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 South Coast PMR net report

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Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2022 11:41 pm

Hello and welcome 

Here is another episode of "Ray reviews the Monday night PMR net"


"Who forgot the nets birthday? 🎂🎈🎈"

The net was held on Monday 24th of October 2022 and can be found on channel 14 using no CTCSS tones.
My location was Radio Corner Ashdown Forest 🌲 in the county of East Sussex (JO-bb-01) or the home of Winnie the Pooh 🧸 and friends.

The set up was the TYT TH-9800 and the 1/4 wave up on the pole, which was under dark low clouds South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 2601 that looked as if they would drop a deluge of water South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 2614 on you at any moment.

With memories of last week, it was time to start the net.

Now much to everyone's surprise, I called out at 8 o'clock to start the net and was answered by, 'Ray, if that's you, your mic is not working'  Rolling Eyes
So, after a bit of fiddling about, the RJ11 plug was held in place and off we tried again with some success, but during the night I would check that it hadn't moved.

Here is the list of stations that called in.

CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
C V M--Nigel--Crowborough--East Sussex--1st location of the night
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
VT 01--Roy--Biggin Hill--Kent
CT 4362--Chris--Reigate Town--Surrey
GE 12--Tim--Hastings--East Sussex
KP 441--Steve--Henfield--East Sussex--Mobile
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--2nd location of the night 
OT 357--We did hear you calling and called you back throughout the night
CT 3466--Ray C5--Crowhurst--Surrey
D31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex--With his Chinse takeaway interference.
KP 441--Steve--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
GB 23--Paul--Gatwick--West Sussex--Welcome to PMR and thank you for the surprise!
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent
GE 12--Tim--Near Eastbourne--East Sussex
CT 2453--Chris--Near Eastbourne--East Sussex
Speed Bird--Russell--Reigate Hill--Surrey
And me, CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--With the paper and pen 📝

Thank you all who called and if you tried, sorry we didn't hear, please try again next time.

73 and TTFN


Oh, and before I forget, the answer to the question posed at the beginning of the net is yes all of us forgot.

The net turned 7 at the beginning of September, so here's to next year and he 8th anniversary.

Last edited by Razz229 on Sun Oct 30, 2022 9:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2022 6:07 am

They do say that as you get older birthdays become less important and sometimes you may even forget your own! Wink

With such an established Net there Ray taking the example of 'dog years'  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f408 that is a long time for a worthy radio net to be running. South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f44d 

So even though belatedly may I wish a very happy birthday/anniversary to the South Coast PMR Net and all those that organise it, record it, join it and most of all enjoy it.  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f382 

Here's to many more.  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f37b 

All the best,

(Was that enough emojis Ray? I do enjoy an emoji or two. Wink )

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2022 2:12 pm

Gutted to have missed this week's network, but I was actually feeling under the weather. Already looking forward to next weeks shenanigans! 

Also made a new small advert banner to splosh some traffic onto the net to confuse the net controller Mr Ray even more  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602 

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Pmr_ne11

7 years... absolutely terrific! and not to mention getting it into Radio User magazine haha.

Until Monday, 73' and erm... Bonjour!

 South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f606

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2022 6:49 pm

26CT1074 wrote:
Gutted to have missed this week's network, but I was actually feeling under the weather. Already looking forward to next weeks shenanigans! 

Also made a new small advert banner to splosh some traffic onto the net to confuse the net controller Mr Ray even more  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602 

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Pmr_ne11

7 years... absolutely terrific! and not to mention getting it into Radio User magazine haha.

Until Monday, 73' and erm... Bonjour!

 South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f606
What a brilliant banner Mike, shame you got the start time wrong! Laughing Laughing Laughing Razz Sorry I couldn't resist, when you get it right is it ok for me to use it on a website?

Tony (Homebase Brighton).

