Greetings every body. My name is Jonathan, I am 58 years old, dyslexic, and live in Sevlievo (North-central Bulgaria). As a teenager I lived on AM CB's (member of the Clocks-Shop-Club in South Wales). Didn't bother anymore when FM became legal but have used Marine Band for years as a boater (MITC7). At the young age of 20 years 'ish I studied a year long City & Guilds in HAM radio but never took the exam as I could not master the Morse-code and certainly couldn't cope with the equations and maths (hence the dyslexia). And here I am today - for Xmas my new Retevis RT95 Mini Mobile Device Dual Band Amateur Radio Ham with 200 Channels 5W/15W/25W arrives! I have already made a mast antenna pole and fixed the new VHF/UHF aerial awaiting the day! It's just the beginning of what I hope will become a wonderful hobby for an older man who now suffers considerable back pain - an armchair hobby!
It gets a little complicated now. Here in Bulgaria there are 2 level licences, the full 1st Class HAM and the minor 2nd class 'Walkie license' needed for my limited band VHF radio. The exam must be taken in Bulgaria - that's me immediately ruled out! So: I guess I can take the UK exam and then 'transfer my call sign' after an initial three month visitor radio permit - then extend to permanent avoiding the need for the BG exam. That all appears quite straight forward via online and Google translate...
I am a complete HAM novice, obviously I cannot and will not transmit without my licence though possession and scanning is quite lawful here. I was hoping there was some way to get the 'apply online Ofcom/Spectrum' license using my marine call-sign and Royal Yachting Association radio operator's licence but it appears to not be transferable. It seems I cab take the UK 'technician' level exam online...
I have no idea where and how is best to do this (I do understand that 'Morse' is no longer a requirement so quite excited to do it)? Any advice greatly and I'd love a Call Sign! Appreciated. Very best, JT.