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Lincoln Portapak... Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2024 11:04 pm by John123

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 Lincoln Portapak...

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Lincoln Portapak... Empty
PostSubject: Lincoln Portapak...   Lincoln Portapak... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 9:38 am

Should i or shouldn't I.🤔 Found a bag to carry my rig to from car so don't drop it then this idea popped into my head. 😇Lincoln Portapak... Img_2029
Lincoln Portapak... 17383910
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Lincoln Portapak... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lincoln Portapak...   Lincoln Portapak... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 10:26 am

Just need to fashion a biscuit tin into a hat, bolt on a DV27 and jobs a good'un! Very Happy Ha, Ha!

No, joking aside let us know how you get on with the idea I'm always interested in stuff like that. (I'm sure others are too!)

We've got some SOTA guys and portapak operators on here at Charlie Tango. I know our Matt86 built a battery pack himself amongst other things and trekked a few hilltops for some radio operation. All good stuff.
In fact, I'd like to know if any used an EFHW vertical with any success.

Keep sharing Pat, it all adds to the Charlie Tango experience Smile

All the best,

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Lincoln Portapak... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lincoln Portapak...   Lincoln Portapak... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 1:24 pm

Those type of battery jump starters were popular with CT members 4/5 years ago and Marc 163ctx009 did plenty of youtude videos with them in it , never heard anyone complain about interfeance from one and I certainly never had any from mine . The battery capacity Ah should be taken with a pinch of salt and if going down that route get the highest capacity possible , cheap alternative to the tracer battery packs for low power operation , but I would say to get one the same as someone elses that is known to be OK , the ones we all had never had the LCD screen .
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Lincoln Portapak... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lincoln Portapak...   Lincoln Portapak... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 3:12 pm

Good pointers for you there Pat.

A lot of these 'jumper packs' use buck/boost circuitry to provide charging and regulation, usually from the cheapest supplier possible. Those circuits can be the worst noise emitters ever!!
As Martin says, good for it's intended purpose but not much good for radio.

I'd be wary of something with an LCD interface/display too as they usually bolt on the cheapest processor, also producing RF hash.

But as mentioned, some people have found units that can be worked with successfully. Often the problem can be trying to get an identical unit because although they'll look the same on the outside, the circuitry inside can be different.

All a bit of a gamble in my eyes Wink

Does no one use ordinary lead acid cells anymore? Flip, they were way easier to use and charge even in the field!
I suppose once you find a decent DX hill you don't want to be lugging along 200Ahr lead batteries or operating QRP......

Anyway, all good stuff.
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Lincoln Portapak... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lincoln Portapak...   Lincoln Portapak... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 3:23 pm

I can make my own battery pack up using the same 18650 batteries i use in my Vaping mod. these are extremely high power 20A each cell. Can buy the cases cheap hold multiple batteries and put my own charge circuit on it. That way is pure smooth voltage with no buck circuits buzzing away.
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Lincoln Portapak... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lincoln Portapak...   Lincoln Portapak... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 3:24 pm

Lincoln Portapak... Img_2030
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PostSubject: Re: Lincoln Portapak...   Lincoln Portapak... Icon_minitime

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