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 SS9900 from home trial....

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Call Sign : 26-CT-3921 / M7GDA
Posts : 139
Times Thanked : 6
Join date : 2020-12-22
QTH or Location : Lambourn
Equipment Used : CRT SS9900, CRT ONE N, CRT Electro, UV-5r, B550p, HP-202, Sirio 4000, T2lT, Sharmans X-50, Diamond A430....and many bits of wire.

ss9900 - SS9900 from home trial.... Empty
PostSubject: SS9900 from home trial....   ss9900 - SS9900 from home trial.... Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2022 10:58 pm

Hi all,

I've just tried my brilliant mobile set-up from my spare bedroom with the antenna on a baking tray....SS9900 and the Sirio 4000 on ML145.....suffice to say that the results were largely predictable. SWR of about 4, QRM of about S4 (and only because the antenna was not receiving anything!), and absolutely nothing audible on any band or any mode.  I just had to be completely sure that there were no shortcuts at my QTH, and that's now proven.... T2lt next I think!!


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SS9900 from home trial....
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