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 Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz

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Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Empty
PostSubject: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2021 9:47 pm

I never really hear anything going on around this frequency, but this evening whilst tuning through I heard a few minutes of a convo on 4.771 LSB. Very weak, but one sounded Brit and the other Oz, and had some other sideband chatter in the background. I took an audio clip just before it all faded out to just static.. and when I say all, I mean both sides of the convo and the background SSB chatter. Heard no callsigns given in the few minutes the signals were present.

It's not a Ham designated frequency as far as I know. Very strange. I thought my radio might be playing up as it's very old, but I have never seen anything like this before on it. Any ideas what it might be? Anyone recognise the operators?

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PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2021 11:31 pm

Hi Neal,

According to the OfCom band plan that frequency is for low power aeronautical use and just above the marine bands.

However I think I recognise the operators typical conversation and they are usually found chatting on 80m. I think your old radio is picking up the IF image frequency from 80m. (Twice the IF frequency down, 455khz X 2?)

They seem to be chatting about a 'boom arm'. There's an Aussie sounding guy but UK operator that chats on 80m and you can usually pick him out as he seems to span some 8khz, (!!!!! Instead of the usual 3khz), doing his best to exalt the use of SSB as a 'high-fidelity' transmission. (Hence the massive bandwidth use!) He usually chats to a Brit as they twiddle menu audio settings in their quest for 'hi-fi' SSB. (PITA if you ask me hogging all that bandwidth for no point.)

They rarely give their call signs being so deep in their audio quests except when they first call out for each other.

I can't remember their call signs but the Aussie sounding guy exalts 'Hi-Fi' SSB on his QRZ page too.

If I remember or catch them on air I'll try recording them so you can hear for yourself. It's not just down to your old radio either, they're usually pumping power as well as splattering all over the Ham bands(!) Quite a few operators have given them a digging word about it but in typical fashion......they think everyone else is 'jealous' of their 'superior' audio!?! Very Happy

Anyway, hope that helps.

All the best,

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Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2021 6:19 am

Hi Victor,

Thank you for that. It sounds a very plausible explanation, I guess that solves it. If I hear any similar activity again in that area I will go straight down to that band and have a listen. I guess I was a little tired last night and didn't even think about checking there. I did go up to the little 5 MHz section after all signals were gone, that was all quiet too, but didn't think about going down Neutral

Just did a little net search on Hi-Fi SSB and it has been quite an eye opener. I wasn't aware till now that it was a 'thing' and such a controversial topic. Will be a new to me aspect of radio I can read up on. Thanks

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PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2021 7:14 am

No worries Neal.

You'll easily pick them out on 80m as often they chat for hours.....whether you'll be able to resolve their SSB transmissions and audio is another thing! Wink

I'm all for experimenting, especially with radio but there has to come a point where you question your actions if it affects anyone else. Splattering across a limited space frequency bandwidth with IM distortions is not exactly considerate.

Imagine you're sat quietly fishing on a serene waterway and suddenly someone speeds past on a speed boat their wake almost washing away all your gear. You'd be upset and no doubt the other couple of dozen fisherman along that waterway would be equally upset. You manage to flag them down on their next pass and ask them what are they doing.....they tell you in full detail about their engine and the superior bow wave in front of their boat without a second thought.....?!?!

You explain that they're ruining the fishing for you as well as all the other fisherman.

Their response, "It's ALL water-sport mate......if you don't like it move somewhere else."

You respond with, "What?....All of us???"

They then come back with.....
"Well, we need a run up along the river before we can see the bow wave and the engine is at it's full potential."  Shocked Rolling Eyes

As you can tell, I'm not a fan of so called ESSB, (Enhanced Single Side Band). We really should be considerate to one and another.

That opened up a whole new kettle of fish didn't it? Wink Smile

Thanks for posting the recording Neal, always interesting talking 'radio'.

