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Tim Tom
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PostSubject: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2020 1:03 pm

I have been listening on 433. Which is obviously 70cm, it appears to me they are using repeater's, and hub net, surely this similar to ham isphere, this to me is a complete waste of time, 40years ago is all about using ionosphere, to get decent contacts, quote me if I am wrong, if this is the case I am not going to be looking at the foundation course, just stay on the dark side when I have got round to sorting it all out again...
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PostSubject: Re: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2020 1:35 pm

NUBSTER wrote:
Alot of it is on repeaters on 70cms and on 2m theres is a thing called Echo Link which is basically done through the internet but still using the radio , I took my test Foundation and failed it through personal reasons,  I'm the same as you radio should be antenna to antenna, I know they do it that way also on Amateur but most who do have nice big antennas ,most properly someone will come alone and explain it better in more detail, but I do understand your thoughts.
I was going to start the course today, I am not holding out much hope, just getting ready to order a crt6900n, got a old 5/8 silver rod out of moth balls looking ok, need a big pole lol, not the best weather to go climbing up ladders.
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2020 2:21 pm

Plenty of action antenna to antenna on the 40m and 20m bands.
I paid just short of £140 for a multi band HF antenna but find myself on 40m using a 10 meter length of wire about 16ft up in the air it is as long as i can fit in my garden but was i surprised how well it works.
I use 2m to talk to m8's local don't bother with repeaters as that is cheating to me lol.

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PostSubject: Re: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2020 2:49 pm

Alan Pilot wrote:
Plenty of action antenna to antenna on the 40m and 20m bands.
I paid just short of £140 for a multi band HF antenna but find myself on 40m using a 10 meter length of wire about 16ft up in the air it is as long as i can fit in my garden but was i surprised how well it works.
I use 2m to talk to m8's local don't bother with repeaters as that is cheating to me lol.
that's exactly what I thought cheating, but didn't want to mention it, I thought some people might take offence
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2020 4:06 pm

Can't believe it a prat playing music on 2m calling channel.
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Tim Tom
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PostSubject: Re: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2020 10:19 pm

I agree not a fan of repeaters etc, for proper radio you'd be better off with HF

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PostSubject: Re: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2020 11:34 pm

Tim Tom wrote:
I agree not a fan of repeaters etc, for proper radio you'd be better off with HF
sounds good haven't got the foundation done yet, slow going...
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PostSubject: Re: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2020 11:53 pm

I think Amateur (and CB to an extent) is whatever you make it.  There is no right or wrong way to do it (Within your regs), just personal preference, and whatever you personally want to do.

I like HF, and rarely bother with repeaters, but I don't regard it as cheating, just distance extension, as it is still antenna to antenna (to antenna)...and 2m SSB weak signal stuff is yet another variation for VHF.

I personally don't see much point in linked repeaters for hobby comms, whether IRLP, DSTAR, DMR or C4FM....but plenty do, and let's not forget, it all keeps the bands in use and the hobby alive, so good on them.

Then you have voice vs CW, vs. digital modes.  Again, no right and wrong.

Foundation gives you plenty of opportunity for "proper radio" however you choose to define don't let a dislike of repeaters put you one will make you buy a 2m/70cm radio if you don't want to! 

The other plus of Foundation over CB is getting the lower bands so you can easily do regional comms out to a few hundred miles when there is no DX about.  The nature of CB/11m makes that next to impossible, and on VHF it's the exception as opposed to a normal day on 80m.

The most important take-away is to simply do what interests you and have fun.  20m and 40m are coming alive at the moment, so don't delay! Very Happy

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PostSubject: Re: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2020 1:02 pm

26ct954 wrote:
I was going to start the course today, I am not holding out much hope, just getting ready to order a crt6900n, got a old 5/8 silver rod out of moth balls looking ok, need a big pole lol, not the best weather to go climbing up ladders.

That's fine. And when you're sat there on 11m hearing nowt because conditions are poor, go fire up your web browser, go listen to Hack Green WebSDR on the amateur bands and listen to all that lovely DX you're missing on 20m and 40m. 

And then in summer when your freeview TV gets knocked by atmospherics there's all that lovely DX you'll be missing on the 6m, 2m and 70cm bands.
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PostSubject: Re: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2020 11:28 pm

26ct954 wrote:
I have been listening on 433. Which is obviously 70cm, it appears to me they are using repeater's, and hub net, surely this similar to ham isphere, this to me is a complete waste of time, 40years ago is all about using ionosphere, to get decent contacts, quote me if I am wrong, if this is the case  I am not going to be looking at the foundation course, just stay on the dark side when I have got round to sorting it all out again...

There has been little DX for a few years due to Solar minimum. The natural solar cycle and lack of propagation.
The UK is blessed by having 600+ Amateur radio repeaters. Many but not all are internet linked. Many digital modes are encompassed (DMR, D-Star, Fusion, etc). You don't have to use them.

The Higher frequencies aren't good for long distance. Signals are line of sight. Repeaters extend the range.

As propagation improves I would expect people to move more back to HF.
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stephen Gunrunner
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PostSubject: Re: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2020 11:36 am

if you have a good repeater use it it helps with hobby, i am not a fan of repeaters but i would not abuse them, as you here them on further down the country and on you tube, yes you can get
a little further out and when things line up on the mid bands you can use the repeaters on mid bands and they work all of the eu

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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: . repeaters etc etc   . repeaters etc etc Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2020 12:58 pm

NUBSTER wrote:
stephen Gunrunner wrote:
if you have a good repeater use it it helps with hobby, i am not a fan of repeaters but i would not abuse  them, as you here them on further down the country and on you tube, yes you can get
a little further out and when things line up on the mid bands you can use the repeaters on mid bands and they work all of the eu
There only one problem ,the mid band on CB does not have repeaters in  fact CB/11m doesn't have or use repeaters at all .
Exactly what i thought but people can dream lol.

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