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 South Coast PMR net report

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 818
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2024 8:14 am

Hello and welcome

Come on in and sit ya self down, and get ready for the next episode of Ray Reviews the South Coast/Monday Night PMR Net


"on this date in history, London bridge was sold to an American who moved it brick by brick to the USA (allegedly)"

My location for the night was a still, mild, cloudy Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌲 Forest in the county of East Sussex (JO-01-bb), where the full moon 🌕 was only visible for the briefest of moments.

The net can be found on analogue channel 14 using no CTCSS codes or malarkey like that, making the net accessible for all. You don't even have to have a callsign or handle.
To reduce the chance of channel splatter NFM is used.

My set up for the night was the CRT Space U, powered by a old car battery and the antenna was the Dean made, NOS French mobile PMR antenna up on a fibre glass pole.

The net is scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs or 8 o'clock 🕗 , but tuning in early you could become part of the pre-net warm up waffle.

Here is my list of stations heard and or worked by the net

KP 441--Steve--Devils Dyke--West Sussex--working a Quansheng handy 🥇
CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--East Sussex
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Working HF and PMR
CT 9484--Mark--Haslemere--Surrey
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
AMC 1966--Boris--Bexhill--East Sussex
CT 4281 (The Hadlow Hustler)--Dick--Hadlow--Kent--Welcome back 👍
CT 5147--Paul--Hartfield--East Sussex--Showing off his new shiny callsign and experimenting with home brew antennas 👍
C V M--Nigel--Crowborough--East Sussex
CT 1829--Dean--Pembury Hospital--Kent--In hospital but took a handy with him
CT 2072--Steve T--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 940--Richard--East Grinstead--West Sussex--Mobile 🚗
DS 01--Pru--East Grinstead--West Sussex--Shotgun with Richard
The cork popping 🍾 impersonating station
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

The last of us called it a night just after we had enter Tuesday morning

Thank you all that called in and took part. Thank you to all the listening stations, you know who you are. Thank you to those still about after 11 o'clock who took part in Pauls antenna testing.

Topics of conversation ranged from the different PMR groups in the Southeast covering channels 8, 12, 13 and 14 on different days or nights, antennas, biscuits were mentioned, peoples audio over power, where's John CT 4515 and wishing Dean best health and get well soon while in hospital.

Best 73 and hope to hear you next time

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 818
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeMon May 06, 2024 8:12 am

Quickly now

Come in

Welcome to another episode of Ray Reviews the South Coast/Monday Night PMR held on Monday 29th of April 2024


"Did you know that on this date in history, the telephone connection from Britain to Australia came into service"

A brief introduction about the net and where on the dial it can be found.

The net is scheduled to start at 8 o'clock 🕗 in the evening local UK time or 20:00 Hrs and can be found on analogue channel 14 (446.16875 MHz). It doesn't use any kind of secret CTCSS tones and you don't need a callsign or handle to join in.

My location for the night was Radio Corner (JO-01-bb), Ashdown 🌳 Forest in the county of East Sussex and the set up was the CRT Space U and a antenna up on a fibre glass pole.

And for those who wonder about the weather, we had blue skies, a full sun sunny set, a cool gentle breeze and birds 🦜🐥 tweeting 🎵🎵 while the sun went done.

Enough with the chatter and on with the list of stations heard and or worked by the net

Neil--CT 2207--Crowborough--East Sussex
Ray--CT 3466--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
Chris--CT 1033--Tonbridge--Kent
Graham--OM 001--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
Adam--Delta 31--Hastings--East Sussex
Ricky on the Ridge--Hasting--East Sussex
Mark--London Calling--Walthamstow--East London
Simon--Butts Brow--Eastbourne--East Sussex
Steve--Joker aka DDB 285--Reigate Hill--Surrey
Andy--Bart Man aka DDB 342--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Working a handy
John--CT 4515--Jack n Jill--East Sussex
Chris--CT 4362--Reigate Town--Surrey
Richard--CT 940--Reigate--Surrey
Andros--HL 033--Hastings--East Sussex
Jack--CT 5140--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Antenna testing
Paul--CT 5147--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Jack
Tony--CT 4013--Brighton--East Sussex
Nigel--C V M--Woods Corner--East Sussex
Mark--CT 9484--Mark--Haslemere--West Sussex
Toby--Tango 187--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Working a handy
and me
Ray--CT 2290--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who called in and to the listening stations who know who they are!
If tried to call in and wasn't able to reach us, please try again another Monday.

Extra thank you to Toby for tuning and trimming an antenna for PMR midway through his HF contacts and then at the end of his night helping Jack and Paul with their antenna experiments 👍

Here are some of the topics discussed, 3D printing cases for home weather stations, bread pudding, comparing a small stubby antenna to a fully 1/2 wave antenna and the hobby of SWL.

That's it till next time

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pens and paper 📝

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Major contributor

Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 818
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun May 12, 2024 8:43 am

Hello, is anybody there?

Welcome to another episode of Ray Reviews the South Coast/Monday Night/Channel 14 PMR Net


"the net with so many names, it's been diagnosed with DID"

The net was held on Bank Holiday Monday, the 6th of May 2024 and my location was Radio Corner (JO-01-bb), Ashdown 🌴 Forest in the county of East Sussex.

The net is scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs 🕗 local UK time but does sometimes start later due to the shift pattern of the chairmen who run it. But never fear, if you call out before that time, you could be part of the pre-net waffle.

