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 Frequency explanation help ?

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frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Empty
PostSubject: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2020 2:07 pm


I am still fairly new to CB and trying to wrap my head around the frequencies for different countries etc. I have done quite a lot of googling and have just ended up with a headache Laughing . I have made this chart in excel with different countries (I hope the frequencies are correct). So I have some questions:

1. The frequencies are the same for EU FM/AM, DE FM 41-80, DE AM. If the frequencies are the same what sets them apart ? i.e. whats to stop someone on EU FM channel 1 (26.965) talking to someone on EU AM Channel 1 (26.965) DE FM channel 41 (26.965) ?

2. Are CEPT channels the same as EU ?

3. On my radio Team CB FX-mobile (Thunderpole T-3000) is has an EC band, what is this ??

I do apologise for the noob questions but we all need to start somewhere and i am genuinely interested to learn and get my head around this topic. Answers in layman terms appreciated Laughing

Once i get my head around these basics i want to learn about SSB.

frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Cb_fre10

Many thanks,

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frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2020 5:49 pm

MrFendt wrote:

I am still fairly new to CB and trying to wrap my head around the frequencies for different countries etc. I have done quite a lot of googling and have just ended up with a headache  Laughing . I have made this chart in excel with different countries (I hope the frequencies are correct). So I have some questions:

1. The frequencies are the same for EU FM/AM, DE FM 41-80, DE AM. If the frequencies are the same what sets them apart ? i.e. whats to stop someone on EU FM channel 1 (26.965) talking to someone on EU AM Channel 1 (26.965) DE FM channel 41 (26.965) ?

Nothing stops them from interfering with each other. You'll kind of be able to understand AM on FM mode but not SSB, AM will be able to understand both. But if you're on FM on Ch1 someone on AM or SSB also on Ch1 can interfere with your transmission or reception.
Quote :

2. Are CEPT channels the same as EU ?

Quote :

3. On my radio Team CB FX-mobile (Thunderpole T-3000) is has an EC band, what is this ??
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frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2020 6:46 pm

Hi, thanks for the clarification, however I’m still not sure why they can’t communicate clearly with each other if they are identical frequencies?

So CEPT is just another name for EU ? My radio has EU mode as well as EC mode, if they’re the same then why are they both needed ? I hope I haven’t opened a can of worms haha


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frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2020 9:41 am

Did you read all of this:

It addresses many of the differences in channel/frequency usage around the world.
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frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2020 9:59 am

Hi, yes i did read this it doesn't really address my questions however.
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frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2020 12:00 pm

Hello Mark.

I think you are a little confused between frequencies and modes.

Frequencies are the amount of times a radio signal oscillates in a given period of time. For example 27MHz is 27 million cycles per second.

A mode is a method of modulating a voice or other information on to that signal. The common modes we refer to are AM, FM and SSB

So you can use any of them modes on any given frequency (Not the UK40). If stations are within reception of each other and using the same mode on the same frequency the transmission will be understood. If they are using different modes they won't but you will know that they are there! (There is an exception between AM & SSB)

The frequencies are the same for most countries and of course the UK has it's own block of frequencies as well as the European ones.

The rules around output power and what modes can be used and where do vary a bit though.

I hope this helps a bit. To summarise to stay legal you should set your radio to the region you are operating in.

73's Gary.
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frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2020 12:54 pm

Hi Gary,

Yes that clears it up massively thanks, also had some clarification from the CT Facebook page. I think I've gotten a grasp of it now.

A hypothetical example, if I had EU region set on my radio, FM Ch1 (26.965) and had my buddy 500 meters down the road with his radio set in DE region, FM Ch1 (26.965) we will be able to talk no problem. Which then poses the question why is there a need for so many different regional settings when most are covered by the EU region in the radio.  

Still unsure what region EC is for ?



edit: An error in my table was also pointed out to me, DE FM Ch 1-40 is from 26.965 - 27.405 and 41-80 is 26.565 - 26.955
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frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2020 4:37 pm

Hi Mark,

Yes absolutely you would as long as you're both using the same frequency and mode. I.E. both AM, FM or SSB.

You have to remember each country has it's own specific requirements for what is legal on C.B we only got A.M. and SSB a few years ago in the U.K. So manufacturers have made radios compatible with multiple regions by programming each requirement into firmware.

Yes the majority of them are exactly the same so it doesn't make much difference at all. Just be aware to remain compliant and strictly legal use the country code for where you are.

I think EC is European community but someone with a better memory than me will have to clear that one up.

73's Gary.
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frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2020 6:23 pm

Brilliant ! I like to have an understanding of these things Smile


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frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2020 1:35 pm

If you watch this video it will teach you all that you need to know to understand different types of modulation and frequencies etc..
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frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2020 7:21 pm

I found the video useful. Andrew Radio Lilac.
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PostSubject: Re: Frequency explanation help ?   frequency - Frequency explanation help ? Icon_minitime

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