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 CB Radio in Leeds

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PostSubject: CB Radio in Leeds   CB Radio in Leeds Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2021 12:53 am

Before I waste money on an antenna and radio, does anyone know if there is much in the way of CB radio going on in Leeds?

I've been looking at a few of the different YouTube channels for CB as well as the equipment and I find it fascinating. You can probably guess some of the channels. Also been looking at HF/VHF/UFH as well both sides of the pond.

I am going to take the foundation exam once things return to normal. I don't do zoom video calls. It is a bit sinister to me which is why I'm waiting and not doing it now.

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PostSubject: Re: CB Radio in Leeds   CB Radio in Leeds Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2021 6:29 am

Hi and welcome to Charlie Tango.

From the looks of the call sign list there appears to be a dozen or so members registered as being from Leeds. Unfortunately however they do not appear to be active members of the forum so your request may be falling on deaf ears.

In some parts of the UK there is a lot of CB activity and in others parts very little, (very quiet CB wise in my area). So it can be a bit hit and miss depending on your location. When the 'skip' is active you can receive transmissions from around the world and transmit back to them also. We're coming into the summer 'skip' conditions as well as a rise in solar activity where a lot of radio, especially CB, can become quite exciting! Smile

There are ways of listening to radio traffic without having to fork out for antennas and radios via the internet.

One source that comes immediately to mind is :-

Listed there are many online receivers around the world you can access and 'tune' around listening to your heart's content.

One that comes to mind with a good interface to use and a dedicated CB section is G0XBU's receiver near Jodrell Bank, link below :-


Although it is not in Leeds it will at least give you some indication of radio activity in that area.

Be aware that this receiver does pick up a lot of less than desirable CB operators in that region who think that music playing, on-air arguments and swearing is the name of the game. I can assure you that this is not always the case around the country. But, there are also Amateur Radio bands you can listen to there which may quench your desire for getting your Foundation licence.

As regards the Foundation licence you can complete an online training course without any video calls whatsoever. The only time you would need to be in a video call is for the final examination and it's not as off-putting as it can seem to be. (I had a wonderful volunteer invigilate my exam and we had a good old fashioned chat before and after the exam. Smile)

The course I took and can recommend is with Essex Ham, details on link below :-

Essex Ham Foundation online

The advantage of the online course and exam is that you don't have to travel to a club or pay membership/additional fees. (Clubs are still officially closed as well and considering the average age of members plus the Covid vaccine not being 100% guaranteed may still struggle for some time.) The other advantage is that you do not have to fulfil the 'practical' assessments but can still view online videos to learn more about that aspect should you wish. You can also pretty much study at your own pace and only go for the exam when you feel you are ready.

Well, a lot of info there but I hope it helps out.

All the best,

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CB Radio in Leeds Empty
PostSubject: Re: CB Radio in Leeds   CB Radio in Leeds Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2021 8:05 am

I had never done a video call on a computer until i went for the foundation licence.
Wasn't that bad and easy to setup.
The rest as Victor said plenty to be found on the net.

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PostSubject: Re: CB Radio in Leeds   CB Radio in Leeds Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2021 9:26 am

Hi john, don't be put off by zoom.3ooo+foundation exams have been taken like this in the last year. I had never used zoom until my exam, its not as bad as I thought. Also essex ham course in your home at your leisure is a winner for me. Either way let us know how you get on.
mark  26ct3433

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PostSubject: Re: CB Radio in Leeds   CB Radio in Leeds Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2021 8:30 am

Markone wrote:
Hi john, don't be put off by zoom.3ooo+foundation exams have been taken like this in the last year. I had never used zoom until my exam, its not as bad as I thought. Also essex ham course in your home at your leisure is a winner for me. Either way let us know how you get on.
mark  26ct3433

Yes, exactly.  We’re putting heaps through the US exams, all via Zoom.  We’ve had people who can barely use the computer, but once we settle them down and get them into the exam itself, they walk it if they’ve studied.

Don’t let the Zoom element put you off.

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PostSubject: Re: CB Radio in Leeds   CB Radio in Leeds Icon_minitime

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