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QRZ Database Logbook and QSO confirmations

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PostSubject: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2021 7:36 am

Hi All,

I wonder if anyone can shed a bit of light for me regarding's logbook and QSO confirmation.

On the whole I upload my logs and get notified of QSO confirmations, sometimes immediately, otherwise in the following days. I've had a couple of QSO confirmation requests and if they match my log I happily confirm them. (It is after all just a click of the mouse.) But some still remain unconfirmed(?)

Is this just down to the methods other use? Such as LOTW, (logbook of the world), eQSL or other such?

Any pointers would be appreciated.

All the best,
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2021 8:39 am

Morning Victor
I had a request to confirm one the other day but when i went to the "incoming" tab and clicked on it there was nothing in there for me to confirm.
I don't know how it works.
Do others get an "incoming" alert when i put them in my log and when they react does it then show as confirmed.

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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2021 9:28 am

I'm presuming no notes or error messages back for the unconfirmed ones?  Are these confirmation requests you've sent, or ones you've received and responded to?

Typical causes are the other party not actually running a QRZ logbook, despite having a page on there, or the time being out by more than 30mins, and it then asks you to enter it manually...which is painful.

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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2021 9:57 am

Theres no need for anyone to send a request confirmation on QRZ.con the computer will match the logs automaticaly. If a request is sent and that QSO is already in your log then theres  a mismatch somewhere ,it can be sorted via email if the other OP is willing but MAY need the complete QSO deleted from both logs and redone correctly. One bit of advise as regards the QRZ.con log book is to make sure you have control of your master log on your hardware , its free to enter manually or upload via adi file but should you wish later to upload your log to somewhere else ( like Clublog ) you have to pay to download a adi file from QRZ.con .

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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2021 10:29 am

Cheers for coming back on this guys Smile


Hi Alan,

Yeah, I think I had one of those but luckily had noticed the callsign so although it had initially disappeared it showed as confirmed on the log afterwards. Luckily my limited 'newness' to QRZ logs hasn't stopped me that much so just figuring it out as I go along. This one had me a bit stumped so hence the ask Wink

Great fun though Very Happy

Much appreciated mate.


Hi Jeff,

No errors so far that I can tell, (but as mentioned it's still all new to me). I accidentality wiped my first logs reinstalling WSJT-X before I'd even figured out QRZ uploading!! Shocked Shows what a newbie I really am.
I didn't realise you could actually request confirmations but assumed that if I hadn't received one it was maybe a bit rude to ask. (I had initially though of emailing.)

I think your point of others not necessarily running QRZ logs may be the answer to it all.

After being 'advised' that LOTW/eQSL requires me to send them a copy of my licence etc. for confirmation and even a membership/subscription fee I think I'll just play the numbers of responses on QRZ(!)

It's not really all that important to me anyway as I'm not running for certification/competitions, I'm just enjoying making radio contact and perusing others QRZ profiles when I do. Was probably more worried that I'd screw someone else's chances of QSO counts than anything.

Really appreciate your time.


Hi Kevin,

Thanks for that, much appreciated.

Nice pointer on the .adi file, learned that the hard way with my first mistake in upgrading software and losing the log files(!) So far it's all been an enjoyable experience but have avoided the "give-us-your-money" options Wink


Thanks again guys. I shall get my 'numpty' self off and worry no more Wink

All the best!
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2021 12:30 pm

What i have noticed is you make a contact and they come back and say your name so they have very quickly looked you up on
They turn out to be the ones that confirm.
The rest if you look them up they haven't logged anything on Qrz for some time so i think they don't use it anymore.
It doesn't bother me anyway i know who i have made contact with and i also keep a paper logbook with my own comments sort of thing.

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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2021 3:40 pm

Alan, I found that all a bit freaky the first time until I realised what was going on Wink
I'd also heard operators suddenly go silent if a new M licence wasn't on QRZ!?!

Like you I keep a paper log which is more than enough to keep me personally happy. It's only when I started uploading with FT8 that I started noticing such things. 

