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 What happened to Ham International?.

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PostSubject: What happened to Ham International?.   What happened to Ham International?. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 17, 2020 11:22 pm

Years ago I owned a Ham International Viking, then on to a Major, Multimode II, Concorde, then finally with a Concorde II. Sadly never got my hands on a Concorde III.
The office in Belgium would send me sales literature, brochures, stickers and all sorts of stuff.
Suddenly, if I recall rightly, Ham International disappeared from the market overnight. I heard that they had moved offices to France and were marketing under the Petruce brand, named after their office address, Rue De La Petruce.
Anyone have any recollections of this?.

Cheers, Norman.
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What happened to Ham International?. Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened to Ham International?.   What happened to Ham International?. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 19, 2020 12:11 pm

It died the death in the eighties as far as I know, we used to have a Ham International warehouse here in Leicester back then, oh what a great place for supplies, crystals and PCB's, bleeps and thick films, front panels, knobs and switches etc. a heavenly place, lol. I've had quite a few of their rigs over the years, my favourite is the Concorde Mk1, the Mk2's didn't do it for me.

They do still have a website although it looks like a 90's Myspace one: and according to company's house it's still a registered company, but don't know if it's the same one or not: but I haven't heard anything about Petruce so that's news to me.

Nice quality radios back in the day, I liked the earlier ones better though. They were the first SMT's I saw too, on the thick film for the beep back in about 1980 at the Coventry CB club, they had a display of the radios and all I could do was drool, lol. Ah, happy memories of bygone days....
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PostSubject: Re: What happened to Ham International?.   What happened to Ham International?. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 19, 2020 12:26 pm

Mitch wrote:
It died the death in the eighties as far as I know, we used to have a Ham International warehouse here in Leicester back then, oh what a great place for supplies, crystals and PCB's, bleeps and thick films, front panels, knobs and switches etc. a heavenly place, lol. I've had quite a few of their rigs over the years, my favourite is the Concorde Mk1, the Mk2's didn't do it for me.

They do still have a website although it looks like a 90's Myspace one: and according to company's house it's still a registered company, but don't know if it's the same one or not: but I haven't heard anything about Petruce so that's news to me.

Nice quality radios back in the day, I liked the earlier ones better though. They were the first SMT's I saw too, on the thick film for the beep back in about 1980 at the Coventry CB club, they had a display of the radios and all I could do was drool, lol. Ah, happy memories of bygone days....

Hi its not the same one. The one in your link is a food company in Moston, Manchester (now known as HamZ....see link below).,-2.1962922,3a,49.4y,320.95h,90.66t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1soD1EhSq3JAXKl1OAFFlRnw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192

The Ham International radio company was "dissolved" some time ago.
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