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 Programming Anyone AT-778UV

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Programming Anyone AT-778UV Empty
PostSubject: Programming Anyone AT-778UV   Programming Anyone AT-778UV Icon_minitimeSun Jan 29, 2023 1:49 pm


I've recently purchased an Anytone AT-778UV which I'm programming using the Anytone software.

I have a couple of questions I would like to ask to make sure I programmed the radio correctly.

1. Repeaters :

My two closest repeats are
MB71ZR / Peterlee
144.96250 Simplex 118.8Hz

GB3HG / Thirsk
145.6500 -0.6MHz 88.5Hz

The Anytone software asks for both RX frequency & TX frequency but does not have an option for the offset.
There are two options for entering the tone, CTCSS/DCS Decode & CTCSS/DCS Encode

Which are the correct values I should use to program the repeaters?

2. Marine bands : 

I have a list of Marine frequencies where some are shown as Simplex so this value would be used for both RX & TX.
Other frequencies are listed as e.g.  Simplex & Duplex yyy.yyy
Is the simplex value used for TX & duplex value used for TX, or should they be the other way around ?
I know I can't transmit on the Marine channels but the Anytone software does provide the option of switching TX off.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

73 Derek
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Programming Anyone AT-778UV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Programming Anyone AT-778UV   Programming Anyone AT-778UV Icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2023 11:44 am

Hi Derek,

Have you got sorted yet? (50/50 chance on the TX/RX frequencies. Wink )

The simplex repeater (MB7IZR) as you may have figured out has the same input and output frequency so set them the same for both. You can do the same for the CTCSS code too.

I believe this connects to the AllStar Digital network but is analogue FM input/output.
(Handy if you don't have DMR facilities.)

On the Duplex repeater (GB3HG) the first frequency is the repeaters transmission so you set that as your RX frequency and then the -0.6Mhz is the offset you programme for your TX so 145.0500MHz.

It can all be a bit confusing when you first start programming repeaters but you will get the hang of it. Programming Anyone AT-778UV 1f44d 

The repeater coverage map for GB3HG shows no coverage in your area (your forum profile QTH of Middlesbrough) as shown here :-

It may be worth checking out GB3IR as it shows coverage in your area :-

(Set your radio TX as 145.1625MHz and RX as 145.7625MHz, CTCSS = 88.5Hz.)

As for the Marine frequencies (I've never done this being about as far away from the sea as you can get) the simplex frequencies mean you should be able to hear both sides ships & shore by setting your receive frequency to the one shown on your list.

For the Duplex these are full duplex so either set your frequency to the 'Shore' frequency to hear them or the 'Ship' frequency to hear the ships. I don't think you can do both on the Anytone but don't shoot me if I'm wrong. Wink

Hopefully that's of use to you.

To check repeaters in your area first find your Maidenhead Locator square here :-

Then simply type in your address to get a locator which will be made up of two letters, two numbers and then a further two letters. (Middlesbrough comes up as IO94jn.)

Then if you go to the RSGB UK repeaters page :- can type in your Maidenhead locator into the 'locator' box and click on the 'calculate' button to bring up a list of repeaters. Then if you click on the '[km]' tab you can see repeaters in your area by distance from you.

A lot of stuff to absorb and apologies for all the links but they may come in useful.

Don't fret if you don't get it right straight away, I think all of us may have struggled to get our head around repeaters to start with but before long you'll become an expert at it.

Have fun and all the best,

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Programming Anyone AT-778UV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Programming Anyone AT-778UV   Programming Anyone AT-778UV Icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2023 5:08 pm

Good afternoon Victor

Many thanks for your reply to my post and all the help and assistance your reply contained.

Yesterday I programmed both repeaters mentioned in my post to my radio using the controls on the radio. Since reading your reply I have connected the radio to my PC and opened the programming software. I can now see that with a -0.6MHz offset the RX frequency is the one shown on repeater book and the TX value is -0.6MHz lower. I'm still unsure if the CTCSS tone value should be entered in both the CTCSS/DCS Decode & CTCSS/DCS Encode columns. For now I have entered it in both but when I press the PTT to transmit I do not hear a confirmation tone back from the repeater.

When I programmed my UV-5R using Chirp I only needed to enter the CTCSS code in one column, there isn't the option of entering it twice in Chirp. Sure I'll get there in the end.

As for the Marine Channels I will just programmed the Simplex channels into the radio. I'm more interested in listening to channel 16 which is the Calling & Distress channel.

Thanks again for your help and the links you provided, it's very much appreciated.

Best wishes

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Programming Anyone AT-778UV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Programming Anyone AT-778UV   Programming Anyone AT-778UV Icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2023 5:45 pm

Hi Derek,

You're more than very welcome. If my 'waffle' is in any way useful, I'm happy. Smile

Up to you on the CTCSS codes, obviously needing the encode to open the repeater but not for receiving. Can come in handy though on decode for the same reason as the repeaters use it to prevent hearing far off repeaters when tropospheric propagation comes about. I often hear a Welsh repeater on such 'lifts' as I don't decode the CTCSS on receive. Usually you can transmit back that far so long as you change your code out to match the distant repeater and it can be quite exciting. I had a similar scenario a while back where I was talking to Yorkshire rather than my local repeater even on my Handy!

Worth scanning the simplex 2m channels for such excitement too, especially the FM calling channel.

I miss the old shortwave marine frequencies often listening out for ship to shore radio telephone back in the day.

Enjoy yourself and I'll catch you soon,

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PostSubject: Re: Programming Anyone AT-778UV   Programming Anyone AT-778UV Icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2023 5:50 pm

Oh, meant to say. 

Some repeaters don't have a confirmation 'beep' or switched them off to prevent "kerchunking" or keying up of the repeater. (Pain in the butt as it's useful feedback.) So always worth shouting out but some repeaters can be quiet and you might have to try a few times.

(You'll be amazed how often you don't get a reply but within moments a Ham calls for someone specifically!)

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Programming Anyone AT-778UV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Programming Anyone AT-778UV   Programming Anyone AT-778UV Icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2023 10:38 pm

Hi again Victor

Thanks for your replies and "waffle" (as you refer to it, always a pleasure to read, and I'm sure others on the forum find them as helpful as I do. I'm still a newbie to all things relating to ham radio and everyday is a school day as far as I'm concerned.


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Programming Anyone AT-778UV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Programming Anyone AT-778UV   Programming Anyone AT-778UV Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2023 5:24 am

In the software does it give you the option to install from repeter-book.
Import from ????? under one of the tabs at the top.
A while since i did it now and my memory is like a sieve sorry.

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Programming Anyone AT-778UV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Programming Anyone AT-778UV   Programming Anyone AT-778UV Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2023 3:09 pm

Hi Alan

Many thanks for your reply.

I've taken another look at the Anytone programming software and there does not appear to be an option of installing the repeater frequencies from RepeaterBook. I'm aware this can be done using CHIRP software but unfortunately Chirp does not currently support the AT-778UV.

I appreciate all suggestions and "words of wisdom".
As I said in my earlier post I'm a newbie with respect to ham radio but beginning to get there (albeit slowly).


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PostSubject: Re: Programming Anyone AT-778UV   Programming Anyone AT-778UV Icon_minitime

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