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» CT Call Sign Request
RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees Icon_minitimeYesterday at 8:38 pm by nahall71

» South Coast PMR net report
RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees Icon_minitimeYesterday at 6:24 pm by Razz229

» requesting a a ct call sign (Issued)
RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees Icon_minitimeYesterday at 2:34 pm by Livelee2025

RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:06 pm by Purple Witch

» HF Contacts 10m
RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees Icon_minitimeYesterday at 11:54 am by VanRougeT4

» Call sign requested please (Issued)
RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees Icon_minitimeYesterday at 9:59 am by Victor

» Amateur Radio is an expensive hobby!.......?
RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees Icon_minitimeYesterday at 6:48 am by Victor

» Call sign requested (Issued)
RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees Icon_minitimeYesterday at 5:37 am by Victor

» Need help for Cb callsign (Issued)
RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees Icon_minitimeThu Oct 10, 2024 9:50 pm by Kimranoco

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 RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees

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RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees Empty
PostSubject: RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees   RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees Icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2020 4:03 pm

As part of its continuing ‘Get on the air to care’ initiative, the RSGB has created a Facebook group to support new Foundation licensees who have taken their exam via remote invigilation this year, as well as those returning to amateur radio after a number of years. It is designed as a safe space where no question is too basic.
There will be a small number of experienced radio amateurs in the group who will answer your questions and support you as you take your next steps. They each enjoy different aspects of amateur radio and, between them, will be able to offer a wide range of knowledge and experience.
If you are eligible to be a part of this group, go to “M7 and returning licensees – RSGB help and advice” on Facebook and ask to join. You will be asked three simple questions before being admitted to the group so we can keep it focused and protect it from spammers.
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RSGB Facebook group created for new Foundation and returning licensees
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