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 CRT SS9900 Help please

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Call Sign : 108-CT-370 & MM3TAM
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Equipment Used : CRT SS6900, Leixen 2/70

ss9900 - CRT SS9900 Help please Empty
PostSubject: CRT SS9900 Help please   ss9900 - CRT SS9900 Help please Icon_minitimeWed Aug 14, 2024 12:32 pm

Hi guys,

Looking for a wee bit help if possible?

I sold my 9900 to a guy that lives close to me, it was bought 2 months ago from PJ box and was expanded for 10, 11 and 12 metres with UK 40 on Band A.
He got in touch saying he couldnt hear anything and thought it was broken. It turns out that he had it plugged into a 2m antenna Rolling Eyes.
His mate tried it out and confirmed it was working ok but for some reason, he reset the radio.
The guy came to me and asked if I could fix it so he gets the uk 40 on band A again or even get it back to the way I sold it to him.
Being a nice guy Laughing, I said I will look at it and read up and ask about to try help him. There is no cable btw.
Can anyone advise what steps to take to get it sorted out for him, I told him he may need a cable.
Happy to use a PC to flash data etc. if that is what is needed also, happy to tell him I cant help if it is messed up totally.
I have not even switched it on yet to see what it is set up like now.
Will the reset his mate done wipe all the export channels off?

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PostSubject: Re: CRT SS9900 Help please   ss9900 - CRT SS9900 Help please Icon_minitimeWed Aug 14, 2024 3:52 pm

Hi Tam mate,

I don't own or have ever owned this type of radio but have seen plenty of questions asked about them here at CT.

He would've been stuffed if he'd bought it from you online and the other end of the country wouldn't he?
(I'm afraid I would've said that it's his problem for mucking about with it afterwards.)

As far as I know this radio has two ways of resetting it, one way for the 10m Amateur bands and the other to open it fully. (I'm not sure of the procedure so you may have to take a look at the old t'internet for details.....but I think it's the same as for the Anytone AT6666.)

As you mention the programming software is available to download from places such as PJ Box, Knights CB, etc. and you just have to ensure you've downloaded the correct version to match the radio. To use that though you will need the USB programming lead and the fun & games that comes about with getting a correct Windows driver working. Rolling Eyes 

Then you'd need a .DAT file and that's where you might come unstuck. We used to have a member that happily provided them but he hasn't logged on in a long time. (I'm sure he made the files available on the CT Facebook site but I don't use it so not sure.)

As far as I remember people land up 'screwing' the channels by jumping back and forth between channel-mode / frequency-mode then because they altered the frequency they ended up assigning that to the channel 'accidentally'. If that's the case then you must be able to program up the channels manually using a similar procedure and utilising a certain 'block' of the frequency list. I'm pretty sure that would be a tedious way of doing it but entirely possible.

We have somewhere on the CT pages a frequency list if that helps but otherwise have a search for "Delboy Frequency List" and you should find them there.

Sorry I can't be of anymore help but hopefully that may give you some pointers of how to proceed.

I wish you all the best with it.
(Sheesh, "All Sale Are Final" springs to mind. Wink )


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Call Sign : 108-CT-370 & MM3TAM
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PostSubject: Re: CRT SS9900 Help please   ss9900 - CRT SS9900 Help please Icon_minitimeWed Aug 14, 2024 5:04 pm

Victor wrote:
Hi Tam mate,

I don't own or have ever owned this type of radio but have seen plenty of questions asked about them here at CT.

He would've been stuffed if he'd bought it from you online and the other end of the country wouldn't he?
(I'm afraid I would've said that it's his problem for mucking about with it afterwards.)

As far as I know this radio has two ways of resetting it, one way for the 10m Amateur bands and the other to open it fully. (I'm not sure of the procedure so you may have to take a look at the old t'internet for details.....but I think it's the same as for the Anytone AT6666.)

As you mention the programming software is available to download from places such as PJ Box, Knights CB, etc. and you just have to ensure you've downloaded the correct version to match the radio. To use that though you will need the USB programming lead and the fun & games that comes about with getting a correct Windows driver working. Rolling Eyes 

Then you'd need a .DAT file and that's where you might come unstuck. We used to have a member that happily provided them but he hasn't logged on in a long time. (I'm sure he made the files available on the CT Facebook site but I don't use it so not sure.)

As far as I remember people land up 'screwing' the channels by jumping back and forth between channel-mode / frequency-mode then because they altered the frequency they ended up assigning that to the channel 'accidentally'. If that's the case then you must be able to program up the channels manually using a similar procedure and utilising a certain 'block' of the frequency list. I'm pretty sure that would be a tedious way of doing it but entirely possible.

We have somewhere on the CT pages a frequency list if that helps but otherwise have a search for "Delboy Frequency List" and you should find them there.

Sorry I can't be of anymore help but hopefully that may give you some pointers of how to proceed.

I wish you all the best with it.
(Sheesh, "All Sale Are Final" springs to mind. Wink )

Thanks Victor,

He contacted Roy at PJBox and he is sending to him for a reflash.
I was a senior tech with Dell so i'm well aware the pitfalls of matching drivers to the correct OS and all that but have never tried anything with radios.
Anyway, he is getting help so I will back away now.

As usual, thank you very much for your reply, much appreciated mate.

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PostSubject: Re: CRT SS9900 Help please   ss9900 - CRT SS9900 Help please Icon_minitimeWed Aug 14, 2024 5:12 pm

No worries there Tam my friend and glad that it has all got sorted out. ss9900 - CRT SS9900 Help please 1f44d


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