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 PNI Escort 6500 possible bug

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PostSubject: PNI Escort 6500 possible bug   PNI Escort 6500 possible bug Icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2023 7:21 pm

Hello ... i got a pni 6500 to keep going for now at EU band ... but i am always curious & touching things, so i set it my self to export mode (8W) for experimental purposes ...

Inexperience & accidental, got a smaller power supply at 3 Amps but at export mode seems consuming 3.70 Amps (i mention this, in the case the power supply causing glitches, did not check it yet if this is the case, but i don't think so)

PNI was set to EU40 band by default ... First thing was to check with my pl-990 if was transmitting ok, even was test in very close distance looks was the correct freqs & transmission was ok as well at first glance

Started to checking multi rooms, so i end up at CE/UK band ...

1) the unit there, from time to time (not always) seems randomly ... when i press the AF button to change from UK to CE (EU FM) band ... will transmit 10HZ left, example at ch4, 27004 and not 27005

2) sometimes going back to UK Band or swapping many times back to CE band ... i am not getting any signal at the channel freq the unit was set (example ch4 at 27005 mhz pl-990 will not bring up any signal)

Both cases fix by turn off & back on the unit ...
It may be issue caused by the lower power supply, it may be an other firmware the unit i got (example newer) from the olders pni's 6500, it maybe just mine ...

3) An other small issue, again randomly, but very rare ... when i press the AF button to change the AM/FM mode it turns on the squelch instead of the modulation

It looks like if playing with the buttons very fast/quick & very often it has bad effect

 PNI Escort 6500 possible bug 26d4  How ever users of this model keep an eye if this is the case with other units ... will send email to PNI regarding these issues

 PNI Escort 6500 possible bug 26a0  And i have find one more way alternative to change multi rooms (as far search for it, no one mentioned) instead of pres & hold AF > turn on the unit > use the arrow/channels buttons to change bands > switch off > switch back on

--> Press & hold the EMG button > keep pressing switch on the unit > while keep pressing the EMG button change with the arrow/channels buttons the band > now let the EMG button > done , not need to run off/on again (video below)

Perhaps the issue with unstable transmissions caused when i was using this method ...
Did not check again ( & will delay to check lol) because once i let it at EU band (changed as the manual says) & stopped playing with all buttons very fast changes ... the unit perform well & i got proper DX in France & south Greece at Laconia very far from me
(DX it may be connected with the issue transmission, it may  not ... but if works, do not touch again)

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PostSubject: Re: PNI Escort 6500 possible bug   PNI Escort 6500 possible bug Icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2023 7:32 pm

And note thunderpole t600 & k-po k-100 are the same units, so may have same issue, thanks

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PostSubject: Re: PNI Escort 6500 possible bug   PNI Escort 6500 possible bug Icon_minitimeSat Jan 21, 2023 7:03 am

Hi Babis,

Thanks for posting, it all adds interest to the forum and often provides help to other members of the CT group.

Unfortunately with many radios on the market nowadays they all rely on microprocessor control often with poor or no switch debouncing circuitry (even simple capacitors help) and problems like this can occur. Even the correct choice of power supply can often make the difference as some radio designs utilise voltage levels for control lines via an A/D (analogue to digital) microprocessor pin with resistors inline with switch facilities. (The microphone Up/Down buttons are one such example.)

I know that with my Ailunce HD1 handheld it doesn't like running on the battery eliminator with selection knobs 'jittering' but the problem goes away when running from the original battery pack. However just like how you've experienced if I turn the rotary encoder knobs slowly or give buttons a definite push they operate much better. (Poor debouncing.)

I sometimes experience similar problems with my Leixen VHF/UHF set too and when it "plays up" a power on/off to reset it helps.

Some may cite modern "Chinese junk" reasons but even my old Yaesu FT290r doesn't like the VFO encoder switched too fast and sometimes plays up when operating from portable batteries as they discharge. Wink

Great posting and I hope you are able to work around or with such issues.

All the best,
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PostSubject: Re: PNI Escort 6500 possible bug   PNI Escort 6500 possible bug Icon_minitimeSun Jan 22, 2023 12:22 am

Thanks adding your experience ... is good to know possible issues because few may send back the radios for a small reason ... just users keep an eye

It could be the power supply in my case (i am suspecting that & is why i mention my issue with it) ...
but the radio even at 4W mode where is enough supply & not changing modes, bands etc, the AF button still enables squelch at random times ... personal i think is some malfunction/bug with the AF button, if there was a firmware update may helps ...

