th net, who would of thought it!) held on the 13/04/17.
It was an enjoyable yet challenging net.
The net started on channel 39 (27.395) but we moved to channel 37 (27.375) due to european AM stations wiping out some of the distance stations (again) Sad

Here is the list of stations that called in, was heard or worked.

CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex--Westside Chairman
26 TM 9900--BT--Redhill--Surrey--(welcome to the net)
26 HK 101--Howard--Brighton--East Sussex--(welcome to the net)
CT 1291--Toby--Reigate Hill--Surrey--(Thanks for dropping in on your way to Devon Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592746.4328-smiley )
??????--Will--Peacehaven--East Sussex--(welcome to the hobby & the net)
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 388--Neil--Berkshire Downs--Berkshire
CT 2275--Pete--Eastleigh--Hampshire
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex
CT 2239--Des--Saffron Walden--Essex
26 WR 037--Rick--Beachy Head--East sussex
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West sussex
Bravo Golf--Dan--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 2146--Darren--Eastleigh--Hampshire
CT 331--Jon--Rye Harbour--East Sussex
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--Eastside Chairman

Thank you all for calling in
Apologises to those who i missed calling in or i have left off the list Sad

Feel free to comment good or bad.

See you next time on 27.395 USB Mid-Block from 9 o'clock to finish.

73's & TTFN
Ray CT 2290
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PostSubject: Re: Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs   Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 6:34 pm

Early southern n south coast ssb listlogs 1536592759.1236-smiley all
Welcome to my report of the 21st SSB net held on the 20/04/17.
It was a better night than previous net nights with a small improvement in conditions.

Here is the list of stations that was heard and or worked.

CT 2116--Tim--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex--Westside Chairman
CT 2038--Paul--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--(welcome to the net)
CT 2344--Boris--Butts Brow Nr Eastbourne--East Suusex
CT 152--Steve--Canvey Island--Essex--(welcome to net)
CT 2092--James--Winchester--Hampshire
CT 2022--Keith--Uckfield--East sussex--(welcome back)
CT 941--Simon--Beachy Head--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 2249--Richard--Fairlight Nr Hastings--East Sussex
CT 2275--Pete--Combe Gibbet--Berkshire
CT 456--Nick--East Grinstead--West Sussex
CT 2239--Des--Saffron Walden--Essex
CT 1894--James--Banstead--Surrey
CT 2316--Glyn--Upper Eastleigh--Hampshire
CT 2151--Jake--Highgate--North London
CT 388--Neil--Winchester--Hampshire
And myself CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--Eastside Chairman

Thank you all for calling in
Apologises to those who i missed calling in or i have left off the list Sad

Feel free to comment good or bad.

See you next time on 27.395 USB Mid-Block from 9 o'clock to finish.

73's & TTFN
Ray CT 2290
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