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CT Directors

Call Sign : 2E0VRX
Posts : 776
Times Thanked : 47
Join date : 2019-06-26
QTH or Location : Yorkshire dales
Equipment Used : Yaesu FTdx 101d, MD200 mic ,Mosley 3ele Yagi
Age : 59

World CT call signs 200 div to 350 div  Empty
PostSubject: World CT call signs 200 div to 350 div    World CT call signs 200 div to 350 div  Icon_minitimeSun Aug 11, 2019 6:17 pm

203 division - CHINA

203CT001 - Bing - ChinaGirl - Changsha, Hunan Province
203CT002 - Liping - BeihaiPing - Beihai Guangxi
203CT003 - Frans - Frans - Ningbo.

206 division - ETHIOPIA

206CT001 - Abel - (none forum / internet member) - Addis Abeba

232 division - ARUBA

232CT013 - Rodney - p43rw - (alternative call-sign 19CT013)

233 division - ROMANIA

233CT001 - Edy - 233CT001 - Alexandia
233CT002 - Valentin - Valllentin - Iasi
233CT003 - Gigi - Gigi1963 - Drobeta-Turnu Severin
233CT004 - Vincentiu - Vincentiu73 - Botosani
233CT005 - Sandor - alexk - Brasov
233CT006 - Razvan - iard - Bucharest
233CT007 - Alexander - YO2DK - Resite
233CT008 - Stefan - YO2BTL - Plescuta. Arad
233CT010 - Octavian - HogoFogo - Pitesti
233CT012 - Christian - 233CT012 - Bucharest
233CT013 - Eno - burroamoroso - Cluj-Napoca.
233CT021 - Gabriel - Savindondea - Bucharest
233CT111 - Zoli - 233CT111 - Miercurea-Cuic
233CT233 - Marius - BlackAlleyCat - Constanta
233CT246 - Cristi - Christian - Câmpulung
233CT3537 - Csaba - Csabszy71 - Sf Gheorghe

304 division - ESTONIA

304CT001 - Enn - eon - Tallinn

310 division - LATVIA

310CT001 - Eugene - astraroth120 - Daugavpils
310CT002 - Boris - Boriss - Rezekne
310CT003 - Dimitry - xxcat - Riga.
310CT004 - Viktor - Vikis - Aluksne.

311 division - LITHUANIA

311CT001 - Willie (also 108CT142) - Hunter - Vilnius
311CT002 - Vidmantas - Vidmantas553 - Kaunas

315 division UKRAINE

315CT001 - Alexey - nilsonleow -  Nikolaev KN66AW

327 division - SLOVENIA

327CT001 - active - Old CT Call-sign
327CT002 - Patrik - Samurai27 - Plavje, Koper.
327CT003 - Marijo - Marijo kanjir - ljubljana
327CT022 - active - Old CT Call-sign

328 division - CROATIA

328CT001 - Dado - Blinddog - Našice
328CT002 - Ivan - Pulsar
328CT003 - Ivan - Neodium - Zadar.
328CT004 - Mario - Mario_KT - Kutina

329 division - CZECH REPUBLIC

329CT001 - Honza - MC2 - Bohemia
329CT002 - David - dawy - Vyskov
329CT003 - Ondrej - rumcajs_tr - Trebic
329CT004 - Michal - Michal-Jilove - Jilove u prahy
329CT005 - Felix - FelixFL329 - Francova Lhota
329CT006 - Jakub - Mechanik CZ - Ostrava.
329CT007 - Michaela - MichaelaInCzechRepublic - Prague.

330 division - SLOVAK REPUBLIC

330CT001 - Matus - om1acc - Bratislava
330CT002 - David - DeltaMike75 - Slovak Republic.
330CT1974 - Attila - Attila - Nyásasd


331CT001 - Amy - Antenna101 - Sarajevo.
331CT002 - Adi - VirtualShooter - Bosnia, Sarajevo.

348 Division - ST MAARTEN

348CT067 - Frank - Frank moreno - Sint Maarten.
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