Personal Solution had reset the radio and keep only the EU band is all good
For use at UK/CE band which is together & depending via the AF button the change/swap band ... as long will not change from UK to CE band, is also fine so far i noticed

Will investigate this later on with better power supply, but currently not time for more testing, if have some free time, is better to use it normal Smile last days seems very good for dx
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PostSubject: Re: PNI Escort 6500 possible bug   PNI Escort 6500 possible bug Icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2023 9:33 pm

Update ...
Respect to Admin Smile
After testing for a week & half a cheap power supply with 13V
did not noticed Any issues of the above

How ever seems using more Volts the tuner RX sound more blurry not as clear  (less volts more clear - same does & my eurosonic es200 feeding it with more volts) & i noticed at AM mode after pressing 10-12 times the TX button to transmit , 1-2 times it may transmit to left example if i am at 27005 will send more power signal at 27004 mhz ... again an on/off fixing the issue ...
Next test when will get a proper power supply ...

Also FM audio seems little lower, need to open it & adjust the FM deviation

Apart that these cheap ones seems is gamble (but is fine for beginner) ... here one pni6500 send for adjustment giving 2.2 or 2.7 watts out of the box & will not make over 3.5 watts

and here user complained pni6500 still had issue, so the man got its self a brand new & does up to 4 watts out of the box
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PostSubject: Re: PNI Escort 6500 possible bug   PNI Escort 6500 possible bug Icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2023 9:55 pm

PNI Escort 6500 possible bug 2023-013

out of box normal mode 3.8W & below 10W (1W but multiple by 10) high mode EU Band

PNI Escort 6500 possible bug Img_2012
PNI Escort 6500 possible bug Img_2013
A cheap SWR meter arrived Albrecht swr 30, so test placed

Had same small issues as here (even if branded different model number are both same)

First the FM MOD postesiometer needed to turn it a very bit left side (see photo how cb placed id helps to understand what position was) by factory FM MOD was tuned right near the right end ... the adjust done with my pl-990 which i know well the long time i own it ... now at FM sound is stronger

AM MOD was OK according my pl-990 did not touch it

For Sensitivity reception of the radio at this point could not find any adjustments at my current unit model

The 1W pontesiometer (below the 4W pontetiometer) does not exist at the unit i got (videos above from a UK person has it below of the 4W) at my unit is been removed

The Watts out of the box was set at 3.8W checked at ch 20 EU40 band at 13V

Set a switch power supply at 12 Volts watts remained the same (about 3.6) and change to 14V about 4W really no difference 0.2-0.4 watts

At my unit adjusting the watts can be done by turning the 4W pontesiometer, to very left will bring it down to 0.5, & right end turn up to 6W
(note one unit at video above will not go over 3.5W & website i just upper linked in this post with the amateur person, state his will go up to 5.2W)

Using High mode the watts was/are fixed at 10W ch 20 & can not be adjusted

Adjusted to 6W max (Normal mode) & from now on test a

EU40 band (EDIT not UK/CEPT just EU band alone)
ch 1 - 4W
ch 20 - 6W for a reason at middle channels was better
ch 40 5W

Using the fixed High mode
ch 1 - 10W
ch 20 - 10.2W
ch 40 - 10.1W

Changed to UK band (EDIT CEPT change via AF button not tested)

Normal mode just UK band
ch 1- 3.8W
ch 20 3.5W
ch 40 2.6W

UK Band at High mode
ch 1- 6.8W
ch 20 - 5.8W
ch 40 - 4W

That confirms the upper link when going upper freq the Watts are going less in this unit ... my PNI is locked to normal CB Bands (i did not wanted to unlock it at present) so going over 28Mhz could not test but according to link it ends up with just 2W & perhaps at 30Mhz just 1W

PNI finally set at EU40 Band with 4 legal Watts at ch 20 EU band ... Thanks 3 photos added to help the review

Last edited by babis3g on Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:39 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : correction / added info)
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PostSubject: Re: PNI Escort 6500 possible bug   PNI Escort 6500 possible bug Icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2023 10:07 pm

forgot to say was not connected a dummy load but a car cb antenna
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