My set up was the CRT Space U powered by a car battery 🔋, and the French antenna up on a 13 metre military pneumatic mast.

The net can be found on analogue channel 14, no CTCSS tones or things need as it is open to all, you don't even need a callsign.

The weather on Radio Corner was damp and foggy, and this may have effected the signals during the night listening to the reports.

So with when, where and how's out the way, on with the list of stations that called in and were heard and or worked by the net.

Matt--Strood--Kent--Welcome to the net 👍 🥇
'Radar' Ray--CT 3466--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
Chris--CT 4362--Reigate Town--Surrey
Adam--Delta 31--Hastings--Surrey
James--CT 4999--Horsham--West Sussex--Welcome to the net 👍
Graham--OM 001--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
Boris--AMC 1966--Bexhill--East Sussex
John--CT 4515--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
Adam--TE 032--Southend on Sea--Essex
Jack--CT 5140--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Working a handy from the car
Paul--CT 5147--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Working a handy while pedestrian mobile
Steve T--CT 2072--Tonbridge--Kent
Mark--CT 9484--Haslemere--West Sussex
Tony--CT 4013--Brighton--East Sussex
Kevin--PR 014--Uckfield--East Sussex
'Radar' Ray--CT 3466--Crowhurst--Surrey--2nd location of the night
Toby--Tango 187--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Dean--CT 1829--Tunbridge Wells--Kent--Mobile 🚗
and me
Ray--CT 2290--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who called in, as without you, there would be no net.
Sorry if you tried and wasn't heard, please try again another Monday night.

Here is a short, 4 minute video of the net

A top tip, try saying break break or QSK or even on the side when you want to join in.
As I don't know of any chair on any net that would call in somebody pressing the alarm button over and over again on their Baofeng UV5R 😄

Here are some of topics of conversation you would have heard while the net was on.
The Sunday Night Channel 8 Preppers net, classic cigarettes like Silk Cut, Senior Citizen, Camel, Players Navy Cut cigarettes & a mention of Henri Wintermans Panatellas cigars and a crazy idea of a one off joint activation of the Preppers Net and the South Coast net to see how much of the South East we could cover.

That's this episode of Ray reviews coming to an end

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pens and paper 📝

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 818
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2024 9:23 am

Well well well

Its that time for another episode of Ray Reviews the South Coast/Monday Night PMR net in the South


"Did you know that on this date in history, the last episode of 'Frasier' was aired in America"

The net was on Monday 13/05/2024 and can be found on analogue channel 14. N0 kind of CTCSS or privacy tones are used and is open to all regardless of radio knowledge, you don't even need a callsign or handle to join in.

The net is scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs or 8 o'clock 🕗 local UK time and finishes anytime after 23:00 Hrs or 11 o'clock 🕚. But if your an early bird, you could call out before the start and join in with the pre-net chat.

My location for the night, was a cool, cloudy Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌲 Forest in the county of East Sussex and the equipment used was the CRT Space U powered by a car battery 🔋 and the 'French' antenna up on a 13 metre pneumatic mast. (look through previous posts for more information on the 'French' antenna).

Here is my list of stations heard and or worked by the net.
But first a quick hello to Luke & Luke, 2 new listening stations 👍

Chris--CT 1033--Tonbridge--Kent 🥇
Graham--OM 001--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
'Radar' Ray--CT 3466--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
Mark--London Calling--Walthamstow--East London
Dan--GT 67--Crawley--West Sussex
Dean--CT 1829--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
Steve--TC 156--Gatwick--West Sussex
Adam--Delta 31--Hastings--East Sussex
John--CT 4515--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
Tyler--TW 002--Hastings--East Sussex
Steve T--CT 2072--Tonbridge--Kent
Tom--CT 4543--Whitstable--Kent
Ricky on the Ridge--Hastings--Kent
Julian--CT 4952--Brighton--East Sussex
Adam--TE 032--Southend on Sea--Essex
Simon--Eastbourne--East Sussex
Dean--CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent--2nd location of the night
Nigel--C V M--North's Seat--East Sussex
Allan--Al 123--Redhill--Surrey
George--TK 08--Tonbridge--Kent
Tim--GEB 1224--Butts Brow near Eastbourne--East Sussex
Tony--CT 4013--Brighton--East Sussex
Russell--Speed Bird--Reigate Hill--Surrey
Toby--T 187--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Working a handy
And me
Ray--CT 2290--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who called in, or were listening and sending in audio/signal strength reports.
It's because of you that this net is so good.
Sorry to those who tried, please try again another Monday night.

Between the pass rounds, there was talk of ferrite beads on mic leads and radio shack electrics and that there is never enough sockets!!

That's this episode coming to an end

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the mighty pen and paper 📝
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Major contributor

Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 818
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2024 9:31 am

Well doesn't time fly!

Hello and welcome

Here is another episode of Ray Reviews the South Coast/Monday Night/Original channel 14 PMR net


"Biscuits & Cakes, currency of Radio Corner"

The net is held on almost every Monday night and can be stumbled upon by choosing analogue channel 14 or tuning into 446.16875 Mhz. It doesn't use any kind of CTCSS, DCS or "privacy" tones making it open to all.

My location for the net, was Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌳 Forest in the county of East Sussex and the set up was something a bit different. The CRT Space U was matched with the Graham OM 001) beam, the Paul (GB 23) mast and the John (CT 4515) Rotator (yeah I know, what a mix! 😃 LOL)

The net is scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs or 8 o'clock 🕗 local UK time, but sometime if you tune in earlier you could become part of the pre-net warm chat.

