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 Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube)

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Call Sign : 26-CT-1074 / M7MMC
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Equipment Used : Icom IC-7300, Lincoln II (V4), Xiegu X6100
Age : 46

Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Empty
PostSubject: Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube)   Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2021 12:39 am

Morning all,

Just thought I'd share a video I did a few weeks ago showing a closer all-around look at my Midland Portapak CB radio. Just really a general look around and close look at them.

Might be of interest to some of you Smile

73' and stay safe


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Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube)   Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2021 6:47 am

Great video of an old favourite Mike. Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) 1f44d 

Nice that you've kept it in such good condition, no scrapes & bruises or any 'kinks' on the telescopic antenna.

I fairly recently acquired a Yaesu FT290r but the first time I slung it over my shoulder in its pack it reminded me of my old Midland portapak walking round the eyeball meets way back when. Smile

Great stuff.

All the best,
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Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube)   Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2021 7:34 am

Well presented. I have experience of plastic parts inside old servers getting brittle from age, heat and use,so can see how that little antenna clip could break easy. Maybe an idea to take some close up photos and dimensions of it so that 3D printing some in the future is an option?
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Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube)   Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2021 9:10 am

Nice video Mike, will be watching some more of your Youtube content.
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Call Sign : 26-CT-1074 / M7MMC
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QTH or Location : Brighton, East Sussex
Equipment Used : Icom IC-7300, Lincoln II (V4), Xiegu X6100
Age : 46

Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube)   Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2021 11:06 am

SangueG wrote:
Well presented. I have experience of plastic parts inside old servers getting brittle from age, heat and use,so can see how that little antenna clip could break easy. Maybe an idea to take some close up photos and dimensions of it so that 3D printing some in the future is an option?
That would be a good idea actually. Certainly worth looking into as it goes, I've seen so many missing the clip or the clip being broken.
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Call Sign : 26-CT-1074 / M7MMC
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Join date : 2019-06-28
QTH or Location : Brighton, East Sussex
Equipment Used : Icom IC-7300, Lincoln II (V4), Xiegu X6100
Age : 46

Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube)   Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2021 11:06 am

Leurbost2006 wrote:
Nice video Mike, will be watching some more of your Youtube content.
I appreciate that, thank you.

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Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube)   Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube) Icon_minitime

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Midland Portapak - A Closer Look (YouTube)
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