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 mfj 931 artifical ground

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mfj 931 artifical ground Empty
PostSubject: mfj 931 artifical ground   mfj 931 artifical ground Icon_minitimeSat Mar 11, 2023 2:35 pm

hi any one used an mfj artifical ground 931 are of any benifit thanks for looking paul m0kbd 73s
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PostSubject: Re: mfj 931 artifical ground   mfj 931 artifical ground Icon_minitimeSat Mar 11, 2023 4:12 pm

Hi Paul,

I used a homebrew version when I was first playing around with end fed antennas for multi-band operation to tame the RF in the shack. (I have my shack in an upstairs bedroom.) Eventually I abandoned the end feds and dipole arrays I was using in favour of a doublet antenna system. However I did use it again when I was first hooking up the doublet as a Marconi 'T' for working 160m but found slinging a length of wire out of the bedroom window did a better job.

As with anything antenna related there'll always be different points of view but just remember it's an "artificial ground" so won't be providing a typical grounding solution and never lightning protection(!)

The following link was the inspiration when I built and used one, handily there's a schematic for the MFJ unit too :-

There's loads of other information on the old t'internet as well. Wink

Hope that helps.

All the best,
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