The weather on at Radio Corner was mild, blue sky, high wispy cloud, some mist in the valley and the bonus of a sun set.

Thank you all who called in and to the listening stations.
Here is my list on station that called in and were heard and or worked by the net.

Mark--London Calling--Walthamstow--East London 🥇
Chris--CT 1033--Tonbridge--Kent
Dean--CT 1829--Edenbridge--Kent
'Radar' Ray--CT 3466--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
Neil--CT 2207--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
Andy--Bart Man--Reigate Hill North--Surrey
Steve--DDB 285--Reigate Hill North--Surrey
Chris--CT 4362--Reigate Town--Surrey
Neil--CT 5159--Maidstone--Kent--Showing off his new callsign 👍
Adam--Delta 31--Hastings--East Sussex
Nigel--Camper Van Man--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
Toby--Tango 187--Hollingbury--East Sussex--Pedestrian/pushbike mobile dodging golf balls while on a handy
Russell--Speed Bird--Reigate Hill South--Surrey
David--Butts Brow near Eastbourne--East Sussex
Simon--Butts Brow near Eastbourne--East Sussex
Tony--CT 4013--Brighton--East Sussex
Chris--Ratty 248--Reigate Hill North--Surrey
Vicky--Witchy Women--Reigate Hill North--Surrey--Shotgun with Chris
Neil--CT 2207--Crowborough--East Sussex--2nd location of the night
Paul--CT 5147--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Working a handy
Jack--CT 5140--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Working a different handy & shotgun with Paul
Richard--TW 460--Tunbridge Wells--Kent
and me
Ray--CT 2290--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

That about brings this episode to an end

Thank you for reading and if you do spot a mistake, let me know and I will correct it

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the mighty pen and bits of paper 📝

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 818
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeFri May 31, 2024 8:56 pm

Hello readers and welcome

Here is another episode of Ray Reviews the South Coast/Monday Night/Channel 14 PMR net held on Monday 27th of May 2024


"did you know that on this date in history Euston 🚆 Station open"

My location for the night was Radio Corner, JO01BB14BE, Ashdown 🌴 Forest in the county of East Sussex and my working conditions were the same as last week. The weather was pleasant with mostly clear skies and a light breeze.

The net is held almost every Monday night and is scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs or 8 o'clock 🕗. It can sometimes start a bit late due to what shift the chairman is on.
The net can be found on analogue channel 14 and uses no kind CTCSS, DCS or 'privacy' tones. This make the net accessible to all, regardless of radio knowledge or ability and you DO NOT need to have a callsign or handle just your name will do.

My set up was the CRT Space U and beam all powered by a car battery 🔋

Now with the when, where and what time, it's on with my list of stations that called in and were heard and or worked by the net.

Adam--Delta 31--Hastings--East Sussex 🥇
Graham--OM 001--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
'Radar' Ray--CT 3466--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Allan--DDB 50--Redhill--Surrey
Dean--CT 1829--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Carlene aka Matts Missus--Strood--Kent--Welcome to the net 👍
Neil--CT 5159--Maidstone--Kent
John--CT 4515--Brighton--East Sussex
Tony--CT 4013--Brighton--East Sussex
George--TK 08--Tonbridge--Kent
Steve T--CT 2072--Mobile--Kent
Paul--CT 5147--Hartfield--East Sussex--Working a handy--1st location of the night
Toby--Tango 187--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Jack--CT 5140--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Working a handy
Paul--CT 5147--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--2nd location of the night
Julian--CT 4952--Brighton--East Sussex
and me
Ray--CT 2290--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

That concludes the list of who called in. Thank you all who did come out on a Bank Holiday Monday evening, sorry if you tried and wasn't heard, please try another night.

Here are some of the subjects of conversation. The merits of the CRT Electro over the CRT Space U, the short skip on UKFM and resistors.

Thank you reading (if you got this far) and if you spot a mistake or worse I have left you off the list, let me know and I will correct it

That brings this episode of Ray Reviews to an end

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper. 📝

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Major contributor
Major contributor

Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 818
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 11, 2024 7:36 pm

Hello, welcome, come on in.

Here is another episode of Ray Reviews the South Coast/Monday Night/Channel 14 PMR Net


"is this the longest running PMR net in the country?"

The net is on analogue channel 14 and uses no kind of CTCSS, DCS, scrambling or the "not privacy" tones and is scheduled to start about 20:00 Hrs or 8 o'clock 🕗 local UK time.

My location for the night was a busy jubilant Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌲 Forest in the county of East Sussex and my set up was the car battery 🔋 powered CRT Space U and the old trusty GPA antenna up on a fibre glass pole.

The weather was pleasant, warm and slightly overcast.

People often ask why the location is called Radio Corner.
Well, we had a visit from John CT 4515 and Tony CT 4015 who came up from Brighton, and while here John did some 20 metres work alongside PMR.
Toby was also in Radio Corner working 40 Metres with PMR, so there was lots activity.

Now on with the list who was heard and or worked by the net.

