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 UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success

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UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Empty
PostSubject: UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success   UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2020 11:17 am

The RSGB has announced that since the introduction of Remotely Invigilated amateur radio exams that can be done from home 2,000 people have successfully passed their Foundation exam

The Society says
"Yesterday [Oct 18] we reached the incredible total of 2,000 candidates passing the Foundation exam via remote invigilation! Congratulations to them all. If you hear new licensees on the airways do encourage and help them along #GOTA2C"

The RSGB also announced:
"We're also delighted that 268 new licensees have progressed and gained their Intermediate licence exam via remote invigilation - fantastic to see people learning and discovering more about amateur radio! #GOTA2C #hamr"

Prior to the introduction of Remotely Invigilated Exams in April 2020 only around 1300 people were passing their Foundation exam each year. In just 7 months the new online system has shown that making exams and training accessible to all enables many more people to take up the hobby.
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Tim Tom
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UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success   UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2020 12:05 pm

Signed up the other day for a training course for foundation for start of next month 👍
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UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success   UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2020 4:27 pm

Great update Mark.

I do recall my exam invigilator stating that they'd almost hit 2000 Foundations so nice to hear that they achieved it.
Fantastic work by all involved including all the volunteers that happily put forward their time to train, organise and invigilate exams. Massive applause to them all! Smile

All the best,
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UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success   UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2020 4:30 pm

Hi Tim,

Well done for taking the first step towards getting your Radio Amateur licence. You sure won't regret it! Smile

I wish you the best with your studies and eventual exam.

All the best,

Tim Tom likes this post

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UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success   UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2020 8:29 am

Did my test this week the invigilator was Martin Atherton and he said he was doing around 26 tests a week.
That's just one invigilator how many do they have.
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Northern Crusader
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UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success   UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2020 7:17 pm

It's a good thing. Today's youth do everything online, they don't want to be going to a club full of old blokes and sit there listening to them complaining about everything. Doing the exams online is a good way to get some fresh blood in.

NUBSTER, John123, GaryWilson, morris and Gavala like this post

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UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success   UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2021 11:55 pm

The RSGB is delighted that 4,000 people have taken amateur radio exams via remote invigilation. 
This number covers exams at all three licence levels. We know that all radio amateurs will be encouraging as people progress and enjoy the diversity of amateur radio.
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UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success   UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Icon_minitimeSat Apr 10, 2021 1:06 pm

RSGB is delighted that 1,000 people have now passed their Intermediate exam since the introduction of remote invigilation in July 2020.

Congratulations to each one of those candidates!
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UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success   UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Icon_minitimeSat Sep 11, 2021 1:06 pm

RSGB remote invigilation figures soar
This week, the RSGB passed the fantastic milestone of 4,000 candidates passing their Foundation licence via remote invigilation. During 2020 the Society implemented remote invigilation in stages for all three licence levels, to enable people to become involved with amateur radio and progress despite the pandemic.

The RSGB is delighted that 1,241 candidates have since passed the Intermediate exam and 544 have gained their Full licence.

The Society would like to thank the small team of remote invigilators and congratulate all those successful candidates.
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PostSubject: Re: UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success   UK's Remotely Invigilated Ham Radio Exam Success Icon_minitime

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