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Call Sign : 2E0VRX
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Join date : 2019-06-26
QTH or Location : Yorkshire dales
Equipment Used : Yaesu FTdx 101d, MD200 mic ,Mosley 3ele Yagi
Age : 59

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PostSubject: How do I get there    How do I get there  Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2019 11:03 pm

This is your CT guide on how to get to the venue

Here is the address / postcode for The Brandside village hall

Brandside Parish Hall
SK17 0SF

Its off the main A53 Buxton to Leek road

If traveling from out of Buxton on the A53 towards Leek then this is what the junction down to Branside looks like

How do I get there  2apwdk

Notice the small sign on your right saying "Branside"

If traveling down the A53 from Leek towards Buxton then this is what the junction looks like

How do I get there  348ix6f

Again watch out for the small sign on your left

The village hall is on your right about a mile down the lane , you will see the rather large Antenna and tower

Drive safely

cheers Craig
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Call Sign : CT3062 Nimrod. M7ALQ
Posts : 15
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Join date : 2019-06-28
QTH or Location : Newcastle upon Tyne and on the surrounding big, big hills
Equipment Used : 6900n x2, NATO 2000, AE 2990 handheld Baofeng 446 SW radio & Scanner's and more with an Antron 99 @ 30+ft at home but on a 40 ft telescopic or a Thunderbolt + roach pole on the hills Kenwood TS570d Yaesu 450 JRC-NRD 345 Receiver Leixen 898s 40 metre end fed wire and vertical HF 360 @ 30ft Diamond X50 @ 30ft Ray Jeff 660 ADF

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PostSubject: Re: How do I get there    How do I get there  Icon_minitimeSat Jul 06, 2019 3:18 pm

53°12'50.7"N 1°56'10.0"W - Copied & Pasted straight onto the map will give the exact location whereas the postcode just a general one
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