CT 940--Richard--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex 🥇
DS 01--Pru--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Richard 🥇
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Monitoring the air bands
CT 4362--Chris--Redhill--Surrey--Working a handy while pedestrian mobile
CT 2207--Neil--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--With radio Gremlins & 1st location of the night
DDB 50--Allan--Redhill--Surrey
CT 4515--John--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Working PMR and 20 metres
CT 4013--Tony--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with John
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
London Calling--Mark--Walthamstow--East London
Simon--Butts Brow--Eastbourne--East Sussex
CT 1647--Phil--West Peckham--Kent--Pushbike 🚲 mobile--Welcome to the net 👍
RC 402--Tom--Blackheath--Southeast London
CT 2072--Steve T--Tonbridge--Kent--Working a Handy
CT 5159--Neil--Maidstone--Kent
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Working PMR and 40 metres
CT 2207--Neil--Crowborough--East Sussex--2nd location of the night
and not forgetting me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who called in, to the listening stations and thank you for the waffle, choc chip brioche roll and coffee (you know who you are 😉) and to the station that thought calling "break, break, break, break, break" over and over again would work. Well....

If you spot a spelling mistake or I have left you off the list, let me know and I will correct it.

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen & paper 📝

Allan likes this post

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Major contributor
Major contributor

Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 818
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2024 8:40 pm

Hello there and welcome

Here is another episode of Ray Reviews the Channel 14/Monday Night/South Coast PMR night, held on Monday 10th of June


"Quality over quantity wins every time 😉😉"

My location for the night was Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌳 Forest (JO-01-BB-14-BE) in the county of East Sussex were we had a blue sky and sunset, some clouds and a light to no breeze. When the sun had set there was a crescent moon 🌒 to be seen The temperature at the beginning of the net was a pleasant 12 degrees C and at the end it had fallen to a chilled 5 degrees C.

The net is held on analogue channel 14 and is free of any kind of CTCSS, DCSS tones making it open to all and is scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs 🕗 or 8 o'clock PM and finishes when it finishes.

My set up for the night was the CRT Space U and a GPA (sputnik) antenna up on a fibre glass pole.

Now on with the list of stations that called in and were heard and or worked by the net.

CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex 🥇
CT 1829--Dean--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
DDB 50--Allan--Redhill--Surrey
CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 2207--Neil--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
CT 4627--Steve--Reigate Hill--Surrey
CT 4610--Andy--Reigate Hill--Surrey
RC 402--Tom--Blackheath--Southeast London--Mobile 🚗
KP 441--Steve--Henfield--West Sussex--1st location, pedestrian 🚶 mobile working a handy
CT 5159--Neil--Barming Wood near Maidstone--Kent--1st location, portable
CT 941--Richard--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
DS 01--Pru--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Richard
Pyro--Jason--Merstham--Surrey--Working a handy
CT 4952--Julian--Brighton--East Sussex
TK 08--George--Kent
CT 5147--Paul--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
CT 5140--Jack--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Paul
KP 441--Steve--Devils Dyke--West Sussex--2nd location of the night
CT 5159--Neil--Maidstone--Kent--2nd location of the night
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Also working 40m
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent--2nd location of the night
CT 4515--John--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 941--Richard--Reigate--Surrey--2nd location of the night
And me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who joined in and to the listing stations who know who they are. Sorry if you tried and wasn't heard, please do try again.

That about brings this Ray Review to an end

Best 73

Ray with the pen and paper 📝

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Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2024 12:13 pm

Hello hello and welcome.

It's that time again for another episode of "Ray Reviews" the Monday Night/Channel 14/South Coast PMR Net


"How high is it?"

The South Coast net was held on analogue channel 14 (446.16875 MHz) in the NFM mode and doesn't use any of those CTCSS, DCS or privacy tones that PMR radios come with.

My location for the net was Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌲 Forest in the county of East Sussex were the weather was hot with a clear sky, and sunset not to be missed looking at the cars that came in and took photos!

The net is scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs or 8 o'clock 🕗 and finishes anytime between 22:00 Hrs 🕙 and midnight 🕛. But if you tune in early, you could find a pre-net chat.

My set up for the night was the CRT Space U, a car battery 🔋 for power and the 1 and only 'Sputnik' 1/4 wave antenna up high on Toby's Racal military mast.

Now with the when, where and what time out the way, on with the list of stations heard and or worked by the net.

CT 1829--Dean--Shooters Hill--Southeast London 🥇
TC 156--Steve--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--up for a rare visit 👍
London Calling--Mark--Walthamstow--East London
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 2207--Neil--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night and still with his radio Gremlins
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
Dan--Near the airport--Rochester--Kent--Welcome to the net 👍
CT 5159--Neil--East Peckham--Kent--1st location of the night
CT 4515--John--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
Jake--Highdown Hill--Worthing--West Sussex--welcome back to the net 👍
UK 175--Wayne--Wadhurst--East Sussex
CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
CT 4594--Steve R--Church Green--Rochester--Kent
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 5172 aka DDB 50--Allan--Redhill--Surrey
AMC 1966--Boris--Bexhill--East Sussex
CT 2207--Neil--Crowborough--East Sussex--2nd location of the night
CT 5140--Jack--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
CT 4952--Julian--Brighton--East Sussex
HL 033--Andros--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 5159--Neil--Maidstone--Kent--2nd location of the night
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
and not forgetting me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who called in, thank you to the listening stations and sorry if you tried and wasn't heard.
Thank you to Toby for the use of the mast

That about brings this episode of "Ray reviews" to an end, if you see a mistake or I have left something out, let me know and I will correct it.

Best 73 and TTFN

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

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QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 9:36 pm

Well well well, it's that time again.

Welcome to another episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast/Monday Night/Channel 14 PMR Net


"is it taking liberties promoting another net every time you join in?"

My set up for the night was a CRT Space U, powered by a car battery 🔋 and the NOS French antenna up on a pole, this was all located in Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌳 Forest in the county of East Sussex.
The weather was a polar opposite of last week, with a solid cloud cover, no sunset and a light wind.

