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 Data Files for SS9900

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Kev from Weston
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Call Sign : 26-CT-4934
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Join date : 2023-09-02
QTH or Location : Hitchin
Equipment Used : CRT 9900
Age : 69

Data Files for SS9900 Empty
PostSubject: Data Files for SS9900   Data Files for SS9900 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2023 5:12 pm

Got a programming cable for my SS 9900 and eventually managed to download a Driver for it so that my computer now talks to the radio.
I can get data from the radio so I know the software is working.
I wanted a data file that had Del Boy's settings so that I didn't have to load them all myself. I have not got Muppets on mine and want them.
I found a nice Guy called Tony, that had that, and he sent it to me.
Unfortunately the data file (which he sent twice) could not be read by my software and caused the CRT Programm to Hang Up with a message saying "Not isNumeric"  I then have to use the Task Manager on my computer to shut down the programm.
When I make a copy of the data from the radio it works and I can import that back into the software without any problems.
The software that Tony used to produce the data file I wanted was the same version as I am using.
I still need a data file for Del Boy's settings and wonder if anyone else has done this or has any ideas apart from inputing them all myself.


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Kev from Weston
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Call Sign : 26-CT-4934
Posts : 8
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Join date : 2023-09-02
QTH or Location : Hitchin
Equipment Used : CRT 9900
Age : 69

Data Files for SS9900 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Data Files for SS9900   Data Files for SS9900 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 24, 2023 1:10 am

Re adding your own frequencies (UK etc) using Programming software, how can you input to 5 decimal places when the software only lets you do 4.
This may be the reason the data files don't transfer.
Any ideas.
If I put them in manually do I round up or down?


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