All the best,

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Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2021 7:40 am

New one to me that ESSB Victor will look into it.
Playtime very soon.
FT-991A number 2 being delivered tomorrow  Very Happy Very Happy  Very Happy (long story thought number 1 had failed)....
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PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2021 8:22 am

Oh gawd what have I done? Forget ESSB......pleeeaaase! Wink Very Happy

Sorry to hear about your FT Alan mate. You'll have to let us know what happened but glad you're getting sorted.
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Alan Pilot
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Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2021 8:59 am

It just started freezing did a full reset several times.
Handy i had bought the RT software and had a backup file.
Went on for several days and i came across another set (getting hard to find at the moment) so i bought it had just sold 2 scanners 1k worth (don't ask) so station commander was ok with it lol.
Anyway i just happened to notice the firmware on my set it has 4 of them and 3 where up to date but the Main was not.
You are supposed to do all 4 at the same time but read some nightmare stories about doing it.
Anyway in for a penny and all that i did the Main firmware update and so far it's working perfectly and all firmwares up to date.
Don't understand why someone did the other 3 especially when you are told to do the Main first.
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PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2021 10:03 am

Oh flipping heck Alan, bit of a nightmare.

(My apologies Neal, going a bit of track for a mo. Wink)

At least you sussed it out in the end Alan. That's why I like my old radios - no poxy firmware updates required!
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Alan Pilot
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Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2021 10:47 am

Yep sorry Neal.
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Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2021 11:06 am

if you want some answers, try this link , if you zoom out, all station names are on the scale, and for more questions there is a chat (english) for all your questions.
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PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeSat Apr 10, 2021 7:08 am

Thank you Peter for that link. I had a brief play with it last night and I quickly confirmed Victor was correct in the who and where of the source of the operators signal originated. I clearly saw the bandwidth spread mentioned too.

Last night a I had a lot of neighbour electrical based interference so it was great to be able to tune around on a remote radio that was being troubled as I was. It does not feel the same using someone else's radio to pick up new signals, but it I will probably still use it from time to time if my noise level gets too high at home.

..and no worries all for going sort of off topic. As Victor said "always interesting talking 'radio'", even if it does waver slightly in theme Smile

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PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeSat Apr 10, 2021 8:50 am

Great stuff with the feedback Neal.

The University of Twente WebSDR is one I use quite often for SWL activities when the noise is high at my location so an excellent pointer from Peter there. Smile

There's a whole list of good online SDRs available at

Like you I enjoy a good bit of SWL activity and there's just something great about tuning around on your own set. I used to have a DX-300 many moons ago and loved it only moving on when a Lowe HF225 became available to me. It was a good set and served me well.

As for the ESSB Ham user, due to the splattering IM distortions I can also pick him up on my IF images, but if you really want a show of failure then tune to his third harmonic, (up in the 11m broadcast band), and unless the Chinese SW stations are booming he comes through clearly there too!  Shocked

He'd only need a minute to tune a remote WebSDR to see how bad his transmissions are despite the so called 'superior' audio quality. Wink

Anyway Neal, really enjoyed this and sure others did too. Just simply great chatting all things radio!  Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz 1f44d 

All the best,
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Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeSat Apr 10, 2021 3:23 pm

Don't know about this ESSB but i have SSSB.
Stereo Single Side Band with the twins running in the shack.
Yes the second one turned up today lol.

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PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeSun Apr 11, 2021 8:11 am

Stereo Alan? Very Happy

You could listen to two bands at once now! Smile

Oh hang on, you'd need two antennas. Wink

Hee, hee! Enjoy yourself mate.
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PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeSun Apr 11, 2021 10:22 am

Got 3 antennas Victor long wire the HF-vertical plus a 2m/70cm.
Got GB3MP on at the moment and 20 meters on the other lol.
In a bit of a dilemma as i don't need 2 or do i ??????????

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PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeSun Apr 11, 2021 10:49 am

Ha! Can't have too many antennas Alan. Smile

Saying that you can't have too many radios either - I have three on the go, four if you count websdr, been talking on two of them and having another bash at a repair on this FT897d.

They seem to breed like rabbits! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz   Ham sounding convo on 4.7MHz Icon_minitimeSun Apr 11, 2021 11:20 am

The station commander surprised me 2 radio's =2k and she didn't blink lol.
And that is just the start of it as you know all the other bit's add up.
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