As suggest by the name earlier, the net is run on analogue channel 14 (446.16875 MHz) using NFM and is open to all with or without a callsign or handle.

The net is scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs or 8 o'clock 🕗 but sometimes you can find people having a pre-net chat.

Here is my list of who called in and was heard and or worked by the net

CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent 🥇
CT 1829--Dean--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
OM 001--Graham--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex--1st location of the night working a handy
Rob--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex--Chauffeur to Graham
CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 940--Richard--Reigate Hill--Surrey
DS 01--Pru--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Richard
Joker--Steve--Horley--Surrey--Working a handy
London Calling--Mark--Walthamstow--East London
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent
KP 441--Steve--Henfield--West Sussex--Working a handy
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex--2nd location of the night
TW 460--Richard--Tunbridge Wells--Kent
UK 175--Wayne--Wadhurst--East Sussex
CT 4657--Paul M--Vigo Village--Kent
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent--2nd location of the night
Bart Man--Andy--Horley--Surrey--Working a handy
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

As always, thank you all who came out to a hill or car park and called in. Thank you if you called and got in the log and thank you to the listening stations who know who they are 😄😉😉

Some of the topics of conversation during the net, West Kent Amateur Radio Society, the 'preppers net' Station Master logging software, my flat battery and the website

That about wrap things up for this 'Rays Review'

Catch ya next time


Ray with the pen and paper 📝

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Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2024 8:30 pm

Hello & welcome

Here is another episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast, Channel 14, Monday Night PMR Net, held on the 8th of July 2024


"Idiots to the left of me, morons to the right, here I am stuck in the middle"

The net is on 446.16875 MHz or PMR analogue channel 14 in NFM mode and is scheduled to start at about 20:00 Hrs 🕗 or 8 o'clock local UK time. If you can't wait till 8, sometimes you will find the odd station on and chatting pre-net.

My location for the night was Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌴 Forest (JO-01-bb or FFO319) in the county of East Sussex and the working conditions were the CRT SPACE U, a car battery 🔋 and the £1 mag mount.

The net is open to all regardless of your radio knowledge, you don't need a Facebook or Forum callsign, nickname or CB handle, you can just call in with your name and you don't need any CTCSS or DCS codes set up.

The weather on the night was rain, showers, drizzle or to sum it up in 1 word WET.

With the when, where and what time established, on with the list of those who called in and were heard and or worked by the net.

Chris--CT 1033--Tonbridge--Kent 🥇
Graham--OM 001--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex--1st location of the night
George--TK 08--Tonbridge--Kent
Adam--Delta 31--Hastings--East Sussex
Mark--CT 9484--Haslemere--Surrey
Toby--Tango 187--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Working 20m & PMR
'Radar' Ray--CT 3466--Crowhurst--Surrey
John--CT 4515--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
Neil--CT 5159--Maidstone--Kent
Tony--CT 4013--Brighton--East Sussex
Graham--OM 001--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
Julian--CT 4952--Brighton--East Sussex
Richard--CT 940--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Pru--DS 01--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Richard
Kerion--KP 35--Brighton--East Sussex
and me
Ray-- CT 2290--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

If you are a regular reader and have got this far down, then you will know that the fun 2nd name given to each episode hints at something that has happened on the night, asks a question or is just a chairman's comment.
Well on this night, the net was graced with not 1 but 2 stations trying to block it.
1 was in the Brighton area snipping a stations catchphrase and playing it on a loop and the 2nd one was in the Tonbridge area constantly pressing the alarm button on their UV-5R type of radio.

Thank you all who checked in and to the listening stations (you know who you are) and sorry if you tried and wasn't heard due to the problems of the night.

That about wraps thing up and brings this episode to an end.

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

PS 8 weeks to go . . . .

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 17, 2024 4:59 am

Unfortunately Ray there's some individuals who only gain a little pretend happiness by making the lives of others a little more miserable like their very own. Rolling Eyes

(Or so they seem to think!)

I just see that Toby was on 20m that night and there was me scanning 40m after hearing him on a previous week clocking on that he was at your location. I was hoping to catch him on 40m with the new antenna and either to convey (or even use his 'supervisory' privileges) a quick hello to your good self.

I may not have managed to grab you on PMR but where there's a will there's a way. Wink

Great stuff as usual Ray and glad that you never let the IQ-zero's get in your way. South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 1f44d 

All the best,

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QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2024 12:28 pm

Unfortunately Ray there's some individuals who only gain a little pretend happiness by making the lives of others a little more miserable like their very own. South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_rolleyes

(Or so they seem to think!)

I view it as the net doing its 'care in the community' bit  Wink   Wink, while there on the radio, there not out in streets preaching about the earth being oblong!!   lol!

I just see that Toby was on 20m that night and there was me scanning 40m after hearing him on a previous week clocking on that he was at your location. I was hoping to catch him on 40m with the new antenna and either to convey (or even use his 'supervisory' privileges) a quick hello to your good self.

Toby has a busy Monday night, he often works PMR, 15, 20 & 40 and with things like 'Station Master', facebook and '', it's all most impossible to not be spotted while on air. 
I did hint at the idea of a 'supervisory' contact and his enthusiasm for idea was instant. He now has your call and will be listening

 I may not have managed to grab you on PMR but where there's a will there's a way. South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_wink

There is plenty of will, so a way will be found  South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 1f44d 

Great stuff as usual Ray and glad that you never let the IQ-zero's get in your way. South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 1f44d 

IQ-zero's, wannabe DJ's, PTT dead air stations have all come and gone while the net is still here. N'uf said.

