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 Charlie Tango Forum Rules

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CT Directors
CT Directors

Call Sign : 26CT100
Posts : 235
Times Thanked : 14
Join date : 2019-06-25
QTH or Location : North Yorkshire
Equipment Used : Emperor Shogun, Delta 318 Export, TYT380, Albrecht 2990AFS, SS3900
Age : 40

Charlie Tango Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Charlie Tango Forum Rules   Charlie Tango Forum Rules Icon_minitimeWed Jun 26, 2019 8:48 pm

We take pride in keeping our message boards respectful, pleasant, and enjoyable for members of all ages. Please read the following guidelines before posting.


All posts are read by our administration and moderation team and any content considered offensive or inappropriate is liable to immediate edit or removal. Any post that is considered advertising, including the promotion of another web-site, may be similarly edited or removed. and other video links may be used if accompanying a forum post in an appropriate Forum Section. For example: Radio equipment review videos in the relevant Forums, or recordings of QSOs (“Watergates” as the Americans call them). Any links must have a written description of the video content in the posting (please do not just post the link without any explanation). Flash Video may be embedded into a post using the [ flash ] [ /flash ] BBCode, but when doing so, Members should also include a URL or Link.

While you are allowed to promote web site(s) in your signature, they must be relevant to CT Topics or posts. Inappropriate or irrelevant will be removed. Affiliate program link with referrer IDs, are specifically proscribed. The Staff decision is final.

Links that aid information or clarity in a post are permitted, but bear in mind that off-topic links may be considered spam and will be treated as such.


Our community is intended to be family-friendly. There are young users and language should be kept within a PG-13 level. Vulgar language is not permitted. This constitutes the use of any kind of offensive, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate material deemed (by CT Staff) to be inappropriate for younger members or Guests. Such language may be removed without prior warning, by Staff, using Post-Edit or Post-Deletion.

Do not post provocative, outrageous, or pointless messages simply to generate a response from others, i.e. "trolling."

Users repeatedly posting inappropriate material or "Trolling" may be warned, or have their account temporarily suspended or, in extreme cases, banned.

Lastly, if it is clear that a user has no intention of positively contributing to Radio discussions, combined with an abrasive and combative attitude, their account will be deleted. This especially pertains to the Hang-out Forums. Users of the non-Radio sections of the site must also demonstrate an interest in contributing to radio discussions, as that is the main purpose of the site after all. In other words, users who wish to do nothing but argue politics or other non-radio issues are not welcome, as they do not contribute to the site and are not worth the trouble and headaches.


In order to maintain a positive atmosphere, personal attacks or insults will not be tolerated. While discussions may become heated, it is not an excuse to resort to attacks or insults on any individual or Group. There is a difference between a passionate, but respectful, discussion and one that degenerates into personal insults. We would ask Members to debate issues, not individuals. When the line is crossed, the discussion may be closed by the Staff team and the Thread locked or Deleted.

When a Thread is closed or Locked, please remember that some Posts may have been deleted or subject to edit. Therefore the reason for the closure may not be immediately apparent to the reader. CT Staff only close threads when, in the opinion of the Staff, there has been (or there is a clear risk of) significant discord. Therefore post-closure opinions and comments are not invited.


If you have a problem or a complaint, direct it to the administrators and/or moderators, not to the boards. The appropriate actions will be taken. We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently ban flagrant offenders when deemed necessary, with or without prior warning.


If you have something to post and you're not sure which board it belongs in, do not post it in more than one board. Seek advice from a Staff Member or Post it in the Forum you think Most Likely to be suitable. If the administrators or moderators think it would fit better in another location, it will be moved there. Duplicate threads only serve to create confusion.


A typical signature contains the Member's name, Handle, Call-signs and perhaps e-mail address/website, along with a favourite quote or saying and possibly a picture. Use of extremely large fonts are not allowed and we also ask Members to keep Signature pictures to a reasonable size. As a Guide, a signature picture shouldn't really be wider than 600 pixels and the total depth of the whole signature shouldn't exceed about 300 pixels. At a push, 700 x 400 but that is the MAXIMUM. Ideally, Signatures work best on all types of Browser when they're no larger than about 400x150.

Avatars may be selected from the provided images, or a personal Avatar image can be used by a link. Video Avatars are permitted. While there is no requirement for Avatars to be related to Radio, images and video clips that are, in the opinion of CT Staff, provocative, abusive, or overtly sexual in nature should not be used. No Avatar may exceed 200x200 pixels in size – the Site will resize larger images and display at 200x200, but larger pictures, even when displayed smaller, can cause problems for some browsers.

Signatures and Avatars that do not comply with the above are liable to be deleted by Staff. If Members require assistance resizing images for Avatar or Signature use, or are unsure whether an item is acceptable, please contact a Staff Member.


If you forget your password, use the password recovery tool which will reset your password provided you have access to the e-mail associated with your account. If you are still unable to login, contact the administrator.
If your username is no longer appropriate or you wish to change it, there is a facility to do so on the site. Please use that feature rather than create another user identity

Members who deliberately flout the Site Rules will be liable to any of the following: a Warning; a Temporary Suspension; Deletion of their Account; or an outright Ban and block of their Email and IP Address.

Please remember that the CT Staff are all volunteers who give their time, and money, freely to try to make a Site that is entertaining and useful to many people. Arguing with or abusing Staff makes their work much harder and in such instances, it is less of a loss for the site if the arguing Member leaves Charlie Tango rather than the Moderator or Administrator.

Please follow the above guidelines when posting on our message boards. If you have any questions, please contact us. Above all, remember to have fun!

Razz229, Hot Shot, hawk657, Carl1977, Fishstalker, olduk77, chris 78 and like this post

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