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2022 7:22 pm

Oh bloody hell, I've been going on it for six years, managed to get it mentioned in a magazine & chaired it on many occasions when Ray was busy...obviously a typo!  what a plonker, I will change it now  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2022 7:26 pm

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Pmr_ne12

There  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602

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Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 30, 2022 9:52 am

Victor wrote:
They do say that as you get older birthdays become less important and sometimes you may even forget your own! Wink

With such an established Net there Ray taking the example of 'dog years'  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f408 that is a long time for a worthy radio net to be running. South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f44d 

So even though belatedly may I wish a very happy birthday/anniversary to the South Coast PMR Net and all those that organise it, record it, join it and most of all enjoy it.  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f382 

Here's to many more.  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f37b 

All the best,

(Was that enough emojis Ray? I do enjoy an emoji or two. Wink )

Hi Victor

No chance of every forgetting my birthday. 
I have a friend who takes great pleasure in reminding me that I'm a year older, every year on my birthday.

I for one, did not expect the net to last this long. 
PMR is so different to HF, it doesn't have regular skip patterns, it doesn't seem to do well from a homebase/town location and what I think puts a lot of people off is the fact that you can't brag about the different countries you have contacted.
But on the plus side, 20 miles on half a watt (if you're on a hill) is something you can brag about 😀 

The more emojis the better 😆 and looking back at the last report I have added more 😆😆

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Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 30, 2022 10:06 am

26CT1074 wrote:
Gutted to have missed this week's network, but I was actually feeling under the weather. Already looking forward to next weeks shenanigans! 

Also made a new small advert banner to splosh some traffic onto the net to confuse the net controller Mr Ray even more  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602 

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Pmr_ne11

7 years... absolutely terrific! and not to mention getting it into Radio User magazine haha.

Until Monday, 73' and erm... Bonjour!

 South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f606

Hi Mike

Love the new banner and you are right, a half hour net with lots of call ins and pass arounds would keep me busy and confused.

Tonyvic wrote:
26CT1074 wrote:
Gutted to have missed this week's network, but I was actually feeling under the weather. Already looking forward to next weeks shenanigans! 

Also made a new small advert banner to splosh some traffic onto the net to confuse the net controller Mr Ray even more  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602 

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Pmr_ne11

7 years... absolutely terrific! and not to mention getting it into Radio User magazine haha.

Until Monday, 73' and erm... Bonjour!

 South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f606
What a brilliant banner Mike, shame you got the start time wrong! Laughing Laughing Laughing Razz Sorry I couldn't resist, when you get it right is it ok for me to use it on a website?

Tony (Homebase Brighton).

Well spotted Tony 👍

26CT1074 wrote:
Oh bloody hell, I've been going on it for six years, managed to get it mentioned in a magazine & chaired it on many occasions when Ray was busy...obviously a typo!  what a plonker, I will change it now  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602

Ha Ha Ha Ha 😆

26CT1074 wrote:
South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Pmr_ne12

There  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602

Hi Mike

This is even a batter banner


I think the frequency is 446.16875?
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South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2022 1:25 am

That's how I read it off my radio but yeah 16875 without the '0' is the one  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f602 

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Pmr_ne13

got there in the end  South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f60b

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Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2022 10:37 am

Hello ghastly ghouls South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f47b and monsters of the night

Welcome to another grisly Ray reviews the Monday night South Coast PMR net


"Día de los Muertos"

The net was held on 31-10-2022, Halloween night or all hollows eve and could have been on channel 13 but we stayed on 14 for safety!

Before getting to my normal location on Ashdown Forest, I collected all the things I would need to survivor the night, Garlic, wooden stakes, Crossbow, silver bullets, holy water, fire and coffee.
Now armed to the teeth, I drove across the dark parts of the forest and the words "stay on the road keep off the moors" randomly popped into my head and 'Was parking in a dark lonely carpark and good idea tonight?' I thought.

I pulled into a dark spooky Radio Corner with my head lights on full beam, but even this didn't have any effect as it seemed the darkness was just swallowing the light.

After putting up the antenna, I locked myself in the vehicle and plugged in the TYT TH-9800, which seemed cursed as the mic plug problems came back to haunt me.
Out came the backup radio, which was a QYT KT 8900D, and away we went.

If your new to the Monday night net or maybe live in the area that the net covers, you can find us on channel 14 or 446.16875 and no CTCSS tones.

