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 Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU?

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Call Sign : 26-CT-4805
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Equipment Used : President McKinley EU or K-PO DX5000 plus + Thunderpole Galaxy 5/8 or Full Wave Delta Loop.
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president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Empty
PostSubject: Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU?   president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Icon_minitimeFri May 12, 2023 7:50 pm

Hi everyone,
      Thank you so much for reading.
I would like some recommendations for a microphone upgrade for the President McKinley EU CB.
The standard microphone is a little quiet on FM and for SSB I'd like my audio to be a bit more punchy so as to maximize the RF going out.
The radio is brand new so I really don't want to go inside tweaking the FM deviation plus that won't solve the SSB issue.
I have seen the K-PO NM-532 power mic comes highly recommended by some users but that particular microphone lacks channel up/down buttons so is there any other microphone you know of that has those buttons *and* works well with the McKinley?

Thank you


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president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU?   president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Icon_minitimeSun May 14, 2023 8:21 am

Hi Lynton. I am not aware of any power mics with channel buttons on them. Not saying there aren't any out there, but during the whole time I have gotten back into radio transmitting I have not seen one. Definitely a gap in the market.

A lot of people swear by the K-PO mic on how great it is. I have listened to test reports people have done with them and I actually prefer the sound of the stock mic. I guess how well it might work for you will depend on your voice tones.. not all mics suit all voices. But as you've noted, it doesn't have the channel buttons.

I don't know if the stock mic has a foam insert? For us CRT radio users, many of us have taken out the foam in the mic which lets a little more audio through. That, like tweaking your deviation, means opening and messing with your new equipment, so I leave that up to you if you decide to try.
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president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU?   president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Icon_minitimeSun May 14, 2023 10:18 am

Hi Lynton at the moment im using a HIGHGEAR mic by cobra it's an M75 on my mckinley and it works ok with the volume control at the rear but again it does not have the channel up/down buttons

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Call Sign : 26-CT-4805
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Equipment Used : President McKinley EU or K-PO DX5000 plus + Thunderpole Galaxy 5/8 or Full Wave Delta Loop.
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president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU?   president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Icon_minitimeSun May 14, 2023 4:51 pm

Thanks guys for the info!
It seems getting a power mic that has good audio with the McKinley and up/down buttons might be tricky.
That said since making that post I remembered I do have an Adonis AM-508E desk power Mic wired for my Yaesu FT-840 complete with up/down button. I could rewire that for the McKinley I suppose and hope it sounds OK.
To be honest I only used it once on the Yaesu so that's why I forgot I had it until I had a shack tidy up a few days ago.
As for the McKinley stock Mic having a foam insert I'm not sure and I don't really want to change anything or take apart the brand new bit of kit but maybe in a few months I'll feel differently.
That Cobra Highgear M75 Mic looks a beast; I really do like the styling so its a real pity there's no up/down buttons.

Thanks again for the replies. The amount of information available on this forum is amazing with everyone being so friendly and helpful to us CB returnees!


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president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU?   president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 11, 2023 8:48 pm

Hi Lynton,

Sorry for the late reply. Just bought the President Digimike and am now using it on my McKinley (NRC level 4). Reports have been superb and better than my KPo power mic.

Not cheap but stellar reports on AM and SSB. So, I have ditched the stock mic and KPo power mic and now only use the Digimike on my McKinley.

My 2p's worth.



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Call Sign : 26-CT-4805
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QTH or Location : Peterborough, UK
Equipment Used : President McKinley EU or K-PO DX5000 plus + Thunderpole Galaxy 5/8 or Full Wave Delta Loop.
Age : 53

president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU?   president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 12, 2023 7:32 pm

Hi Paul,
      No worries on the late reply.
I am glad you did post because I did actually buy a K-PO NM-532 Power Mic and then subsequently a DigiMike and I love it. The DigiMike really does have a feeling of quality with its nice long cable and decent weight and most importantly some good on air reports certainly on SSB.
I like that it has the up and down buttons on the Mic so I don't have to keep cranking the channel knob round on the radio. I'd rather replace a Mic than a radio because its worn out!


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PostSubject: Re: Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU?   president - Upgrade microphone for President McKinley EU? Icon_minitime

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