Hi I became a member here last year sometime and asked for a CT call sign but not heard anything yet.
I have been on 11 meters from the early late 70's AM (Midland) and FM 27/81 days (Harrier & SS360) then we had a local club and was given a callsign of 26TB30 the TB was Thanet Broadstairs - 2018 bought a Uniden UBC355CLT scanner to have a listen and the bug hit me again and now have a few BaoFeng radios I use on PMR446 or just listen to the marine bands while walking the dog along the beach
- I then saw the CTR SS 6900N on fleabay and a Solarcon 99 antenna and just had to buy them as you do, the early part of last year. I got a nice big 30amp PSU just incase
It would be great to get a Charlie Tango call sign if poss
All the best to all and if you hear me please say hi