Now on with the list of stations that called in and were heard and or worked by the net (some have been added for fun)

CT 3466--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
Speed Bird--Russell--Reigate Hill--Surrey
1 2 3 ah ah ah--The Count--Sesame Street
CT 4627--Joker Steve--Reigate Hill--Surrey
CT 4610--Andy Bartman--Reigate Hill--Surrey
Frankenstein's Monster--Somewhere in Germany
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
Quasimodo--The Bell Tower--Notre Dame--France
KP 441--Steve--Devils Twisted Evil Dyke--West Sussex--A brave man. . . .
Rick Grimes--Atlanta--USA
CT 4263--Chris--Reigate Town--Surrey
Mr Invisible (if anybody saw him lol!)
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
The flying skull South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f480 --Radio Corner--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
CT 4029--Tom--Blackheath--Southeast London--Rocking a UV5R and standard antenna
VT 01--Roy--Biggin Hill--Kent
PIP 57--Paul--Bracknell--Berkshire--Worked by Reigate Hill and heard on Ashdown Forest
The Werewolf--On the Moors--Yorkshire
CT 4515--John--Jack n Jill--West Sussex--1st location of the night
CT 4013--Tony--Jack n Jill--West Sussex
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent
Wednesday Addams--0001 Cemetery Lane
CT 4013 & CT 4515--Tony & John--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex--2nd location of the night
And me CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex

Thank you who called on a busy night with not the best conditions

With the sound of the Monster Mash👻💀 in the background, it's time to bring this scary episode to an end.

Don't worry about that creaking door, scratching at the window or the strange banging coming from the cellar 😱 . Tell yourself IT'S JUST THE WIND!

Bye bye creatures of the night


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South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2022 10:49 am

Brilliant report there Ray and as always presented in your own humorous and amiable way. South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f44d

When you get to my door tell them Boris sent you and remember....I do not say blah, blah, blah! Very Happy

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PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2022 11:26 am

26CT1074 wrote:
Just thought I'd show the setup Ray from this past Monday night (10th Oct) on the PMR net, was quite cosy as it goes! 

Interesting set up, is it a camper van?

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Photo_11

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Photo_12

73' until the next one Smile
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South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2022 11:33 am

morris wrote:
Quote :

Interesting set up, is it a camper van?

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Photo_11

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Photo_12

No, not quite Morris... it's a small Suzuki Jimny, but watch this space lol

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PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2022 11:39 am

26CT1074 wrote:
morris wrote:
Quote :

Interesting set up, is it a camper van?

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Photo_11

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Photo_12

No, not quite Morris... it's a small Suzuki Jimny, but watch this space lol

Will do,  Very Happy
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Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 13, 2022 1:19 pm

Hello all and welcome

Here is another Ray reviews the Monday night PMR net


"Was it a full moon tonight?"

The South Coast PMR net or Monday night PMR net was held on the 7-11-2022. 
The net can be found on channel 14 and no CTCSS codes are used.

My location for the night was Radio Corner Ashdown Forest 🌲 in the county of East Sussex and the weather was dark and windy 🍃 with the full moon 🌕 occasionally showing through the clouds.

The net started close to 8 o'clock 🕗 and the first station I heard was . . . 

KP 441--Steve--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
CT 3466--Ray C5--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 1829--Dean--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--working a handy 
CT 4362--Chris--Reigate Town--Surrey
Jake--Chailey--East Sussex--working a handy
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 940--Richard--Reigate--Surrey
and me CT 2290--Ray--Radio Corner--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--with the pen 🖋️ and paper 📃

Thank you all who called in and sorry if you tried and wasn't heard.




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Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2022 8:39 pm


Welcome to another episode of Ray reviews the Monday Night PMR net AKA the South Coast PMR net


"Do the RNLI come this far inland to rescue sinking vans 🆘"

The net was held on Monday 14-11-2022 and can be found on channel 14, no CTCSS tones needed.

The weather at Radio Corner was torrential rain 🌧️, mixed in with heavy rain ☔ and sometimes the odd bit of light rain with rain.

