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Call Sign : 26-CT-3971 / 2E0LMI Posts : 1296 Times Thanked : 83 Join date : 2021-01-30 QTH or Location : Cirencester, Gloucestershire Equipment Used : Little radios, home-made antennas
Subject: Re: Latest Chilton Ionosounde Sat Feb 19, 2022 9:26 am
Thank you for the link and info Wayne. To date I have been using a combination of the web page Roger has posted and also this one:
I click on the Fairford ionosonde for the best foF2 readings near me as it's less than 9 miles from my house.
The above page has a map section predicting seasonal Es too, although through my experience using it last year it didn't often tie in with what I did and didn't hear via skip at my QTH. Best way to see if there was skip running was to turn the radio on.
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SangueG Major contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-3971 / 2E0LMI Posts : 1296 Times Thanked : 83 Join date : 2021-01-30 QTH or Location : Cirencester, Gloucestershire Equipment Used : Little radios, home-made antennas
Subject: Re: Latest Chilton Ionosounde Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:09 am
Don't see a figure like this on there very often. Wonder if just a glitch, or if it will be an interesting day...