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Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6540 Times Thanked : 401 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:42 am
Hi all, hope you are well and keeping safe.
In pursuit of my own radio interests and in the spirit of sharing, I'd like to share the following information with you.
During the current lockdown many of you studying for becoming a radio amateur or contemplating it will have come to the realisation that clubs are shut down and you may not be able to proceed further. Fear not, the RSGB (UK), have currently waived the practical assessment requirement and started to offer online Foundation level examinations. Good news
You can find more information on the following links :-
Foundation Online Invigilation
Foundation Exams Coronavirus
Online Foundation FAQ
The final faq link is a pdf download showing requirements for obtaining an online examination. Useful as the basic requirements for taking the exam are a PC running Windows 7 or higher, or a Mac running OS10 or higher and a webcam, (amongst other details).
I hope this helps anyone out there, (even though it doesn't currently help me due to having a Linux machine and Android tablet neither of which are applicable).
I also hope that it is a successful venture for the RSGB and becomes a permanent feature for future candidates wishing to expand their radio interests and become a radio amateur.
All the best to you, Victor
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Tue Apr 07, 2020 9:38 am
In pursuit of my own radio interests and in the spirit of sharing, I'd like to share the following information with you.
During the current lockdown many of you studying for becoming a radio amateur or contemplating it will have come to the realisation that clubs are shut down and you may not be able to proceed further. Fear not, the RSGB (UK), have currently waived the practical assessment requirement and started to offer online Foundation level examinations. Good news
You can find more information on the following links :-
Foundation Online Invigilation
Foundation Exams Coronavirus
Online Foundation FAQ
The final faq link is a pdf download showing requirements for obtaining an online examination. Useful as the basic requirements for taking the exam are a PC running Windows 7 or higher, or a Mac running OS10 or higher and a webcam, (amongst other details).
I hope this helps anyone out there, (even though it doesn't currently help me due to having a Linux machine and Android tablet neither of which are applicable).
I also hope that it is a successful venture for the RSGB and becomes a permanent feature for future candidates wishing to expand their radio interests and become a radio amateur.
All the best to you, Victor
Nice one Victor, I hope you and yours are well buddy. Never a better time to get your foundation ticket, go get 'em folks!
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Sun Apr 19, 2020 8:22 am
The Coronavirus outbreak and the RSGB's introduction of online exams that can be taken at home have led to a surge in demand for free online amateur radio training courses such as that run by Essex Ham
Volunteers from Essex Ham run a completely free online training course for the UK amateur radio Foundation exam.
A record breaking 260 people enrolled on the course that started April 5 with a further 164 waiting to start the next course.
In response to the demand Essex Ham are running an additional course, open to anyone in the UK, starting on April 19. You can find out more about online training and register to join a course at https://www.essexham.co.uk/train/foundation-online/
hawk657 New Member
Call Sign : CT/X 6657 Posts : 43 Times Thanked : 1 Join date : 2020-04-19 QTH or Location : Nuneaton - Warwickshire Equipment Used : AT5555, CRT2000H, Midland PORTAPACK, SIRIO and FIRESTIK mobile antennas. Home built DIPOLE in the loft, T2LT and a Silver Rod going up this week (sep 23)
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:17 am
I have 3 weeks at home starting in early May, and of course will be in lockdown so have just applied to Essex Ham for their fast track, online, self study package I've just ordered the RSGB Foundation study guide for delivery this week ....So lets get it on!
Thanks for the info fellas!
Cheers and Beers Matt CT/X 6657
GaryWilson CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-1836 Amateur Radio Call Sign 2E0GGQ Posts : 4539 Times Thanked : 390 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : Redcar, North Yorkshire. Equipment Used : Radios & Wires & Stuff! Age : 60
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:15 am
hawk657 wrote:
I have 3 weeks at home starting in early May, and of course will be in lockdown so have just applied to Essex Ham for their fast track, online, self study package I've just ordered the RSGB Foundation study guide for delivery this week ....So lets get it on!
Thanks for the info fellas!
Cheers and Beers Matt CT/X 6657
Good luck with it Matt, you won't regret it, a whole new world of radio awaits!!
Essex Ham report an amateur radio Foundation Online training webinar held on April 21 attracted 273 participants Since the RSGB enabled Foundation exams to be taken online in people's homes there has been a surge of interest in free online amateur radio training courses. Essex Ham tweeted: Last night, we ran a live webinar for candidates on our Foundation Online courses. Here are the stats. Loads of great questions, especially about getting started, taking the online exam & first steps into the hobby. Hugely positive comments about @theRSGB online exams. #hamradio https://twitter.com/EssexHam/status/1252859795389874176 The next Foundation Online course starts on May 3, due to heavy demand it's advisable to register early.
You can find out more about Foundation online amateur radio training and register to join a course at https://www.essexham.co.uk/train/foundation-online/
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:14 pm
As at the end of April 24 the RSGB had successfully conducted 29 remotely-invigilated online amateur radio Foundation exams in people's homes
The Society reports they are currently doing 10 remote exams per day.
The RSGB President and Exam Quality Manager Dave Wilson M0OBW has been a keen proponent of online exams. He has indicated he would eventually like to see the number done each day increased to 15+.
About 350 exams have been booked to the end of May and several hundred additional Foundation exams are in the pipeline. Given the high demand for Foundation exams it seems unlikely any Intermediate or Full exams could be done before the end of May.
mrsuperstar New Member
Call Sign : 178CT004 Posts : 2 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2019-06-29 QTH or Location : Bulgaria Equipment Used : crt ss6900n v6 Age : 67
that is going to be very handy for me, wanted to do the foundation course but living in Bulgaria i would struggle to find something in English, that's for the information.
