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Subject: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:34 pm
GB0GIG on air in May to thank our NHS Dragon Amateur Radio Club and North Wales Radio Society are pleased to announce their collaboration to run the special event station GB0GIG (Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol), which is Welsh for National Health Service. The aim of the station is to thank all the NHS workers in Wales for their strength and hard work in tackling the Covid–19 pandemic and also to keep in touch with fellow amateurs in ‘lock down’ whilst promoting the Radio Society of Great Britain ‘GOTA2C – Get On The Air 2 Care’ campaign. The station will be active on HF, VHF and UHF using as many modes as possible, as often as possible from the 1st until the 28th of May, being operated from the homes of club members.
To encourage amateurs around the UK and whole world to make contact with GB0GIG, we have produced an award certificate for you to collect. Bronze - 2 contacts Silver – 4 contacts Gold – 6 contacts Platinum – 10 or more contacts. These contacts can be made on any band or even all on the same band. We hope to update a Log Book of the World account every day or two, so you can track your progress. Finally, we find ourselves in a very difficult situation and some of us may be fed up being at home, so please do join in and listen out for GB0GIG to thank our healthcare workers! Full details of the call and awards scheme can be found on QRZ.COM at GB0GIG.
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Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:35 pm
Netherlands special event calls The following special event calls from the Netherlands are celebrating 75 years of peace following the end of WW II throughout May: PA75FREE, PB75FREE, PC75FREE, PD75FREE, PE75FREE, PF75FREE, PG75FREE, PH75FREE, PA75FREEDOM, and PD75FREEDOM. QSOs also count for a special award. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via bureau and LoTW. For direct requests please use ClubLog. http://www.ynomy.nl/
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Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:35 pm
AU2STH special event call from India Looking to the present crisis of COVID 19 and to save our community from this problem, VU2JAU will be operating with a special callsign AU2STH stands for STAY HOME and keep yourself safe from this crisis. AU2STH will be in operation up to 31 May 2020. It is used to spread the word to the Global Community and Protect them from the problem. The stations who will be having contact with AU2STH will be receiving the E Certificate of appreciation for Coordination. AU2STH will be active on 07065 and 14.115 MHz daily till 31 May 2020. KEEP SAFE & STAY HOME
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:36 pm
Samoan special event Atsu, 5W1SA, is expected to be active as 5W19STAYSAFE from Apia during the pandemic COVID-19 lock-down. He states, "I know everyone struggles with Covid-19 where as we Samoa has no positive case so far. One of very rare Covid Free Island country that I'm transmitting from. Yes, the Island is really isolated from any other land and the Samoa Government decided to close the boarder at the early stage. "I wish everybody Stay Safe at your places and we will see the end of pandemic as soon as possible. I also wish I could help you kill time while calling me or enjoy collect DXCC, WPX or any other award you are trying.... 73 and Stay Safe all!!" QSL via LoTW (NO Paper Card).
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Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:38 pm
Moroccan Special Event Operators Mohammadia CN8AM, Agadir CN8ATM, El Kelâa des Sraghna CN8AV, Rabat CN8KD, Oujda CN8MAA, Bejaâd CN8MM, Casablanca CN8PA, Marrakech CN8QR, Kenitra CN8SG, Agadir CN8VO and Meknes CN8WW will be using the COVID-19 Awareness special event callsign CN20SH (for StayHome) until April 30th. QSL via RW6HS.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:42 pm
RP75KD - Kalach on Don - Russia Peter, UA4AJD will be active with special call RP75KD from Kalach on Don, Russia, commemorating 75th Anniversary of Victory in Second World War and in honor of city of Military Glory Kalach on Don. He will operate on HF Bands.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:43 pm
Peter Valentine, a 96-year-old radio amateur from Eastbourne, is celebrating his birthday by aiming to contact 96 amateurs over the airwaves and walk 96 miles over the coming weeks. As a thanks to the NHS which has given him good care recently, he is using the special call sign GB0EDH to represent Eastbourne District General Hospital. He is active on D-Star, 2m, 4m and 80m, so listen out for him on the air and help him to achieve his target!
