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Welcome to the Charlie Tango DX Group. The home of ALL things Radio - CB, 11m DX, Amateur, PMR446, PLD, Network and Data. We welcome all radio enthusiasts of all knowledge levels. Join today and claim your own unique World Famous CT Call-sign
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Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6289 Times Thanked : 389 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Latest News..... Sat Oct 26, 2024 8:04 am
Hi to all at CT, I do hope you're all keeping well.
It looks like this 'Latest News' section of the forum has become a bit of a proverbial pig-sty with various random postings.....
Bit too much for me to clear up on my own so I'll not bother for now.
Want some 'Latest News'?
Then why not write some of your own?
(Not necessarily in this section as I already need a big dust pan & brush! )
We get many great postings from various members of the CT group, also a lot of call sign requests along with various pleas for help with radio setups etc.
The postings I know I really enjoy (and judging from readership numbers others do too) are the postings made about newly acquired equipment, antennas, rigs and the like along with contacts made and pretty much what you're up to with your radio interests. They're not only good to read but it's great to get involved by adding a word of admiration, maybe a query or even clicking that 'like' button if you can't think of anything at the time to write. (If anything was helpful to you then why not think about clicking the thanks button, which is the little + symbol to the top right of the posting.)
We don't want the pages of CT to become one big 'advert' like many sites enthuse on (and against the CT forum rules) with the typical product placement type of postings as I'm sure most of us have enough of 'adverts' shoved down our throats as we frequent the internet elsewhere. (What's next for YouTube? You have to buy a product before you get to see the video?!?! )
So why not come along and join in the fun of making a posting about what you're currently up to, share what you're doing and let us all know about the enjoyment we get from the radio interest.
There's loads of appropriate sections on the forum to post to and if you're not sure then why not just simply make a posting where you best see fit and us admin will handle everything if it would be better placed elsewhere.
I always hear complaints of 'forums are dead' or that they're so 'old-fashioned' (aren't we all old-fashioned with our archaic radio interests? ) let alone the typical bemoaning of 'CB is dead' (God that one gets old!) and the like so why not empower yourself and change that idea.
If we all sat on our radios doing nothing but listening the air-waves would certainly be dead....we need to transmit to make them come alive.
The same can be said for places like Charlie Tango.......with only readers and no posters.
You want the latest news or a bit of activity? Then simply join in and make it happen.
Enjoy your radio activities, no matter what they may be.
All the best, Victor
John123, Razz229, Les-1, glenn dog, Alan Pilot, SangueG, Tonyvic and like this post
Ivy Mike Major contributor
Call Sign : 26CT4113/G1HWY Posts : 536 Times Thanked : 15 Join date : 2021-05-16 QTH or Location : IO90uv Equipment Used : ICOM radios/antenna farm Age : 69
Subject: Re: Latest News..... Sat Oct 26, 2024 10:59 am
Nice one Victor.
I have always found forums very useful. It's a great way to pick up information and see what other members doing.
Razz229, Victor and VanRougeT4 like this post
Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6289 Times Thanked : 389 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Re: Latest News..... Sat Oct 26, 2024 11:29 am
Seems obvious really doesn't it Mike?
Members here certainly pushed my radio interests further from getting my ticket to building antennas, setting up new radios, utilising digimodes and many, many more things besides. (Your own FT8 contact reports were enthusing and made me try even harder at it all. )
We're all on the same wavelength (pun intended) when it comes down to our radio interests no matter what frequencies or modes we're using and I love nothing more than seeing what others are up to. It's often interesting and sometimes gives us ideas for other things to try.
It's always good to hear from other people, whether on-air via radio waves or even here at Charlie Tango.
Razz229, glenn dog and VanRougeT4 like this post
VanRougeT4 Major contributor
Call Sign : G1DBS - F4WEY Posts : 252 Times Thanked : 18 Join date : 2024-02-17 QTH or Location : Montreuil sur Mer Equipment Used : XIEGU G90 + XIEGU XPA125B
Subject: Re: Latest News..... Sat Oct 26, 2024 12:31 pm
I do like forums. Over the years I've managed several. It's such a shame that social media platforms have somewhat taken over. I guess that's thanks to mobile devices. (I can never understand why people take portrait photos and videos when lanscape would be more appropriate.)
The architecture of forums means you can find what you want at a glance, and that's important for anyone with a serious interest.
It would be great if more members posted. I usually check CT late morning, and grateful to see one or two posts and replies from regulars. (I do get worried if Victor hasn't posted for a day or two, and tempted to msg, but don't want to pry.)
