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 Ofcom action against ham radio pirates

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Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Empty
PostSubject: Ofcom action against ham radio pirates   Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2020 9:54 am

In response to a Freedom of Information request Ofcom released information on the number of reports of incorrect use of amateur radio callsigns or pirate callsigns

Ofcom said that in the 3 years leading up to December 13, 2019 they had received 10 reports of incorrect or pirate use of amateur radio callsigns.

All the reports were investigated.

Read Ofcom's FoI response at

Ofcom's responses to FoI's are on their website, the amateur radio FoI's are listed under 'Spectrum', see
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Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ofcom action against ham radio pirates   Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2020 2:15 pm

It's amazing that 18 person-hours of work were required just to look up how many complaints of piracy there were in the last three years. You'd think they'd have a better filing system than that! It's perhaps also surprising that if they investigated 13 only 1 ended with an "enforcement action".
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom action against ham radio pirates   Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2020 4:45 pm

I'd think there's more to those 'person-hours' than just looking up computer files Wink
Legalities, data protection protocols and all sorts of 'procedures' to follow before a search was even made.

As for investigations and enforcement actions, I think about flipping time!

Operating a radio and transmitting out of protocol is hardly the heinous crime of the century despite what "laws" it may be breaking. Some people think it's OK to break the speed limit whilst driving, maybe while also using their mobile phone, all with the excuse of "I'm not hurting anybody", yet people are killed by such events all the time! Luckily the law is finally catching on in that area.
I've yet to hear a story of someone being hurt, maimed or killed because they transmitted 'out of band', forgot to give their call sign or the most heinous of all crimes - breaking the CB 4 watt barrier! Wink

It's about time that what was once called 'common sense' is finally prevailing.

Some people getting a flea-in-their-ear over such things is just all a bit too much.

If anyone can't remember how preposterous such things used to be, just take a look at : The Laughing Policeman Wireless Society

Enjoy your radio and above all, be safe Very Happy
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Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ofcom action against ham radio pirates   Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2020 8:57 pm

Well said Victor, common sense seems to have been lost in the modern world.
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom action against ham radio pirates   Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2020 10:12 pm

Appreciate that Steve.

I think that how things are currently going in the radio world is for the good. Ofcom, dropping licence fees, (for both Hams and CBers), opening and alignment of frequency bands, allowing use of AM & SSB for CB etc. are all steps in the right direction. It's not quite there and there's plenty people bemoaning it, but it is nice to finally recognise the scent of freedom.

I'm enjoying hearing Hams on the amateur bands just having a chin-wag, conversations, the odd swear word, just literally enjoying their radio and what it brings for them. Not every 'over' starting and ending with a callsign and limited on what they can converse about.

If you like protocol regime, societies, affiliateships, etc. then good for you, enjoy yourself as you see fit. Just please, don't thrust it upon others as if they are doing the 'wrong' thing.

The oppressive regime is crumbling and it's about time too.

Heck, I never thought I'd see the day of "Hams" & "CBers" freely conversing....yet here we such places as the "Charlie Tangos", online and on the air waves. It is after all, just radio.

Does make me smile, a very happy smile.

Rjbingham likes this post

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Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ofcom action against ham radio pirates   Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2020 8:57 am

Our offcom dept here in Finland is working hard to keep the air clear from cheap internet shops items, airport area near me has had a few radar fails due to normal TV amps for digital TV, they seem to leave CB and HAM Bands alone, we can buy radio or 68 to 70 and no need for licence, PMR and CB same law as uk
see this link

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Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ofcom action against ham radio pirates   Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Icon_minitimeThu Jan 30, 2020 9:10 am

Interesting piece Glenn! I have the Google Translate for Firefox add-on, very good for most things.
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Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ofcom action against ham radio pirates   Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Icon_minitimeThu Jan 30, 2020 6:41 pm

least most radio operators have common sense, even if Ofcom haven't.
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Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ofcom action against ham radio pirates   Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Icon_minitimeMon Feb 17, 2020 12:13 am

Sadly I hear of misuse of licences or pirates , experienced a pirate myself on a local repeater last year . Was a small net going we all just ignored him . But sadly if Ofcom doesn't seem to act .

73 , matt
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom action against ham radio pirates   Ofcom action against ham radio pirates Icon_minitime

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