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 Awards available for new licence holders

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Call Sign : 26-CT-3971 / 2E0LMI
Posts : 1340
Times Thanked : 86
Join date : 2021-01-30
QTH or Location : Cirencester, Gloucestershire
Equipment Used : Little radios, home-made antennas

Awards available for new licence holders Empty
PostSubject: Awards available for new licence holders   Awards available for new licence holders Icon_minitimeMon Mar 13, 2023 7:16 am

I recently came across this page. I wish I had spotted it earlier as too late for me, but highlighting here now for others who have recently passed their UK Foundation Licence or are thinking about taking it soon:

Top of the page is the Foundation Award. This is to encourage activity across four designated bands during the first year of being licensed. Something for new holders to work on and without any cost that I can see.

Under the Foundation Award is the Intermediate 100 Award. Again be aware that it is only available to apply for during the first year of having the Intermediate Licence. It appears to be with out any cost also apart from a return SAE if sending QSL cards in to be checked.

Not RSGB related, a couple of clubs in the south of the UK are running a scheme which has just started and finishes at the end of November, the Worked All Squares award, full details here:

With any band and any mode being allowed to be used, the playing field is much more even than some of the awards and challenges the clubs have previously ran and so ideal for newly licenced persons to have a go. Free to enter, but you will need to be a member of either Andover or Swindon clubs to take part. These two cover a good chunk of the south of the UK. You can join in and upload your logs at any time until it closes on 30th Nov.

If anyone else knows of any free(ish) awards that can be worked towards by newly licenced persons then do post them here. I am sure that I and others would be interested to learn of them.

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