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 Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000

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Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Empty
PostSubject: Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000   Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 30, 2020 9:22 pm

Hi fellow members. I'm new to CB and purchased the Thunderpole T-800 kit with an Apollo mag mount antenna. I am pleased with the T-800 for what I need at the moment, basic controls and well built solid bit of kit. BUT. I now realise that the Apollo antenna requires upgrading. I do a lot of miles up n down motorways so this is why I selected the kit with the Apollo (also why I joined the forum to connect with like minded people whilst on the road). Having contacted Mr Google I quite favor the Wilson Antenna but is it worth the £30 more to get the 5000 rather than the 1000.
What are your views?
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PostSubject: Re: Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000   Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 30, 2020 10:37 pm

Hello Steve,

I haven't any experience of the Wilson antennas. It is worth taking a look at Sirio's range of antennas, particularly the 3000 and 4000. They will perform just as well and are cheaper too. I thought it was worth putting a shout in, just in case you had not considered them. Good luck with what ever you choose.

73s John.

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The DB
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Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000   Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 30, 2020 11:20 pm

The Wilson 1000 and Wilson 5000 work the same, and are very similar antennas.  The only difference is the power handling capability.  Also, the Wilson 5000 magnet mount comes with a thicker, and higher grade coax, which can handle a little more power, but if you are not going to use that power you won't notice the difference between the two.

Back in the day I used to love the Wilson 1000/5000 antennas, right up until they were sold to another company.  That company started making them cheaply, and more and more people have had problems with that antenna.  One of the more common issues is water getting into the coil housing and causing oxidation, and this changes the tune of the antenna to the point that it is un-tuneable.

But the me of today, I would strongly recommend looking as a Sirio product line...  I'm not against the company that bought the rights to manufacture the Wilson antennas, just the version of these antennas that they sell.  There are a few other things I have bought from that company without issue.

The DB

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PostSubject: Re: Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000   Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 12:02 am

The 1000 is slightly longer than the 5000 so it'll perform slightly better but not really to a level you'd notice. 

The Sirio 4000 is about a foot longer and will perform about an S point better on a CB S meter. Also it's £40 vs the £100 for the Wilsons. Sirio mobile antennas are decent and will last a long time. The Sirio 5000 I use is about 15 years old.

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PostSubject: Re: Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000   Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 6:48 pm

If you do decide to go down the Sirio route, Steve. Make sure it is a genuine one as there are a lot of fakes about.

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PostSubject: Re: Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000   Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 8:23 pm

The DB wrote:
The Wilson 1000 and Wilson 5000 work the same, and are very similar antennas.  The only difference is the power handling capability.  Also, the Wilson 5000 magnet mount comes with a thicker, and higher grade coax, which can handle a little more power, but if you are not going to use that power you won't notice the difference between the two.

Back in the day I used to love the Wilson 1000/5000 antennas, right up until they were sold to another company.  That company started making them cheaply, and more and more people have had problems with that antenna.  One of the more common issues is water getting into the coil housing and causing oxidation, and this changes the tune of the antenna to the point that it is un-tuneable.

But the me of today, I would strongly recommend looking as a Sirio product line...  I'm not against the company that bought the rights to manufacture the Wilson antennas, just the version of these antennas that they sell.  There are a few other things I have bought from that company without issue.

The DB

Thanks for the recommendation. I will certainly look at the Sirio antennae
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PostSubject: Re: Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000   Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 8:24 pm

John123 wrote:
If you do decide to go down the Sirio route, Steve. Make sure it is a genuine one as there are a lot of fakes about.

I certainly will John....thanks for your advise

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PostSubject: Re: Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000   Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 8:27 pm

Northern Crusader wrote:
The 1000 is slightly longer than the 5000 so it'll perform slightly better but not really to a level you'd notice. 

The Sirio 4000 is about a foot longer and will perform about an S point better on a CB S meter. Also it's £40 vs the £100 for the Wilsons. Sirio mobile antennas are decent and will last a long time. The Sirio 5000 I use is about 15 years old.

Thanks for your advice. I will take a look at the Sirio antennae as they seem the choice of several members.
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PostSubject: Re: Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000   Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 10:56 pm

LightPeak wrote:
John123 wrote:
If you do decide to go down the Sirio route, Steve. Make sure it is a genuine one as there are a lot of fakes about.

I certainly will John....thanks for your advise
You are welcome, Steve.👍
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PostSubject: Re: Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000   Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000 Icon_minitime

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Wilson 1000 vs Wilson 5000
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