The net starts at about 8 o'clockish but sometimes you can find people chatting away before the unofficial official start time  scratch

My set up for the night was the QYT KT 8900D (which is not so good on receive as the TYT TH-9800) and the 'Sputnik' 1/4 wave GPA.

Did I mention that it was raining on the night?

On with the list of station that called in and were heard and or worked by the net.

CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 4627--Joker Steve--Reigate Hill--Surrey
CT 4610--Andy Bartman--Reigate Hill--Surrey
CT 3466--Ray C5--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
CT 1829--Dean--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Using a handy
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex--🔸THE FOUNDER OF THIS VERY NET🔸
MD 26--Dave--Bexhill--East Sussex
AMC 1966--Boris--East Sussex
Alan--Redhill--Surrey--Using a handy
TE 032--Adam--Southend on Sea--Essex
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent  
VT 01--Roy--Biggin Hill--Kent
CT 4515--John--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
GB 23--Paul--Gatwick--West Sussex--Using 1kw and a 3-element beam 😉
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex--Sometime on a handy
CT 2207--Neil--Crowborough--East Sussex
CT 4362--Chris--Reigate Hill--Surrey
and me CT 2290--Ray--Radio Corner--East Sussex--With the pen 🖋️ and paper 📃 

Thank you all who called and sorry if you tried and wasn't heard.

Cheers to Boris AMC 1966 and Dave MD 26 who join us for a short while from the channel 12 group 👍

Some of the topics of conversation were the surprising results of Dean CT 1829 making contact with both Tony CT 4013 in Brighton and John CT 4515 on Ditchling Beacon handset to handset and the 10 year old gas bottles in Ray C5 CT 3466 camper van, that Nigel did not mention diodes or resistors 😆 or did he and the rain.

That about wraps up a wet and soggy night

Splish splash and 73


I'm off to build an ark   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f6a3

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PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 19, 2022 7:17 am

Glad you didn't get "bogged down" Ray, made a "splash" on the night and eventually had a "whale" of a time......

Yeah, I'll go get me coat. Very Happy

Awesome stuff as usual Ray and shows your dedication (or madness!) to a worthy radio pursuit with another great net. Well done. South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f44d

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Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 22, 2022 8:58 pm

Victor wrote:
Glad you didn't get "bogged down" Ray, made a "splash" on the night and eventually had a "whale" of a time......

Yeah, I'll go get me coat. Very Happy

Awesome stuff as usual Ray and shows your dedication (or madness!) to a worthy radio pursuit with another great net. Well done. South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 1f44d

Cheers Victor.

Your watery puns have given me a tsunami of ideas.

Yep, that's me behind you with my coat 😄

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Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 27, 2022 11:30 am

Hello and welcome

Here is another episode of Ray reviews the South Coast PMR net aka Monday night PMR net.


"What do you call a beam that swings in the breeze?"

The net was held on the 21st of November 2022 and much to everybody's surprise started on time, yes on time at 8 o'clock 🕗.

My location was Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌳🌲 Forest in the county of West Sussex and now costs £5 a visit or £80 a year.

My working conditions for the night were the QKY KT-8900D and Deans repurposed 3-pronged Nagoya ground plan kit.

The weather was cold, clear and windy with the temperature in the mobile shack at 17 degrees C and at the end of the night, the outside temperature was down to 4 degrees C.

Now less of my Jibba Jabba and on with the list of stations that called in

CT 1829--Dean--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
CT 3466--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
Pete--Location unknown
CT 4362--Chris--Reigate Town--Surrey
KP 441--Steve--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex
FB 298--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
D 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 4515--John--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent
MD 26--Dave--Bexhill--East Sussex
TW 460--Richard--Tunbridge Wells--Kent
And me CT 2290--Ray--Radio Corner--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex

Thank you all who called and sorry if you tried and we didn't hear you

A taste of what was talked about, going off grid, would it be possible to warm a room with a diesel heater like the one's in lorry 🚛 sleeper cabs, the commentary from 441 watching 4515 putting up his pole in the wind, solar panels and when Graham the landlord will be up to collect the rent from 441 & 4515 (who will have the better biscuits 🍪?)

