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 In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use?

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In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use? Empty
PostSubject: In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use?   In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 17, 2022 11:54 am

In an emergency situation where you could not receive a mobile telephone signal what would be the best ham radio frequency to use to try and summon help. Would this be the 2m & 70cm calling frequencies? Is there a frequency that can be used similar to the Marine Channel 16 VHF which is used as a calling and distress channel and is monitored by the coastguard?

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In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use? Empty
PostSubject: Re: In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use?   In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 17, 2022 12:40 pm

In the past I have used local repeaters.

Before mobile phones I once called for help by a 70cms repeater that was 12miles away.
The station that responded called the police for me. I had happened across someone trying
to gas themself in a car. Lucky the person was still alive as a passing motorist had pulled the pipe
out of the car.

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In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use? Empty
PostSubject: Re: In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use?   In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 17, 2022 4:07 pm

Great posting there Derek with a great question to ask.

Mike's input to the scenario is a perfect example of how radio can help in dire situations.

You can be pretty sure that if you ever had to make an emergency call on the Amateur bands you'd choose any and all frequencies you have access to. At least by calling many frequencies you'd be bound to receive a response.

The RSGB has a brief web page on emergency radio use :-

They mention Raynet there too with a link to their pages.

I have heard stories second hand regards such emergencies but also heard a direct example on air.
An elderly gentleman on a typical 80m or 40m net (I can't remember specifically) was having difficulties and didn't feel too good whilst on a 'Lockdown-Net'. Luckily someone knew him and directed emergency services to him, I believe also started driving to his location. I'm unsure of the outcome but it was with a sense of relief that someone had come to his aid.

I'll always remember how he apologised for interrupting the round-robin list of callers, bless him.

Of course there's whole areas of 'expertise' regards so called SHTF scenarios and you can explore them at your whim. (The USA seems to love such stuff.) I do though remember the panic that ensued by my own daughters when a power cut had them shocked that despite their mobile phones being charged they couldn't make calls, send texts or access the internet. Rolling Eyes

Under emergency situations anyone can transmit on Amateur frequencies if it involves a life threatening scenario even unlicensed and handy to know if there are other family members at home. Might be worth brushing up their skills on where your radio is with the basics such as how to turn it on. You just never know.

I would have thought that 2m/70cm and repeaters would be a best option for such a scenario knowing that some repeater keepers go to great lengths for emergency backup power. Being perfect for local communications is a plus. However, many of the repeaters are lacklustre regards activity in some areas not helped by selfish individuals who abuse them for whatever nefarious reasons.

Ashamedly I've stopped monitoring repeaters I can receive near me but wasn't helped any by the recorded "Convoy" CB phrase transmissions, the constant 'Kerchunking' by keying up the repeaters or the phantom whistle blower.

Probably of the same mentality as those that call the actual emergency services 'just for laughs'. Let's hope that one day their own possible reliance on such facilities isn't hindered also.

Anyway, apologies for my usual waffle but it is perhaps another one of those areas we never investigate until it's probably too late.

All the best,

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In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use? Empty
PostSubject: Re: In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use?   In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 17, 2022 4:56 pm

Good afternoon Ivy Mike & Victor

Many thanks for your replies to my post, and no apologies required Victor, I enjoyed reading "your waffle".

I'm a complete newbie with ham radio having just finished the excellent online Foundation course training offered by EssexHam.

When using my small dinghy I always carried a Marine handheld radio for emergency use, fortunately I never needed to use it although when listening to channel 16 I have heard of others that required help.

I will take a look at the RSGB webpage that you (Victor) have kindly pointed me towards and hope they can shed some light on the best course of action to take if needed.

Once again many thanks for your replies and advice.

Best wishes

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PostSubject: Re: In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use?   In an Emergency Situation what frequency to use? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2022 8:13 am

Good info given by Mike and Victor already.

Relating to Mike's post, even today there are areas in the UK, and almost certainly in other countries, where mobile phone signals can't be received even when the phone network is fully operational. I think I've mentioned before there are a couple of patches near me where there is no signal and I having broken down once in the car and got it stuck in mud once too, although I managed to fix the fault myself and get unstuck from the mud, it was reassuring to have the uv5r in the car that I knew reached the local 2m repeater and also a few illegally high powered PMR DX stations in the closest town.

Mine is set to scan the PMR channels, the few most local repeaters, 2m calling frequency, and a couple of others. I would continue to monitor those if the power went out and the phones went down. If I was calling for help myself I would first try the closest 2m repeater as I know a lot of people listen to is and use it, but if it was down would try the 2m calling frequency or PMR before moving onto CB then other HF frequencies.

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