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RSGB to announce consultation on Direct-To-Full exam
5 posters
Guest Guest
Subject: RSGB to announce consultation on Direct-To-Full exam Wed Feb 17, 2021 10:35 am
Today the RSGB is expected to announce a consultation on a new exam that will take candidates straight to the Full licence without the need to do Foundation or Intermediate exams
The RSGB’s Examination Standards Committee is launching the consultation to ask for the views of the amateur radio community on a new, Direct to Full licence exam which would run in parallel with the existing three-tier system.
The consultation is expected to start at 10:15 GMT, Wednesday, February 17, and run until Sunday, March 14. The background to this consultation and a link to the proposed syllabus should be on the RSGB website at http://www.rsgb.org/direct-to-full
There have been calls for a Direct-To-Full exam in the UK for many years, the RSGB's Training and Education Committee (TEC) formally proposed it in 2010 and early indications are it may prove popular. The UK's current system forces people to do through three separate exam sessions to get a Full (HAREC) licence. In future people would be free to choose to do the short online Foundation course to initially get their Foundation licence and then study and do the Direct-To-Full exam online, completely bypassing the Intermediate. This should produce a saving in exam fees and hopefully may mean less exam stress. As a successful Direct-To-Full candidate will receive the HAREC qualification the online exam may prove of interest to people outside the British Islands. There are a number of countries in Africa, and even Europe, where it can be difficult, even impossible, to access amateur radio training or exams. Being able to access online training and get the internationally recognised HAREC qualification online may help would-be amateurs get licences in those countries. This new exam will no doubt remind old-timers of the City and Guilds Radio Amateur Exam which took people straight to a Full licence (A or B). Essex Ham did a comparison of what was needed for the old C&G RAE compared to the current three-tier system, see https://www.essexham.co.uk/rae-exam-reviewed.html The Direct-To-Full exam was discussed February 15 on the Essex Monday Night Net on GB3DA. A short recording of edited highlights of the discussion is available at https://www.essexham.co.uk/direct-to-full-feedback
Tim Tom Contributor
Call Sign : 26-SW-010 / 26-TM-087 Posts : 67 Times Thanked : 1 Join date : 2020-06-13 QTH or Location : Somerset Equipment Used : Kernow beta 4100 mobile for now...
Subject: Re: RSGB to announce consultation on Direct-To-Full exam Wed Feb 17, 2021 10:32 pm
Interesting, however no doubt some of the older more snobby operators will no doubt be up in arms.... As usual...
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43CT016 Major contributor
Call Sign : 43-CT-016 Posts : 365 Times Thanked : 22 Join date : 2019-11-17 QTH or Location : Perth Equipment Used : iCom IC-7610/IC-9700/IC-705 Age : 55
Subject: Re: RSGB to announce consultation on Direct-To-Full exam Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:13 am
Tim Tom wrote:
Interesting, however no doubt some of the older more snobby operators will no doubt be up in arms.... As usual...
It's only when they whinge you know progress is being made.
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Markone Senior contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-3433 Posts : 160 Times Thanked : 6 Join date : 2020-04-06 QTH or Location : Hull Equipment Used : Midland Alan 88s + crt 9900+5/8 gain master Age : 56
Subject: Re: RSGB to announce consultation on Direct-To-Full exam Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:38 pm
i agree, some of the old timers don't like M7 let alone a short cut. If you can pass it why not.in 1994 I went straight through my HGV in a class 1,now you have to jump through hoops. Some changes are good some not. Good luck to any CT members if they go for it regards mark
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Alan Pilot Major contributor
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Subject: Re: RSGB to announce consultation on Direct-To-Full exam Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:54 pm
As Mark say's above. I did my class 1 but never did a car test but i still have a car licence but due to my health no longer hold the class 1. I did go on a night school course for the RAE licence 30? years ago but never went over to the ham side stayed with cb and that was that then 30? years later i did the foundation. If only springs to mind.
Last edited by Alan Pilot on Fri Feb 19, 2021 7:52 am; edited 2 times in total
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Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6148 Times Thanked : 375 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Re: RSGB to announce consultation on Direct-To-Full exam Thu Feb 18, 2021 4:03 pm
Same here Alan with the RAE, one course cancelled due to dwindling numbers, second for pretty much the same thing, (only two of us in attendance three lessons in!?!?!). My third attempt the course didn't even go ahead due to 'lack of interest'! Turbulent times back in the 80's though for those of us that remember
Got there in the end and only thanks to it all becoming available online.
"...formally proposed in 2010 and early indications are it may prove popular."
Nice to see the RSGB moving quickly as ever
Honestly though, I'd be up for it, but as already mentioned it'll probably ruffle some feathers.
Don't shoot the messenger, they say - so thanks Mark for posting.
Tim Tom likes this post
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: RSGB to announce consultation on Direct-To-Full exam Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:37 pm
Tim Tom wrote:
Interesting, however no doubt some of the older more snobby operators will no doubt be up in arms.... As usual...
You are wrong i know a few including me that have been saying this for years that having a direct route should have stayed on the table. This is a good move. 73, Mark.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: RSGB to announce consultation on Direct-To-Full exam Sat Mar 06, 2021 2:34 pm
Have you given your views in the RSGB’s consultation on a proposed new, Direct to Full licence exam? Over 1,000 people have responded already so make sure your voice is heard by completing the Society’s survey. The consultation closes on Sunday 14 March. The background to this consultation as well as links to the proposed syllabus and the survey are on the RSGB website: rsgb.org/direct-to-full
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RSGB to announce consultation on Direct-To-Full exam