Last edited by STARSHIP on Wed May 13, 2020 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:43 pm
EH7STAYHOME - Huelva - Spain - COVID19 Radio Amateurs members of URE Huelva will be active with special call EH7STAYHOME from Huelva, Spain, during coronavirus pandemy COVID-19 Lockout. They will operate on HF Bands. QSL via EB7DX, LOTW, auto buro. DAVID LIANEZ FERNANDEZ, P.O.BOX 163, 21080, HUELVA, Spain.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:44 pm
OT4HOPE - Geraardsbergen - Belgium - COVID19 Radio Amateurs members of NNV UBA, ON6SI will be active with special call OT4HOPE from Geraardsbergen, Belgium, during coronavirus pandemy COVID-19 Lockout. They will operate on HF Bands. QSL via ON6SI buro, ClubLog, eQSL
Last edited by STARSHIP on Wed May 13, 2020 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:45 pm
GB5SAH - Market Harborough - England - COVID19 Radio Amateurs members of Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society will be active with special call GB5SAH from Market Harborough, England, 1 - 28 May 2020, during coronavirus pandemy COVID-19 Lockout. This station was put on air in eternal gratitude to all those essential workers who have risked their health to keep the UK going during the Covid19 pandemic, and to all the Health Workers who have looked after the sick and dying. Also, in memory of all those who have lost their lives worldwide. They will operate on HF Bands. QSL via G4XEX buro, LOTW, eQSL.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:45 pm
EM200LDS - Kharkiv - Ukraine EM200LDS is a special call sign to celebrating 200th anniversary The First Vision by Joseph Smith, which opens the beginning of the Restoration Gospel of Jesus Christis. QRV on HF Bands, from Kharkiv, Ukraine. QSL via UR6LF direct. Ads for direct QSL: Volodymyr Tymchenko, Klochkovskaya street, house 276, apt. 21, Kharkov, 61051, Ukraine. QSL via buro will send automaticly.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:46 pm
UP75P - UP75O - UP75B - UP75E - UP75D - UP75A - Kazakhstan “Pobeda 75” Memorial rules: the Association of Amateur Radio Services of Kazakhstan (AARSK) in cooperation with the Almaty Amateur Radio League (AARL) and the Soyuz Radiolyubitelei Rossii (SRR) conduct activity days dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory over fascist Germany in the World War II.
1. The memorial activity period: Start: 00.00 UTC May 2, 2020 End: until 23.59 UTC on May 9, 2020
2. The purpose of the Memorial is to pay tribute to the people who fought in World War II, took the hit and saved the world from fascism. Kazakhstani people remember and perceive the level of threat that was looming over the world in that time.
Diploma program: 3. QSO (SWL) on HF (including WARC) and VHF bands with various types of modes (CW, PHONE (SSB, FM, AM), DIGITAL (RTTY, FT8 etc.) as well as via any amateur radio satellites are accepted. Repeated QSO are accepted provided they are made on different bands, and, if on the same band – using different mode.
AARSK established two diplomas - “POBEDA 75 Kazakhstan” and “Victory is one for all-75”. The word “POBEDA” comes from the Russian language and means “Victory”.
4.1 To receive “POBEDA 75 Kazakhstan” diploma it is necessary to make QSO (SWL) with 6 special stations including UP75P, UP75O, UP75B, UP75E, UP75D, UP75A, so that the word “POBEDA” is collected. QSO with UP75POBEDA memorial station can substitute for any one of the missing letters to be collected. 4.2 To receive “Victory is one for all-75” diploma one needs to achieve 75 points. Each QSO (SWL) with any Kazakhstan memorial station operating in the Pobeda-75 Memorial registered on hamlog.ru gives 5 points toward that score. QSOs with other memorial stations registered on hamlog.ru give 1 point. Special certificate will be issued to all operators involved in the activation signing the special callsigns listed above. The certificate is free and is issued only in the electronic form through hamlog.ru. All SWL applications will be reviewed upon completion of the Memorial.