Glad you're still enjoying it all Alan, I wish I'd become a Ham years ago!
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2021 4:51 pm

I must be enjoying it Victor as i go out in the shed at 10am every morning until 3 or 4pm.
I have a 750w heater but i still need my coat on lol.
Had a chat with a guy in Austria earlier and he had visited Holyhead but all he remembered was the Chinese takeaway he had the night he stayed here then next morning he set of for "Robin Hood country".(His words)...
A nice old gent he was had a good laugh with him.

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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2021 7:07 pm

Your Austrian QSO sounds great Alan Smile

I'm lucky that I've got a warm room but limited to when I can up to it. Spending more time building gear than on the radio at the mo though! Very Happy
(Station monitor on the oscilloscope, built a frequency counter, boxed up the radio digital interface amongst others things.)

Keep enjoying yourself mate.
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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2021 1:14 am

Alan Pilot wrote:
I must be enjoying it Victor as i go out in the shed at 10am every morning until 3 or 4pm.
I have a 750w heater but i still need my coat on lol.
Had a chat with a guy in Austria earlier and he had visited Holyhead but all he remembered was the Chinese takeaway he had the night he stayed here then next morning he set of for "Robin Hood country".(His words)...
A nice old gent he was had a good laugh with him.
Pleased to hear you are enjoying it, Alan.👍
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2021 8:36 am

I do cheet a little as at 9am i say "Alexa turn shed heater on" lol.
The electric bill is due soon that might put a damper on it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NOT lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2021 9:32 am

Alan Pilot wrote:
I must be enjoying it Victor as i go out in the shed at 10am every morning until 3 or 4pm.
I have a 750w heater but i still need my coat on lol.

Victor wrote:
I'm lucky that I've got a warm room but limited to when I can up to it. Spending more time building gear than on the radio at the mo though! Very Happy

I'll swap you both for that weather....we've had a week of high thirties, with a few days at or over forty (Celsius, obviously!), and today is getting back up there again.  Aircon'd office for me and the radios....and the solar takes the sting out of the power bill! Very Happy

I miss my freezing cold UK winters...the wife and kids think I'm nuts!

Re logging...I just use N1MM connected to both the radio and WSJTX, so all you really have to type is callsign, signals and a note or name.  Then, every so often, I'll export to ADIF and upload to QRZ.

Only time I use something different is VK contests, when I run a locally written logging program that has the rules in it for the contest, and then I export from that into both N1MM and QRZ after the contest.

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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2021 10:01 am

Couldn't handle that sort of heat Jeff! Think it's my 'Scottish' genes coming to play....I break a sweat and get a sun tan opening the fridge! Very Happy

Regards the Aussie heat. When I had problems with my FT757GX VFO optical encoder I came across a VK on youtube showing how the dial grease had suffered with the heat on his. His helpful video showed how to strip the optical encoder and clean it up for which I'm eternally grateful. Turns out my Ham friend who gifted me the radio had  installed it mobile in his van and had suffered similar issues, as in grease melted all over the place!

Yeah, loads of logging software out there but I've limited myself using Linux so settled on CQRLog in the end.
Lessons learned with the ADIF files and now back up all over the place!
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PostSubject: Re: Logbook and QSO confirmations Logbook and QSO confirmations Icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2021 12:38 pm

43CT016 wrote:
Alan Pilot wrote:
I must be enjoying it Victor as i go out in the shed at 10am every morning until 3 or 4pm.
I have a 750w heater but i still need my coat on lol.

Victor wrote:
I'm lucky that I've got a warm room but limited to when I can up to it. Spending more time building gear than on the radio at the mo though! Very Happy

I'll swap you both for that weather....we've had a week of high thirties, with a few days at or over forty (Celsius, obviously!), and today is getting back up there again.  Aircon'd office for me and the radios....and the solar takes the sting out of the power bill! Very Happy

I miss my freezing cold UK winters...the wife and kids think I'm nuts!

Re logging...I just use N1MM connected to both the radio and WSJTX, so all you really have to type is callsign, signals and a note or name.  Then, every so often, I'll export to ADIF and upload to QRZ.

Only time I use something different is VK contests, when I run a locally written logging program that has the rules in it for the contest, and then I export from that into both N1MM and QRZ after the contest.
You would be in your element at the moment, Jeff. Lots of snow and freezing conditions here in the Peak District at the moment.😁
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