That about wraps thing up, but before my finals the answer to a beam swinging in the breeze is a 'weathervane' 😆😆

TTFN & 73


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South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 27, 2022 11:16 pm

Hi Razz, Keep the Jibber Jabberering up mate as I enjoy reading it. Especially the extra jabba.

How high up are you and are the other breakers in ashdown forest parked up near you or spread out ?

I switched a Baofeng UV5R on tonight around 7pm and caught the early start of the north west net.

So I nipped out in the car up a bit higher and logged in to winter hill Bolton 37 miles away and 5/9 both ways.

I think there was 26 logged when I left at around 8pm.

Left the squelch switched off from last time I used the space U and buggered about for a while in the dark to sort it lol, bloody menu's Very Happy

Poor speaker in that radio but it is tiny. Mind you, so is the Baofeng but for a handheld it sounds as good or better .

In fact, I switched it on and placed it on the passenger seat for a stereo effect lol.

Then I remembered the old NEC extension speaker in the glove box. A bit of fumbling in the dark with the jack plug lol and a little cubby in the car it fitted nicely and voilà, heavenly sound .

Ps, I've attempted to post many times but the mobile version of the forum hates me lol.
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Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 29, 2022 10:01 pm

Sharpshooter wrote:
Hi Razz, Keep the Jibber Jabberering up mate as I enjoy reading it. Especially the extra jabba.

How high up are you and are the other breakers in ashdown forest parked up near you or spread out ?

I switched a Baofeng UV5R on tonight around 7pm and caught the early start of the north west net.

So I nipped out in the car up a bit higher and logged in to winter hill Bolton 37 miles away and 5/9 both ways.

I think there was 26 logged when I left at around 8pm.

Left the squelch switched off from last time I used the space U and buggered about for a while in the dark to sort it lol, bloody menu's Very Happy

Poor speaker in that radio but it is tiny. Mind you, so is the Baofeng but for a handheld it sounds as good or better .

In fact, I switched it on and placed it on the passenger seat for a stereo effect lol.

Then I remembered the old NEC extension speaker in the glove box. A bit of fumbling in the dark with the jack plug lol and a little cubby in the car it fitted nicely and voilà, heavenly sound .

Ps, I've attempted to post many times but the mobile version of the forum hates me lol.
Hi Nige

There has been many a time when I have had to cut short my Jibba Jabba on the radio because i have forgot that I'm supposed to be chairing the net 😆

My height is approximately 241 meters or 790 feet depending on what map or App you look at, and yes, Nigel, Ray C5 and Dean share Radio Corner with me (safety in numbers) which makes for interesting testing with so many different radios and antennas at different heights.

Is the Northwest Net part of the 8 at 8 Sunday PMR net?
37 miles on a UV5R is good going and does surprise people, coz they think you're on a big '3' handy or mobile radio.
I must say 26 in the log is a good turn out as PMR isn't everybody's cup of tea.

From what all the users say on a Monday night, the only problem with the Space U is the speaker and the best way to fix it is with an extension speaker


PS the forum has in the pasted deleted my net reports too 😭😭
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Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2022 11:38 am

Hello all and welcome

Here is another episode of Ray reviews the Monday Night PMR net aka The South Coast PMR net


"Did I hear cake 🍰 mentioned?"

The net was held 7 days after the last one, so the date must have been 28/11/2022, it was on the same frequency of 446.16875 MHz or channel 14 and it did start near the advertised time of 20.00 hrs or 8 o'clock 🕗

The weather on the night was clear on the hills with misty fog in the valleys, cold and from Radio Corner you could see the crescent moon 🌙

My set up for the night was the QYT KT-8900D and Deans (gifted to me) antenna.

So, without further ado on with the list of call ins and contacts.