The Organizing Committee provides only electronic QSLs which can be obtained through arl.hamlog.ru , LoTW, Eqsl.cc, qrz.com LogBook. Paper QSLs can be provided at the discretion of the special memorial stations operators at their expense. The program manager is Ms. Oksana Mikhailenko-Nekrasova (UN5GV), e-mail: un5gav@gmail.com
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Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:31 am
GB4VVV Listen out on HF for GB4 V V V, the distinctive dit-dit-dit-DAH of wartime broadcasting, sent by the SES managed by Andy, G0SFJ, until 11 May. Prefer eqsl, SWL reports very welcome
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Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:13 am
GB1TOM - Captain Tom Moor - Raunds - Wellingborough Richard Evans, G0VCW will be active with special call GB1TOM from Raunds, Wellingborough, England for the 100th birthday of Captain Tom Moor. He will operate on HF Bands. QSL via GB1TOM buro, eQSL.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:33 pm
SU8FTDMC - Cairo - Egypt Radio Amateurs members of Egyptian Radio Amateur Society for Development, ERASD will be active with special call SU8FTDMC from Cairo, Egypt, during FT8DMC activity weeks. They will operate on HF Bands. QSL via A92AA. Fawaz Sulaibeekh, Riffa - Southern Governorate, P.O.Box: 28021, Bahrain.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Fri May 01, 2020 12:55 am
GB1CCW - GB2CCW - Blandford Forum - England - COVID19 Radio Amateurs from England will be active with special calls GB1CCW and GB2CCW from Blandford Forum, England, during coronavirus pandemy COVID-19 Lockout in honor of critical care workers. They will operate on HF Bands. QSL via eQSL.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Fri May 01, 2020 12:55 am
GB2SHS - Market Harborough - England - COVID19 Andy Holmes, G4ISN will be active with special call GB2SHS from Market Harborough, England, during coronavirus pandemy COVID-19 Lockout. He will operate on HF Bands. QSL via eQSL only.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Fri May 01, 2020 12:56 am
GB75VET - Sevington - Kent - England Andrew Whybrow, M0IRU will be active with special call GB75VET from Sevington, Kent, England, 1 - 28 May 2020, commemorating the end of World War 2 in Europe. He will operate on HF Bands. QSL via M0IRU buro, eQSL.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Thu May 07, 2020 10:21 pm
GB2SHS for STAY HOME SAFE will be on air until 24 May in support of the NHS and care workers. It will operate from the QTH of G4ISN, a member of Welland Valley ARS, on the HF bands. QSL via e-QSL.
Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club will be operating GB6VED for the 75th anniversary of VE Day until 11 May. The members will operate on various HF and VHF bands from their homes around Essex. For further information, email acorns@taarc.co.uk.
Three members of Macclesfield ARS are doing their bit in supporting key workers in the UK. Greg, M0TXX will be transmitting until mid-May using GB5KW, as will Adie as GB9KW and Chris as GB4KW. They will be transmitting on all modes HF, 2m and FT8. All details can be found on QRZ.com.
Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club is activating GB1VE over this weekend, ending this Sunday, 10 May. Activity is from six different members’ homes. Two are on HF voice, always on different bands, another on HF CW, one on HF data modes, one on 6m or 2m or 70cm and, finally, one on 4m and Oscar-100. Full details are on QRZ.com.
GB75BVE is being hosted from homes in and around Bournemouth until this Sunday, 10 May. Operators will be G3YUZ, G3XBZ, G4XEE and G3WZP, using all modes and the 160 through to 2m bands. They hope to share the VE Day commemorations on the air.
The RAF Amateur Radio Society will be activating the special event GB75VED until 28 May. Operations will be from members’ homes. Details at rafars.org and on QRZ.com.
Dragon Amateur Radio Club, and North Wales Radio Society are operating GB0GIG throughout May, named after the National Health Service in the Welsh language. The station will be active on HF, VHF and UHF using as many modes as possible. An award certificate is available and full details can be found on QRZ.com.
Although the Mills On The Air event has been cancelled, Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society will be operating GB0BWM for Brill Windmill from members’ homes over the weekend, ending this Sunday, 10 May. Operation will be on 3.5, 7, 14, 50 and 144MHz, mainly SSB, but with some CW and FM.
GU75LIB will operate at varying time until 13 May, to commemorate Liberation Day on 9 May. They will be operating from home, each taking turns on band and mode.
Braintree and District ARS is operating GB5VED from several members home stations, ending this Sunday, 10 May, commemorating the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. Operators will include some of the senior club members who were present at the original celebrations. Contacts will be sought on HF, VHF, UHF.
Listen out on HF for GB4 V V V, the distinctive dit-dit-dit-DAH of wartime broadcasting, sent by the special event station managed by Andy, G0SFJ, until 11 May. He prefers eQSL—SWL reports are welcome.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Thu May 07, 2020 10:25 pm
To commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day and VJ Day, the RSGB has organised the VE/VJ Day amateur radio marathon on the HF bands and 6m using SSB, CW and digital modes. Three special UK callsigns, GB75PEACE, GB1945PE and GB1945PJ, will be on the air throughout May and again between the 1st and the 31st of August. If you wish to operate one of these stations, please email csc.chair@rsgb.org.uk. Full details are at www.rsgb.org/ve-vj-marathon.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Fri May 08, 2020 10:48 am
P*75FREE celebrating freedom in the Netherlands 75 years ago the allied forces liberated The Netherlands from Nazi rule, ending the second World War, five years after it started. The southern part of The Netherlands was liberated in the autumn of 1944, while the northern part was only liberated in the spring of 1945.
