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 President Mckinley Vs Superstar 3900 - battle of the legal rigs

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president - President Mckinley Vs Superstar 3900 - battle of the legal rigs Empty
PostSubject: President Mckinley Vs Superstar 3900 - battle of the legal rigs   president - President Mckinley Vs Superstar 3900 - battle of the legal rigs Icon_minitimeMon Aug 05, 2024 10:14 am

I have the President Mckinley currently and is a great radio and works very well. My only complaint would be fiddly menu, getting warm and quiet FM (low deviation). Also on sideband the audio has been remarked as a bit quiet. 

I was wondering how it compares to the Superstar 3900? Has anyone had experience of both? Is the SS3900 a good radio?

I am hoping to keep the radio in legal format so will need to utilise the full 4 watts and 12 watts pep respectively.



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president - President Mckinley Vs Superstar 3900 - battle of the legal rigs Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Mckinley Vs Superstar 3900 - battle of the legal rigs   president - President Mckinley Vs Superstar 3900 - battle of the legal rigs Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2024 5:55 pm

Hi Tony.
I use only the legal bands with a McKinley.
I agree that it’s a bit fiddly until you get everything set how you like it. I haven’t got the Superstar as I prefer a legal setup.
So I can’t comment about it except to watch plenty of YouTube videos.
My main problem is my eyes. 👀. I’d love a radio like the 7900 with a big screen etc but that takes me out of my legal zone that I prefer.
Anyway until they make a big radio with just legal channels I’ll stay where I am!
Enjoy your radio!👍👀
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PostSubject: Re: President Mckinley Vs Superstar 3900 - battle of the legal rigs   president - President Mckinley Vs Superstar 3900 - battle of the legal rigs Icon_minitimeThu Sep 05, 2024 4:23 am


I have watched a few videos on YT about the President George 2.
Big screen and easier to move around the menu than the McKinley!!
And another legal radio!
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PostSubject: Re: President Mckinley Vs Superstar 3900 - battle of the legal rigs   president - President Mckinley Vs Superstar 3900 - battle of the legal rigs Icon_minitime

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