Foundation Online Amateur Radio training starts May 3 Register now for the next free Essex Ham online amateur radio Foundation training course that starts on May 3
The course is free, takes place in an online classroom, and requires 2-3 hours of study per week. Courses include online lessons, video tutorials, slides and mock tests.
More information and details of how to register are at https://www.essexham.co.uk/train/foundation-online
Once you've completed the course you can take the RSGB Foundation exam online from your own home, details are given in the Online exam remote invigilation FAQ at https://rsgb.org/main/clubs-training/exam-faq/
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Mon May 04, 2020 11:59 am
RSGB to introduce remote invigilation for Foundation Exa Remotely-invigilated exam numbers released On Friday, May 1, the RSGB released the figures for UK remotely-invigilated amateur radio Foundation exams The Society said 116 Foundation exams had been run, of these 109 candidates had passed giving a pass rate of 94%. This pass rate is very encouraging, the minutes of the RSGB Examinations and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) meeting held on February 1 had recorded a Foundation pass rate of only 79% for the first five months of the new syllabus up to the end of January. About 380 exams are scheduled to take place in May and so far 187 exams have been planned for June. The high demand for Foundation exams suggests early booking may be advisable. ESRG minutes can be downloaded from https://rsgb.org/main/about-us/committe ... c-reports/
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Fri May 08, 2020 10:46 am
Essex Ham Foundation Online Training breaks all records - Again!!
The Coronavirus outbreak and the RSGB's introduction of online exams that can be taken at home have led to a surge in demand for free online amateur radio training courses such as that run by Essex Ham
Volunteers from Essex Ham run a completely free online training course for the UK amateur radio Foundation exam.
A record breaking 313 people enrolled on the course that started on May 3 but demand is still so high that the Essex Ham team will be running a second course in parallel. This course starts on Sunday, May 17 and is open to anyone.
You can find out more about online training and register to join the course at https://www.essexham.co.uk/train/foundation-online/
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Tue May 12, 2020 9:27 am
[b]RSGB online amateur radio exam figures released On Monday, May 11, it was reported that 216 candidates had taken the remotely-invigilated online amateur radio Foundation exam since April 10, of those 201 (93%) passed
This shows a significantly improved Foundation pass-rate since remotely-invigilated exams, that people could take in their own homes, were introduced. In the 5 months from September 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020 only 79% had passed, see ESRG minutes for February https://rsgb.org/main/about-us/committe ... c-reports/
One of the reasons for the improvement may be because online tuition enables people to learn at their own speed.
There has been a surge of interest in getting an amateur radio licence since remotely-invigilated exams were introduced. In addition to the 216 exams already taken there are another 617 Foundation candidates already booked in for their Exam.
Information on free online amateur radio Foundation training courses and how to apply to take the Foundation exam online from your own home.[b]
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Fri May 22, 2020 9:05 am
The RSGB reports that despite a record number of 600 online amateur radio exam slots being made available in June, they are already fully booked!
A post on the RSGB website reads:
In response to the demand for remote invigilation exams, the RSGB is launching a new, automated booking system. It will make each part of the process smoother for applicants and HQ staff. As all 600 exam slots in June have now been filled, the new booking system will go live on 1 June in readiness for booking July exam slots.
Over the next ten days we will share more details about the system and how to use it.
In the meantime, please note that we are not accepting any new bookings via the old application form.
Prior to the introduction of remotely-invigilated online exams that people can take from their own home, there were only about 1500 Foundation exams held each year, that equates to just 125 a month, demand is now running at over four-times that level.
Remote-invigilation and Online Training seems to have made the hobby accessible to so many more people for whom the geographically-patchy club-based training and exams were out of reach.
Templar Contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-3550 Ham:- M7DEW Posts : 90 Times Thanked : 3 Join date : 2019-08-14 QTH or Location : Huddersfield West Yorkshire. UK Equipment Used : Yaesu FT-991A. Stryker HP-955. CRT SS 6900n. CRT Micron Age : 65
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Fri May 22, 2020 1:14 pm
Just a note for Starship/Victor and anyone else who's interested. I used this very course to do my foundation and completed (unknown to me at the time) 2 weeks before the outbreak. Essex Ham and in particular Pete Sipple who runs/tutors the course have done an outstanding job. The course i found personally much easier and more pleasurable to learn than reading just the manual alone. I find that learning via watching video presentations and doing the little tests a better way of learning for me. You log on and go at your own pace at whatever suits your life style ect with access 24/7. when i took my exam i felt more than ready, having done a couple of "mock" exams provide on the course. I passed on my first attempt achieving 25 out of 26, the pass mark is i believe 19 out of 26. It is without reservation that i thoroughly recommend this course to anyone interested and now that you can do the exam remotely via the RSGB thereby obviates having to attend a club, it's a win win.!
Good Luck.! Stay Safe. Cheers. Dale.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Fri May 22, 2020 8:41 pm
Well Dale. Great to hear that you one of many now that have done the Essex club course. They have a fantastic course which will permit anybody that is unable to go to a local radio club to do it. Long may it continue along with the remote exam. 73. Mark.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Online Foundation Tests 2020 Fri May 29, 2020 7:56 pm
Following the Society’s announcement about the introduction of a new booking system for online remote invigilation Foundation exams, bookings will resume on Monday the 1st of June. Exam bookings can only be made via the online booking form at www.rsgb.org/exampay. The next available examination sessions are from 8am on Wednesday the 1st of July. You can choose your preferred date and time from those shown on the booking form as being available. You will need to pay for the exam when you make the booking. This temporary booking arrangement is only for use during the Covid-19 lockdown.
The Society is hoping to introduce online remote invigilation exams for the Intermediate and Full licences in the course of the coming weeks. Practical assessments, and other transitional arrangements during the lockdown, are still under review and changes will be announced as necessary.