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 checking CB radio works

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PostSubject: checking CB radio works   checking CB radio works Icon_minitimeTue Dec 20, 2022 5:05 pm

I have recently purchased a Midland Alan 42 DS. I have very little experience or knowledge about CB radio. I had also bought a President Mckinley as I am aware of limited range of handheld CB radios. With my lack of knowledge I believe I may have damaged this. I also bought a telescopic antenna for the handheld (TWAYRDIO BNC Telescopic Handheld Portable CB Radio Antenna 27Mhz Extendable 23.3cm to 1.3m). I am not sure this works now. Please can you advice be about how or where I can get the CB radios checked to see if they work. I live near Newmarket

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PostSubject: Re: checking CB radio works   checking CB radio works Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2022 10:16 am

Hi Robbie,

Hopefully your posting in this section now will be seen by many more who may be able to offer help.

It's pretty hard to damage a radio unless you do something silly like a wrong fuse on the power lead (silver foil anyone?!?!) and connect it in reverse. It's also a lot harder to damage the finals than most think too.

In circumstances where you can't get hold of someone local to check your gear it's always helpful to have two radios where you can transmit on one (from a distance or using a dummy load) whilst receiving on the other. I do this with my Ham gear luckily having a good shortwave receiver as well so can always check things like modulation etc.

You're sort of stuck between the middle of nowhere regards a CB shop with the 4x4 centre at Thetford and the next nearest being Rocket Radio at Hitchin so not too easy to 'pop' in for a quick check.

You could always check the webSDR internet receiver in your neck of the woods at the following link :-

Hopefully you'll be able to hear your transmission on it or even check out CB reception in your area through it. (Some areas are really quiet regards CB activity.)

Here's hoping that you can get sorted or indeed if there's a kind soul your way in the world that can assist.

All the best,

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PostSubject: Re: checking CB radio works   checking CB radio works Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2022 10:28 am

Ah, it seems after a check that the webSDR receiver I suggested may not be fully operational. Crying or Very sad

After checking the map :- seems you may be bereft of receiver options in your part of the world too.

I'm afraid I haven't anything further to suggest unless you can get yourself off to a CB/Amateur Radio shop. It's not like the old days where every town seemingly had a 'rig doctor' to hand or a veritable mix of CB operators.

I can only wish you well with it all.

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PostSubject: Re: checking CB radio works   checking CB radio works Icon_minitime

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