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 CT035 - John Orangeman

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CT035 - John Orangeman Empty
PostSubject: CT035 - John Orangeman   CT035 - John Orangeman Icon_minitimeSun Mar 07, 2021 12:59 pm

I'm not sure if this has been posted on here before, I couldn't find anything in the search.

A lot of people over the last couple of years have been wondering where John in Royal Wooton Basset has gone after being off the radio for a long time.   I have been told on good authority (via people who have known him far longer than me) that he sadly passed away last year.

I remember John very well.   I only used to be able to pick him up when I was on the hills, but he was always pleased to hear me and a pleasant friendly old chap to chat to.   I have missed him.  Who knows, if the skip is right, we might be able to have a QSO with him on his big rig in the heavens.

John Orangeman, you are a legend of CB radio.

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CT035 - John Orangeman Empty
PostSubject: Re: CT035 - John Orangeman   CT035 - John Orangeman Icon_minitimeSun Mar 07, 2021 1:09 pm

Sad news , worked John many times around the 2014>2017 period R.I.P
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CT035 - John Orangeman Empty
PostSubject: Re: CT035 - John Orangeman   CT035 - John Orangeman Icon_minitimeWed Aug 18, 2021 5:07 pm

Sorry to read this sad news and sorry to have missed this Post. May he Rest in Peace 73 SK.

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stephen Gunrunner
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stephen Gunrunner

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CT035 - John Orangeman Empty
PostSubject: Re: CT035 - John Orangeman   CT035 - John Orangeman Icon_minitimeTue Aug 24, 2021 1:39 pm

yes R.I.P. John. its all ways sad to loose a good friend but its worse when its a charlie tango member God bless you John

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CT035 - John Orangeman Empty
PostSubject: Re: CT035 - John Orangeman   CT035 - John Orangeman Icon_minitime

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CT035 - John Orangeman
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