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 President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode'

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Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Empty
PostSubject: President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode'   Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2019 2:32 pm

I've found a 'hidden RU mode' on my UNMODIFIED President McKinley EU - It shows that there may be some hidden goodies in this radio just waiting to be found.....

More on the blog

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Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Empty
PostSubject: Re: President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode'   Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Icon_minitimeWed Aug 12, 2020 9:34 am

Hi 👋🏻
Does this do anything exceptional then ??

Just wondered what I’m missing!😆

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Northern Crusader
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Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Empty
PostSubject: Re: President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode'   Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Icon_minitimeWed Aug 12, 2020 6:52 pm

Tristar wrote:
Hi 👋🏻
Does this do anything exceptional then ??

Just wondered what I’m missing!😆

Basically the same as export mode but without the wire cutting and jumper moving. In the service manual there are separate pots to adjust for setting the power levels for RU mode, the same as you adjust for the high power settings for export mode.

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Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Empty
PostSubject: Re: President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode'   Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Icon_minitimeWed Aug 12, 2020 9:09 pm

It’s amazing what you find out about these new rigs. 

Thanks for that quick reply!👍

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Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Empty
PostSubject: Re: President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode'   Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2020 3:12 pm

Mind you what I haven't been able to find out is what the magic key presses are to enable RU mode.

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Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Empty
PostSubject: Re: President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode'   Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2020 10:44 pm

Northern Crusader wrote:
Mind you what I haven't been able to find out is what the magic key presses are to enable RU mode.

Took about 5 mins to find it but doesn't really do much, the radio appears to be stuck on mid band only.

I still think there's a full engineering menu hidden in there somewhere.....

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Uncle P
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Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Empty
PostSubject: Re: President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode'   Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2022 3:32 pm

I'm a complete novice when it comes to the new rigs so if im barking up the wrong tree then  please ignore the following Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' 1f601   
I discovered this RU mode myself a last week after watching a video on Youtube about entering a hidden "President Martin" factory service menu, see  . I used the same method on my McKinley and up popped the RU. I mentioned it to the guy who posted the video and he assured me that there are no hidden service menus on the McKinley as everything is done on the board. After watching your own video I noticed the 5kHz drop then remembered a chart I read earlier this year of frequency allocations for Russian CB. For the life of me I cant find that chart again BUT I did read in another reply post a moment ago by The Doctor where he mentions the old Soviet zero channels. 
So I'm assuming the RU stands for RUSSIA and guessing this is their band selection. Don't they use a higher power output than the rest of us? Could this be why its hidden away from the rest of the band selection? Oh I do love a good mystery. Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' 1f604

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PostSubject: Re: President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode'   Mckinley - President McKinley EU 'Hidden RU Mode' Icon_minitime

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