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 A daft idea, perhaps?

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Call Sign : 26CT4617, 26TD133 & M7FPX
Posts : 64
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Join date : 2022-09-01
QTH or Location : Malton, North Yorkshire
Equipment Used : PMR 446 handset, President McKinley, FT-8900

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PostSubject: A daft idea, perhaps?   A daft idea, perhaps? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 06, 2023 9:25 am

Morning folks

I've taken to logging on here most mornings of late and always look at the Latest Topics list scrolling by in their little box and see a steady list of call sign requests.  Now I realise I don't spend as much time on air as many, but I do get out two or three times a week and join a few nets.  The thing that struck me is that despite all the new call signs I hear very few Charlie Tango call signs coming out of the radio.

So, the daft idea is to start a simple competition to see who can log the most CT call signs in a year.  I can't offer foreign holidays for the winner, but perhaps the admins could put a winners name/call sign in lights on the forum somewhere.  My mind started running away and thinking of points systems, but I don't think it took too long before it all became excessively complex, but I was thinking of trying to encourage those new here to have higher value to encourage more of them on air.

So, there you go, an idea to be embrace or ignore as folks see fit.


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A daft idea, perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: A daft idea, perhaps?   A daft idea, perhaps? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 08, 2023 5:56 am

Nice thinking Al. Like the upcoming winter 11m challenge, I wouldn't be a hard hitter, but would definitely join if there were others that would want to participate.

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peewee norfolk
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peewee norfolk

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Age : 56

A daft idea, perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: A daft idea, perhaps?   A daft idea, perhaps? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 09, 2023 5:54 pm

same as Neal, al id give it a go only ever heard one other CT and didnt get intouch

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Equipment Used : Yaesu 991a - Imax 2000 - CRT Electro - Sharman X50
Age : 77

A daft idea, perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: A daft idea, perhaps?   A daft idea, perhaps? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 09, 2023 6:43 pm

There are numerous CT call signs that log in each week to various networks eg. Southern & South Coast SSB Net, Tango Charlie Net, AMC Friday Net, South Coast PMR Net, South East Sunday Morning Net, etc.

Don't know about where you guys are but if you can get into a net that would be a good place to start.

All three of you are in the wrong places for me, but with the right conditions it could be a goer.

Good luck. A daft idea, perhaps? 1f600

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Call Sign : 26CT4617, 26TD133 & M7FPX
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A daft idea, perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: A daft idea, perhaps?   A daft idea, perhaps? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 09, 2023 7:01 pm

Tonyvic wrote:
There are numerous CT call signs that log in each week to various networks eg. Southern & South Coast SSB Net, Tango Charlie Net, AMC Friday Net, South Coast PMR Net, South East Sunday Morning Net, etc.

Don't know about where you guys are but if you can get into a net that would be a good place to start.

All three of you are in the wrong places for me, but with the right conditions it could be a goer.

Good luck. A daft idea, perhaps? 1f600
Hi Tony, it's mainly nets that I work.  North East, North West, Freebanders and try my best to get into the Tango Charlie Net, but the last is a struggle.  The bands aren't completely devoid of CT call signs up here, but given the numbers and the frequency with which they are given out I would expect to hear more of them.  Perhaps they are all on the South coast.  I hope to get down there before too long to visit relatives and will try to catch a net or two while there.
Best wishes
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Call Sign : 26-CT-4013/M7DVQ
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QTH or Location : Brighton, East Sussex
Equipment Used : Yaesu 991a - Imax 2000 - CRT Electro - Sharman X50
Age : 77

A daft idea, perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: A daft idea, perhaps?   A daft idea, perhaps? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 09, 2023 7:45 pm

Al21 wrote:
Tonyvic wrote:
There are numerous CT call signs that log in each week to various networks eg. Southern & South Coast SSB Net, Tango Charlie Net, AMC Friday Net, South Coast PMR Net, South East Sunday Morning Net, etc.

Don't know about where you guys are but if you can get into a net that would be a good place to start.

All three of you are in the wrong places for me, but with the right conditions it could be a goer.