Thank you as always for support and for what you (and the rest of the Admin Team) do for the Charlie Tango DX Forum.

All the best & 73

Ray 2290

PS I have sent you a PM

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Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 23, 2024 8:18 pm

Hello all and welcome

Here is another episode of 'Ray Reviews' the South Coast/Monday Night/Channel 14 PMR net, held on the 15th of July 2024


"Quack Quack 🦆"

My location for the night, was Radio Corner of Ashdown 🌲 Forest, in the county of East Sussex, where the weather was extraordinary.
First it was heavy rain with a side order of thunder and lightning ⛈, followed by high winds that had the antenna swaying from left to right, then the fog (watch out for the pirates 🏴☠ !) finished with light winds and the occasional break in the clouds to reveal a 3/4 moon 🌔.

The net is held almost ever Monday night (we don't let the weather stop us) and can be found on analogue channel 14 using the NFM setting on the radio, we don't us any of those CTCSS, DCS or "privacy" tones. By not using the tones, it makes the net accessible no matter what kind of hand set you own.

My set up was the CRT Space U powered by a car battery 🔋 and a 1/4 wave antenna up on a pole.

The net of many names is scheduled to start at about 8 o'clock 🕗 or 20:00 Hrs local UK, but if you tune in early you can sometimes find and be part of the pre-net warm up chat.

With the when. where and what time established, it's on with the list of who starred in tonight's episode. H=Handy

CT 940--Richard--Reigate Hill--Surrey 🥇
DS 01--Pru--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Richard
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
DDB 285--Steve--Reigate Hill--Surrey--H
CT 4610--Andy--Reigate Hill--Surrey--H
CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Crowhurst--Surrey
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
PK 441--Steve--Henfield--West Sussex--H
GT 67--Danny--Crawley--West Sussex
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
DDB 50--Allan--Redhill--Surrey--H
Ratty 248--Chris--Reigate Hill--Surrey
Witchy Women--Vicky--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shot gun with Chris
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Working PMR, 15m & 40m--H
TW 460--Richard--Tunbridge Wells--Kent
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair

Thank you all who came out, on this British summers night and checked in, thank you to the Reigate IQ0 PTT pusher for proving, once again, how much YOU need the net for the attention!
Sorry if you tried to get and wasn't heard, please do try again.

Here are some of the pre-net topics of conversation, the weather, Ray's gearbox and military masts.

That about wraps this 'Rays Review' up

Best 73 and click click

Ray 2290 with the pen & paper 📝

7 weeks to go. . . .
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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2024 6:48 pm

Welcome welcome

Here is another episode of "Ray Reviews the South Coast PMR Net" which was held on Monday night, the 22nd of July 2024

or did you know

"the 'Ray Review' episodes thing, started back on the 21st of July 2021, with the very 1st one, I think."

The net is held on analogue channel 14 or 446.16875 MHz and uses the NFM mode. It doesn't use any kind CTCSS or DCS tones so it is open to who want to join or just listen.

My location for the net was Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌳 Forest in the county of East Sussex (JO-01-bb-14).
The weather at the beginning of the net was so windy that Toby's big military mast down to even the tiny antenna on the roof of 'Radar' Rays car was swaying, and at the end of the net it was calm and foggy.

The net is scheduled to start at about 20:00 or 🕗 8 o'clock local UK time, but sometimes if you turn on early you will find people on having a pre-net chat.

My working conditions were the CRT Space U powered by a car battery 🔋 and the little 1/4 antenna up on a fibre glass pole

The band conditions were a bit strange, there was a mild Tropo lift and it cause weird noises to be heard and fluttery audio.

Now you know the when, where and what time, on with the list of stations that called in and were heard and or worked by the net.

CT 5159--Neil--Detling Hill--Kent 🥇
CT 3466--Radar Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 1074--Mike--Devils Dyke--West Sussex
CB 03--Lorraine--Devils Dyke--West Sussex--Shotgun with Mike
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 4952--Julian--Racecourse Hill--Brighton--Pedestrian mobile on a handy
Stargazer aka GE 1072--Tony--Crawley--West Sussex
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Working PMR, 15 & 40m
UK 175--Wayne--Wadhurst--East Sussex
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
DDB 50--Allan--Redhill--Surrey
TC 156--Steve--Gatwick--West Sussex
CT 5147--Paul--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Pedestrian mobile on a handy
Speed Bird--Russell--Reigate Hill--Surrey
CT 5140--Jack--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all (and the listening stations) who checked in and sorry if tried and wasn't heard.

That brings this episode to an end, cheers for reading and please let me know if you spot a mistake, a spelling mistake or I have left something out.

Cheers n Beers 🍻


Ray 2290 with the pen & paper 📝

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2024 12:11 am

Hello all and welcome

Here is another episode of 'Ray Reviews' the South Coast PMR Net held on Monday 29-07-2024


"the last net of July 2024, this will never happen again"

Due to the tropo forecast suggesting an interesting night, I came prepared with my 8 element beam and the 1/4 wave GPA. I opted for the 1/4 up on a pole and then CRT Space U, with the beam ready to swap in if something interesting was heard.

The net was held on analogue channel 14, NFM mode selected and no CTCSS or DCS tones. It is scheduled to start at 8 o'clock 🕗 or 20:00 Hrs local UK time, but does sometimes start a bit later depending on when the chairman gets set up.