I really don't know the answer. Competitions are great, but that means someone has to keep scores. (Neal did a sterling job this year on the 10m challenge.) Controversial posts do seem to get members motivated, and so do requests for help with antennas etc.
Maybe some members don't want to post in a public arena? (me included with some topics) I get that. Perhaps more areas should be made private?
Razz229, glenn dog, Victor and Ivy Mike like this post
Chaosuk 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26-CT-010 Posts : 15 Times Thanked : 1 Join date : 2024-10-22 QTH or Location : Newcastle Under Lyme - Stafforsdhire Equipment Used : Yaesu FT10-DX
Subject: Re: Latest News..... Tue Nov 05, 2024 6:45 pm
As Deb mentioned, Social Media I think plays a huge part in the online world nowadays.
Forums still have and always will provide major part in the provision of good information.
I think whats changed is the "think before you post" meaning for every genuine post you make on social media there's no end of trolls posting hate.
Yes we dont see this here, but I for one have become accustomed to it, which then makes you not want to offer a comment or suggestion in fear of that response.
It takes you to a place where if in your mind you are not 100% certain of what you are saying, you dont say it.
Razz229, glenn dog, Victor and VanRougeT4 like this post
Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6289 Times Thanked : 389 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Re: Latest News..... Tue Nov 05, 2024 7:10 pm
Oh I agree Ian, especially the phone swipe social media type affairs which I avidly avoid.
We've had our fair share of 'trolls' over the years here but luckily we have a very good moderation team.
We're also blessed with some remarkable members often willing to help each other out and enthuse each other.
Razz229, glenn dog, teapot, VanRougeT4 and Chaosuk like this post
Chaosuk 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26-CT-010 Posts : 15 Times Thanked : 1 Join date : 2024-10-22 QTH or Location : Newcastle Under Lyme - Stafforsdhire Equipment Used : Yaesu FT10-DX
Subject: Re: Latest News..... Tue Nov 05, 2024 7:15 pm
Yes i have read a lot of amazing posts on here that do not portray the social media world.
Poeple taking the time to help others is the making of a society. Doesnt matter if the suggestion you made didnt help in that instance, it will probably help someone else that read it and didnt post to say it did.
Im up for trying to break the cycle of the social media influence, well it influences me, I cant speak for others.
See im doing it again...........
Razz229, glenn dog, Victor and VanRougeT4 like this post
Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6289 Times Thanked : 389 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Re: Latest News..... Tue Nov 05, 2024 7:23 pm
Very well said there Ian.
Society does indeed improve when we help each other out.
CT and this forum has always been about avid radio enthusiasts helping other radio enthusiasts.
Long may it be so.
Razz229, glenn dog, Tonyvic, VanRougeT4 and Chaosuk like this post
teapot Senior contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-4484 Posts : 145 Times Thanked : 7 Join date : 2021-10-17 QTH or Location : Torquay Equipment Used : cobra 148 glt dx starlker9 fdx, icom 706 mk1
Subject: Re: Latest News..... Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:10 pm
everyone are so supportive of all the members as i found out this month.
glenn dog and Victor like this post
Sharpshooter Major contributor
Call Sign : 163-CT-329 Posts : 489 Times Thanked : 13 Join date : 2022-04-05 QTH or Location : Deeside, Flintshire Equipment Used : A growing list
Subject: Re: Latest News..... Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:52 am
Hi Victor. My criticism would be no notifications of answered posts etc on here. It's an easy way to keep people engaged. My radio journey has been dead the last few months unfortunately. I had to give my "radio equipped car" to my eldest daughter since her cambelt snapped And I'm still working on a homebase setup lol. The spare room is nearly cleared to create a shack And I'll have to sort out a mobile setup
glenn dog and Victor like this post
Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6289 Times Thanked : 389 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Re: Latest News..... Fri Nov 22, 2024 7:48 am
Hi Nige,
Sorry for my late response but have been otherwise preoccupied with matters closer to home.
If you go into your profile settings on your account you can make some selections for notifications to forum activity. I have mine mostly set for email alerts but you can also 'watch' topics, set 'favourites' and more recently you can even 'follow' other members of the CT community.
The other and more obvious method is to log on regularly to keep up with ongoing events. (Although this can be clouded if we have many call sign requests.) We also don't delete older postings so they remain historically relevant and it's quite surprising how these can often be useful postings and brought back to the fore with a response.
Sorry to hear you've been bereft of radio activity recently and I wish you the very best with your home-base shack setup. (I love my box room radio shack in the house but don't always get to use it! )