Good luck. A daft idea, perhaps? 1f600
Hi Tony, it's mainly nets that I work.  North East, North West, Freebanders and try my best to get into the Tango Charlie Net, but the last is a struggle.  The bands aren't completely devoid of CT call signs up here, but given the numbers and the frequency with which they are given out I would expect to hear more of them.  Perhaps they are all on the South coast.  I hope to get down there before too long to visit relatives and will try to catch a net or two while there.
Best wishes

Hi Al, I understand your reason for the 'Daft Idea' as you call it. A daft idea, perhaps? 1f600
Apart from nets I often hear CT members calling CQ on .285, .395, .555 etc. who rarely go on nets/UK band. I am lucky in that I am retired so can spend hours each day listening around the bands whilst doing other things at the bench.
It's a shame you struggle with the TC net as it's very busy as you probably know, the last one had 81 callers! Cool and no I can't get it on the radio but often listen on Web SDR.
Let us know when you come 'darn sarf' and I and others will listen out for you.
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Call Sign : 26CT4617, 26TD133 & M7FPX
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QTH or Location : Malton, North Yorkshire
Equipment Used : PMR 446 handset, President McKinley, FT-8900

A daft idea, perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: A daft idea, perhaps?   A daft idea, perhaps? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 10, 2023 8:33 am

Tonyvic wrote:

Hi Al, I understand your reason for the 'Daft Idea' as you call it. A daft idea, perhaps? 1f600
Apart from nets I often hear CT members calling CQ on .285, .395, .555 etc. who rarely go on nets/UK band. I am lucky in that I am retired so can spend hours each day listening around the bands whilst doing other things at the bench.
It's a shame you struggle with the TC net as it's very busy as you probably know, the last one had 81 callers! Cool and no I can't get it on the radio but often listen on Web SDR.
Let us know when you come 'darn sarf' and I and others will listen out for you.
Hi Tony,
I do manage to get into the log with John and Max most Saturdays, but usually through a third party.  Often a station in Wales or Cumbria bizarrely, but that's the magic of radio.  This leaves me feeling like a kid with his nose pressed against the window of a sweet shop as I hear many, many stations, but my 12w doesn't get far in the UK most of the time.
I've been messaging Ray about suitable spots to set up at when I visit Sussex next.  I have a couple in mind now and will definitely try for the Thursday SSB Net.  I know the area pretty well as I was born and raised near Chichester, lived in LA for a couple of years too.  I bet Brighton has changed since I last visited.
I hope to catch you on air sometime Tony.
Best wishes
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Call Sign : 26-CT-4013/M7DVQ
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Equipment Used : Yaesu 991a - Imax 2000 - CRT Electro - Sharman X50
Age : 77

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PostSubject: Re: A daft idea, perhaps?   A daft idea, perhaps? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 10, 2023 3:47 pm

Hi Al, I see that your QTH is probably 30-55M ASL do you go to high ground or are you just homebased?
I used to own a small hotel in Scarborough and went to the north of Flamborough Head near Speeton as it's over 100M ASL, from there I got some good copies inland & Scandinavia/Europe.

As for your Sussex visit if you can do a Monday with your handy for PMR as well as Thursday SSB you may get over to us if you aren't too far west or the conditions could be on your side.

Brighton has changed dramatically in the last few years, if you come this way be prepared. 

Also hope to catch you on the air sometime soon.

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Call Sign : 26CT4617, 26TD133 & M7FPX
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PostSubject: Re: A daft idea, perhaps?   A daft idea, perhaps? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 11, 2023 8:01 am

Tonyvic wrote:
Hi Al, I see that your QTH is probably 30-55M ASL do you go to high ground or are you just homebased?
I used to own a small hotel in Scarborough and went to the north of Flamborough Head near Speeton as it's over 100M ASL, from there I got some good copies inland & Scandinavia/Europe.

As for your Sussex visit if you can do a Monday with your handy for PMR as well as Thursday SSB you may get over to us if you aren't too far west or the conditions could be on your side.

Brighton has changed dramatically in the last few years, if you come this way be prepared. 

Also hope to catch you on the air sometime soon.

Hi Tony,
Yes my QTH is poor for radio, but only a short drive to some good spots on the Wolds.  My favourite is about 600 feet ASL and works well and is great for wildlife and sunsets too.  I've been considering a drive over to Flamborough or Hunmanby to see if I can work some Scandinavian countries from the sea side.

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Age : 56

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PostSubject: Re: A daft idea, perhaps?   A daft idea, perhaps? Icon_minitimeSat Oct 14, 2023 10:23 am

Hi Al

What a cracking idea a "Log as many CT callsigns in a month" competition. 1 point for every station confirmed. 

Can I also suggest it be done in the summer so more can get out in the sun for mobile/portable set ups.

Ray 2290

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