But fear not, you can on occasions find people having a pre-net chat.

The location I used was Radio Corner, Ashdown Forest 🌴 in the county of East Sussex where the weather was warm, sunny 🌞 with very little wind.
As it got darker the stars came out and the red/orange 1/4 moon 🌘 rose above the horizon.

With the introduction over, on with the list of all who called in and were worked by the net.

CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent 🥇
CT 5159--Neil--Mereworth Woods--Kent--Portable with a wire antenna up in a tree 🌳
CT 940--Richard--Reigate--Surrey
TC 156--Steve--Ashdown Forest 🌴 --East Sussex--Came up for an eyeball
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
KP 441--Steve--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex--Working a handy
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--Kent
CT 4515--John--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
CT 1074--Mike--Devils Dyke--West Sussex
CB 03--Lorraine--Devils Dyke--West Sussex--Shotgun with Mike
CT 4610--Andy--Horley--Surrey
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 5147--Paul--Ashdown Forest 🌴 --East Sussex--Testing his new mobile 🚗 set up
Road Runner--Andros--Hastings--East Sussex
TW 460--Richard--Tunbridge Wells--Kent
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest 🌴 --East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you to the listening stations and all who called in, sorry if you tried and wasn't heard.

1 of the interesting topics on the pre-net chat was the use of the 90 degree mic plugs on radios that have the socket on the side.

That brings this 'Ray Reviews' episode to an end. So until the next one. . .

. . . best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 11, 2024 7:08 am

Howdy all

Welcome to another episode of "Ray Reviews" the Monday Night/South Coast/Channel 14 PMR Net.


"5 weeks and counting"

The net was held on 5th of August 2024 and can be found on analogue channel 14 using NFM and not using any kind of tones or codes. This makes it open to all, no matter what radio you own or your radio knowledge.

My set up was the CRT Space U and the 1/4 wave GPA up on a pole and the location was Radio Corner, Ashdown Forest 🌲 in the county East Sussex.

The net is scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs 🕗 or 8 o'clock local UK time, but sometimes you can found find a pre-net warm up before 8 o'clock.

Weather on the forest dry, warm with blue skies and a sunset 🌞.

With the when, where, what time and equipment used out of the way, on with the list of who called in and who heard who.

CT 1829--Dean--Lewes--East Sussex--Mobile 🚗🥇
KP 441--Steve--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex--using a walkie talkie
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
Stuart--Rochester--Kent--Near the castle--Welcome to the net 👍
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
Russell--Tonbridge--Kent--A rare appearance from a listening station
Dave the Keyer--Trying and failing to block the net 🤣
CT 4657--Paul M--Vigo Village--Kent
CT 4515--John--Jack & Jill--East Sussex
Joker aka DDB 285--Steve--Reigate Hill--Surrey
Chris--Burgess Hill--West Sussex--Welcome to the net 👍
Bart Man aka CT 4610--Andy--Reigate Hill--Surrey
CT 940--Richard--Reigate Town--Surrey
C I D Tony--Tony-Merstham--1st local of the night--Welcome to the net 👍
London Calling--Mark--Walthamstow--East London
Star Gazer aka GE 1072--Tony--Crawley--West Sussex
CT 1072--Steve T--Tonbridge--Kent
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex--Also working 15 & 40m
C I D Tony--Tony--Reigate Hill--Surrey--2nd location of the night
Ghost Rider--Jayden--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Tony--Welcome to the net 👍
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
OP 525--Dennis--Mereworth--Kent--Welcome to the net 👍
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex--In the chair

Thank you all who called in and welcome to the new one's to the net (even Dave the Keyer), sorry if you tried and wasn't heard, please give it another go another night.

Here are some of the topics of conversation discussed before and during the net.
Antenna orientation for SSB & FM, Solar panels, what the world would be like with no animals, mammals, fish or inspects and EV cars, their pro's & con's

That about brings this episode of "Ray reviews" to an end, if you see a mistake or I have left something out, let me know and I will correct it.

Best 73

Ray with the pen and paper 📝

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2024 9:09 am

Well hello there and welcome

Here is another poorly written, run of the mill episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast/Channel 14/Monday Night PMR Net


"5 hours and 2 days. If you know you know 😉😉"

So while you are pondering "5 hours & 2 days (at the time of the net)", here is a bit of information about the net.

As suggested in the intro, the net can be found on analogue channel 14 or 446.16875 MHz and uses the NFM setting on the radio. It doesn't use any kind of CTCSS, DCS or privacy tones which makes it open to all who can hear us.

Don't be scared to call in, all are welcome from new to radio beginners to the experienced operator, we won't & don't judge.

The net is scheduled to start at about 20:00 Hrs or 8 o'clock 🕗 local UK time, but if you turn on and tune in early, you may find people chatting about this & that waiting for things to start.

My location for the net was "Radio Corner", Ashdown 🌳 Forest in the county of East Sussex.
The set up was the CRT space U powered by a car battery 🔋, and a 1/4 wave 'Sputnik' high up on a pole, which was connected to the radio by some super expensive Mil-Spec coaxial cable, that had been blessed by many religious men and women from around the world.
Not that anybody notices the difference when I use it or the cheap bargain basement mini 8, which is just better than wet string! 🤣

For the weather watchers, it was a very pleasant evening, with the high clouds clearing enough later in the night, and the half moon 🌓 setting, that for some of those at Radio Corner we got to see an average of 6 shooting stars and hour.