CT 3466--Ray C5--Radio Corner--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
C V M--Nigel--Radio Corner--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent
Speed Bird--Russell--Reigate Hill--Surrey
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 4657--Paul M--Vigo Village--Kent
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
London Calling--Mark--Leyton--East London
TW 460--Richard--Royal Tunbridge Wells--Kent
TE 032--Adam--Southend on Sea--Essex
CT 4362--Chris--Reigate Town--Surrey
D31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
Ratty 248--Chris--East Grinstead--West Sussex--Mobile 🚙
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
VT 01--Roy--Biggin Hill--Kent
Jeff--Orpington--Kent or Southeast London (you decide)
Ratty 248--Chris--Radio Corner--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Pedestrian 🚶 mobile using a handy.
And me, CT 2290--Ray--Radio Corner--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex

That concludes the list and thank you all for calling in and sorry if you tried and we didn't hear you.

Here are some of the topics of conversation. Ditchling Beacon being free, the cake 🍰 that Nigel had, Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society, rewiring the camper van, fog in the valley and me still in shorts‼

Special thank you to Chris (Ratty 248) and partner Witchy Witch for travelling up to see us all in Radio Corner.

Cheers Nigel for the cake 🍰 after the net.

73 & TTFN

Ray with the pen and paper 📝

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Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2022 10:05 am

Hello all and welcome

Here is another episode of Ray reviews the Monday Night PMR net 


"SHORTS 🩳 ‼"

The net was held on Monday 5th of December 2022 from a cold and cloudy (was there some sleet in the air?) Radio Corner Ashdown Forest 🌳🌲, in the county of East Sussex.

If you want to know what my set up was, read last weeks review and the radio was set to low power.

The net is on channel 14 or 446.16875Mhz and we use no CTCSS tones.

Now on with the list of all the stations that reportedly called in.

CT 1829--Dean--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--🎄
CT 3466--Ray C5--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
CT 2072--Steve T--Somewhere out there listening--👂
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 4263--Chris--Reigate Hill--Surrey
KP 441--Steve--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent
Hadlow Hustler (CT 4281)--Dick--Hadlow--Kent
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 2072--Steve T & Harry--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--Come up for an eyeball👁⚽ 
London Calling--Mark--Leyton--East London
TW 460--Richard--Royal 👑 Tunbridge Wells--Kent
  ??--Peter--Location unknown
And me CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex

That concludes the list of stations heard and worked by the net.
Thank you all who called in and sorry if you tried and wasn't heard.

Topics of conversation ranged from Nigel's Christmas lights, Deans new pole (yes another one!), cleaning washing machines, me in shorts, a whisper of a diode and will a Chinese diesel heater run on a mixture of diesel with used engine oil or used chippy oil?

Special thanks to Steve CT 2072 & Harry for coming up and seeing us 👍

Nigel and his Christmas lights

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 20221210

That wraps up this report for the net, and it just leaves me to say 73 and catch you next time.


Ray with the pencil ✏ and paper 📄

Last edited by Razz229 on Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:07 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling mistake)

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Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 14, 2022 9:19 am

Hello all and welcome

Here is another episode of Ray reviews the Monday night PMR net


"is this the end?"

The net was held on the 12/12/2022 from a cold, dry, snow covered Radio Corner, Ashdown Forest in the county of East Sussex. 

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Videoc10

The net is held on channel 14 or 446.16875 MHz and does not use any CTCSS tones so that it is open to anyone and everyone that is in the area and starts around the 8 o'clock or 20:00 mark

My set up was the QYT KT8900D feeding the Dean built GPA antenna up on a pole.

Here is the list of stations heard and or worked by the net

CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 4362--Chris--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Yeah I got the callsign right first time LOL
Alan--Redhill--Surrey--Working a Handy
CT 3466--Ray C5--Crowhurst--Surrey
London Calling--Mark--Leyton--East London
And myself--CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex

The net suddenly finished when one of the above listed stations said to the group lets go to channel 31 on the UKFM, leaving me all alone. 

So I packed down and went home.

Another snow picture

South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Videoc11

End of episode.



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PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 14, 2022 9:40 am

Gutted for you Ray, braving the cold inclement weather to hold your usual "PMR" net only to see it slip off to CB frequencies. scratch Crying or Very sad

At least you went back into the warmth which must have felt more welcoming.

All the very best to you and your radio passions,

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