On May 4, 1945 the German forces formally capitulated to the British Field Marshall Montgomery. The capitulation was effective the next day.
The Dutch therefore celebrate the end of WW2 for the whole of the country on May 5 every year.
YNOMY DX Group & friends want to place attention on the valuable freedom we attained and have enjoyed ever since, with a radio-activity during the month of May.
We will activate 10 different special callsigns from May 1 to May 31: PA75FREE, PB75FREE, PC75FREE, PD75FREE, PE75FREE, PF75FREE, PG75FREE, PH75FREE, PA75FREEDOM and PD75FREEDOM.
QSL A special QSL card will be available for OMs who have contacted one or more of our stations. We will send out cards to all contacts via the bureau approximately two months after the activity. If you want to receive your card direct, please use ClubLog OQRS: https://secure.clublog.org/logsearch/P?75FREE. (replace the ? for the letter in the call you worked)
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Fri May 08, 2020 10:52 am
Look for activity under special call sign A60FTDMC during FT8DMC activity weeks, July 1 to 31, on various HF bands. QSL via OE4VIE.
Members of the RSGB Contest Club will activate the following call signs May 1 to 31 and August 1 to 31: GB1945PE, GB1945PJ and GB75PEACE. Operations will be on various HF bands and 6 meters using CW, SSB and the digital modes. QSLs are only via LoTW and eQSL. No paper QSL cards.
Look for special event station HL40GDM until May 31. Activity is to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the May 18 Democratic Uprising in Gwangju. Operations will be on all bands and modes. QSL via HL4CCM, direct, by the Bureau, eQSL or ClubLog.
Jo, OE4VIE is active as OE50MHZ until June 30 to mark the 30th anniversary of the first provisional release of the frequency range 50 to 52 MHz for Amateur Radio in Austria. Operations will be on CW, SSB and the digital modes on 6 meters. QSL via LoTW and eQSL, paper QSLs will be sent automatically via the Bureau.
Czeslaw, SP9FZU will be active with the special call sign SN100PS in memory of Second Silesian Civil War in 1920. Activity will be on various HF bands. QSL via SP9KAG, by the Bureau or direct.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Fri May 08, 2020 10:53 am
STAY AT HOME STATIONS. More special event stations will join the cause to raise awareness of restrictions necessary to fight the spread of the coronavirus and to thank health and medical workers worldwide, including:
3G2HOME Chile, HG20HO Hungary, 4J0STAYHOME Azerbaijan, 4MSTAYHOME Venezuela, HZ1STAYHOME Saudi Arabia, 4U2STAYHOME Austria, IO6STAY Italy, 4X2BESAFE Israel, 5B4STAYHOME Cyprus, 5W19STAYSAFE Samoa, K2H United States, 6Y6STAYHOME Jamaica, 8A1HOME Indonesia, OD50SH Lebanon, OH0PYSYKOTONA Finland, 9K9STAYHOME Kuwait, A60SH/1 U.A.E., OH0STAYHOME Aland Island, AT2GOK India, ON4HEROES Belgium, AX2020STAYHOME Australia, CH2IR Canada, CN20SH Morocco, CQ8STAYHOME Azores, CT1STAYHOME Portugal, CV7STAYHOME Uruguay, DX0STAYHOME Philippines, E2STAYHOME Thailand and E7STAYHOME Bosnia & Herzegovina.
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Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Fri May 08, 2020 10:54 am
75TH ANNIVERSARY OF WWII. During the month of May, many stations will be active commemorating the end of World War II. Look for the following special event prefixes to be active: 4X75 Israel, RP75 Russia, EV75 Belarus, GB75 England and N. Ireland, GU75 Guernsey, UP75 Kazakhstan.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Special Event Station news Sat May 09, 2020 8:35 pm
HZ1WTIS - Riyadh - Saudi Arabia. Radio Amateurs members of Saudi Amateur Radio Society, HZ1SAR will be active with special call HZ1WTIS from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 10 - 17 May 2020, for World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. They will operate on HF Bands. QSL via LOTW.