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 Can anyone recommend a CB repair service

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Ian afloat
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Call Sign : 26-CT-3245
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Equipment Used : President Grant II / Sireo SD Dipole
Age : 75

Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Empty
PostSubject: Can anyone recommend a CB repair service    Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Icon_minitimeWed Jan 15, 2020 6:08 pm

Hi all,
After many delays I have set up my President Grant 2 that I bought used. It had the mod done. Trying to get on the USB 305 net I was told that my frequency is low . The set was sold without any warranty.

I am in SE london living on my steel boat which does not help for antenna height, a sirio dipole on a 20 ft aluminium pole, so a London company would be ideal!

Ian afloat CT3245

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Ian afloat
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Call Sign : 26-CT-3245
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QTH or Location : Rotherhithe London
Equipment Used : President Grant II / Sireo SD Dipole
Age : 75

Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone recommend a CB repair service    Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Icon_minitimeWed Jan 15, 2020 9:10 pm

Many Thanks Nubster, I will give it a longer trial.
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Equipment Used : President grant 2 ham 30amp psu and Antron99 and a T2LT antennas

Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone recommend a CB repair service    Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Icon_minitimeThu Jan 16, 2020 1:02 pm

Ian afloat CT3245

The 305 starts at 4pm your are welcome 🙏 to drop in and get a radio check from anyone.
We did have someone try to come in last night and yes they was off frequency I don’t know if it was ya self Ian.

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Equipment Used : Icom IC 7610, Stryker sr955hpc, Colt Excalibur SSB, President GrantII JacksonII McKinley EU, CRTSS6900N,CRTSS9900, KPO DX5000 Plus, Cobra 148 GTL-DX MK2, Cobra 2000 GTL, Zetagi B550p, Bremi BRL200, RM KL200P, KL203P, KL703, Sirio 4000, Sirio 3000 Bull, Stryker SR-A10, Antron99 Fire up , Hawkins Thunderbolt SSD58+ , Sirio 827, Heil pro micro headset, KPO NM532-KPO NM452- Astatic 575M6 Astatic D104 Silver Eagle, Delta M2 , UR6QW 8 Band eq, Uniden and AOR scanner
Age : 63

Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone recommend a CB repair service    Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Icon_minitimeThu Jan 16, 2020 1:19 pm

Hi Ian , please try the net again tonight and a few of us will work you and give you an honest radio report.
Won't be on myself till 16.40 but look forward to a QSO
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Northern Crusader
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Age : 54

Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone recommend a CB repair service    Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Icon_minitimeThu Jan 16, 2020 6:01 pm

NUBSTER wrote:
First of all who and how many reckon you was off frequency on that 305 net ?, I live not far from that lot who regularly go on it and most of the time most of them are off frequency themselves, so I wouldn't listen to them too much, also some of them use Amateur kit and not pure CB stuff so you always get those remarks from people who use Amateur kit

Even the amateur kit isn't guaranteed to be on frequency. My TS480 was lmost 250Hz off on the 10m band until I fitted a TXCO, my TS590s was a bit better but not a lot. The Icom 7000, Icom 7300 and Flex 6500 were all bang on but then apart from the Flex they come with a TXCO as standard.

I remember a chat with people in Bridlington on 11m. I was on my Icom 7000 which was bang on and I knew it was because I had test equipment. They were all telling me I was off frequency. Turns out they'd all taken their kit to the local golden screwdriver, a person I know who had very little knowledge and was tuning them by listening to them by ear with a Yaesu FT897 which itself was way off. So the whole town was transmitting off by the same amount but all thinking they were bang on frequency because everyone's radio was off by the same amount.
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Ian afloat
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Call Sign : 26-CT-3245
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QTH or Location : Rotherhithe London
Equipment Used : President Grant II / Sireo SD Dipole
Age : 75

Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone recommend a CB repair service    Can anyone recommend a CB repair service   Icon_minitimeFri Jan 17, 2020 3:42 pm

Thanks for the input everyone, I got called away before 4pm yesterday so I will give 305 another go today
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Can anyone recommend a CB repair service
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