With introductions over, on with the list of call in's, check in's and stations worked by the net

CT 1074--Mike--Devils Dyke--West Sussex 🥇
CB 03--Lorraine--Devils Dyke--West Sussex--Shotgun with Mike 🥇
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
DDB 342--Andy--Reigate Hill--Surrey--using a Baofeng handy
DDB 285--Steve--Reigate Hill--Surrey
DDB 50--Allan--Redhill--Surrey
CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
KP 441--Steve--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex--By the trig point on a handy
CT 940--Richard--Reigate Hill--Surrey
DS 01--Pru--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Richard and not keeping him out of trouble
The Hadlow Hustler aka CT 4281--Dick--Hadlow--Kent
CT 4362--Chris--Reigate Town--Surrey
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 4515--John--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
CT 5159--Neil--Cox Heath--Kent--In the woods portable with a wire up in a tree 🌳
John--Butser Hill--Hampshire--welcome to the net 👍
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Work some parts of the HF band and PMR
CT 4013--Tony--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Toby working a handy
CT 5147--Paul--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Working a handy
CT 5140--Jack--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Paul and showing off his new home built 446 antenna
CT 4952--Julian--Brighton--East Sussex
TW 460--Richard--Tunbridge Wells--Kent
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--in the chair 💺

That's the list of all who called, thank you all regardless of if you stayed for half an hour or the full length of the net.

Before this review comes to an end and the credits roll, here are some of the topics from the net.
The Perseid Meteor shower, Neil out in the woods, being ill prepared by not having a coat and the Quansheng walkie talkie handy dandy radio.

Tap the thumbs up 👍 button if you want more of the same

73 --.. ..--

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

Oh one last thing, do you know if a village lost its idiot Monday night?
Coz Dave the Keyer was back, tried and failed again LOL 😄

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2024 9:29 am

Your net reports routinely being published are certainly appreciated Ray so are never 'run-of-the-mill' nor ever poorly written. South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 1f44d

Doesn't every "village" have the proverbial idiot? Very Happy
At least whilst they're up to their radio antics they aren't up to anything more nefarious. Wink

Great stuff as usual there Ray and I wish you and the PMR guys & gals all the very best.


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PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2024 1:49 pm

Hello Ray,

Good to see the Net is still going strong.👍

I will keep on having a listen and if the conditions prevail we might make the contact.

73s John.

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Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2024 9:17 pm

Victor wrote:
Your net reports routinely being published are certainly appreciated Ray so are never 'run-of-the-mill' nor ever poorly written. South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 1f44d

Doesn't every "village" have the proverbial idiot? Very Happy
At least whilst they're up to their radio antics they aren't up to anything more nefarious. Wink

Great stuff as usual there Ray and I wish you and the PMR guys & gals all the very best.


Hi Victor

It would be easy to follow a 123 format when doing the net reviews, but I like to have fun with them 🤪

I don't think "Dave" (not his actual name) would know what "nefarious" means to be honest LOL 😉😆

Thank you for the best wishes. I'm surprised the net has lasted so long and that it's heading to its 9th anniversary


Ray 2290

John123 wrote:
Hello Ray,

Good to see the Net is still going strong.👍

I will keep on having a listen and if the conditions prevail we might make the contact.

73s John.

Hi John
Just lately it has been going stronger that the Thursday night LSB net  affraid with more check ins!

I have my squelch wide open and always hopeful of some tropo, just look at last years anniversary net.


Ray 2290

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2024 10:04 pm

Hello Ray,

That is good news. PMR does seem to be really popular at the moment. Some stations are even experimenting with repeaters in the Southport area. I think the low noise level is making it popular for homebase use.

I am enjoying the band, myself. Really pleasantly surprised with how much activity there is.👍 I am waiting with interest for some good tropospheric conditions.

73s John.

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2024 8:29 pm

nefarious now there is a word to conjure with victor  Laughing
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Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 56

South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 25, 2024 10:56 pm

John123 wrote:
Hello Ray,

That is good news. PMR does seem to be really popular at the moment. Some stations are even experimenting with repeaters in the Southport area. I think the low noise level is making it popular for homebase use.

I am enjoying the band, myself. Really pleasantly surprised with how much activity there is.👍 I am waiting with interest for some good tropospheric conditions.

73s John.

Hi John

When the net was on channel 8, before we had 16 channels to play with, there was a Interweb Gateway in Balcombe and for a few weeks the PMR net had check ins from around the county. 
It did slow the net down with the delay between question and answer with the  contacts, and for some, it wasn't radio and didn't like it 🙁 .

There was/is a video on YouTube posted by WOW SLY (CT 941) of him and I using a Parrot repeater based in France. Interesting yes, a good idea, no in my opinion.

I use 2 very different ways of trying to forecast tropo, 1 is to use or "Hepburn's" as people shorten it to and 2 when I hear French stations on our FM commercial bands. There is a third, which is if you are licenced, you can listen to 70 CM's for repeater ID's form sites you don't normally hear.

Maybe one day the radio gods will smile upon us and grant as contact. I have my fingers crossed 🤞

Ray 2290

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PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 25, 2024 11:46 pm

Hello Ray,

I am of the same opinion as you.👍 Although, I always encourage alternative methods of communication and find it interesting.

Thanks for the tips on conditions and replying to my post.

All the best with the net and if Mother Nature smiles, I hope to make the contact. PMR is a very interesting band and I urge everyone to give it a go.

Best 73s John.

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