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 Creating my own QSL Cards?

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Creating my own QSL Cards? Empty
PostSubject: Creating my own QSL Cards?   Creating my own QSL Cards? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 15, 2021 12:56 am

I've been searching in the forum, but i get lost in info. Could someone tell me the answer to these few things.

1: can i design my own qsl card? ..and put the CT logo and info on it? 
(Yes i am capable - graphics use to be my profession for some years )

2: do i order through the group?

3: and how the heck do people that send to me find me? And how do i find them????

Stay safe
Best regards
Odin  20-CT-555 //73s
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Alan Pilot
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Creating my own QSL Cards? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating my own QSL Cards?   Creating my own QSL Cards? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 15, 2021 6:49 am

Don't think many post them today they send them over the net.
Personally i just email them to the address in but you can use E-qsl but they have a subscription for that.

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Creating my own QSL Cards? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating my own QSL Cards?   Creating my own QSL Cards? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 15, 2021 4:22 pm

Ok. Good info there.
But is there a official one we should use, or is one made by me ok?
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Alan Pilot
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Creating my own QSL Cards? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating my own QSL Cards?   Creating my own QSL Cards? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 15, 2021 4:46 pm

Not sure i think there was but will let our Victor come in with the answer to that one.

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Creating my own QSL Cards? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating my own QSL Cards?   Creating my own QSL Cards? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 15, 2021 5:18 pm

hi, LF 11 (log for 11m) has an eqsl section. Set up a new email address, something like your call sign or so and keep it for eqsl only. Then when in qso just ask if they eqsl and take it from there also the big dx clubs run activations and you can go on the club web page put in your call sign and email and get one that way. There is another thread with all the info

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Creating my own QSL Cards? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating my own QSL Cards?   Creating my own QSL Cards? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 15, 2021 6:24 pm

I am sure it's ok to make your own with the CT logo on, but will let an admin say yea or nay to be sure.

Don't know if these are still available to buy, but I used a online copy of once previously to send as an eqsl...

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Creating my own QSL Cards? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating my own QSL Cards?   Creating my own QSL Cards? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2021 6:48 am

Hi Odin,

We have had similar postings made before about QSLing and the administration team agreed some time back that people were free to be able to use the Charlie Tango banner graphic seen at the top of this forum website.

We are after all a group that is all about helping people enjoy their radio. Creating my own QSL Cards? 1f44d 

There was an eQSL email address facility available at one point but unfortunately this has faltered for the time being, (I had my own Charlie Tango email address once upon a time. Smile) There isn't a CT paper QSL system available and most organisations abandoned them some time back due to inherent costs incurred but people still do send them at their own expense.

Electronic QSL's do seem to be the popular method used nowadays so it's usually just a case of setting up your own email address that you're happy to share on air. This can be problematical with a difficult DX QSO though where you can barely get your call sign across.

Do remember that on your profile here at Charlie Tango, (click the 'Profile' button at the top of the site under the CT banner when you are logged in), you can add contact details such as email and website addresses. That would help anyone  searching for your call sign.

There's been some good suggestions by other members here so I hope you get something sorted out. I know that I personally miss the sound of the postman dropping QSL cards through my letterbox but it has been some decades since that last happened(!)

I would love to see any designs you come up with for your own personal QSL cards so feel free to post any on the forum. 
I'm sure others would enjoy it too.  Creating my own QSL Cards? 1f44d 

Hope that helps.

All the best,

C.T. Admin.

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Alan Pilot
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Creating my own QSL Cards? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating my own QSL Cards?   Creating my own QSL Cards? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2021 6:57 am

My first attempt Holy Island (Holyhead).Creating my own QSL Cards? Alan_q13

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Creating my own QSL Cards? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating my own QSL Cards?   Creating my own QSL Cards? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2021 7:58 am

Nice card there Alan. Great view of the island. Creating my own QSL Cards? 1f44d
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PostSubject: Re: Creating my own QSL Cards?   Creating my own QSL Cards? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2021 8:15 am


Just another thought.....

On your profile you can add contact details, (click the 'Profile' button at the top of the site under the Charlie Tango banner).
There are then several options for 'contact', MSN, Twitter, www. etc. which then appear on any posting you make and your Charlie Tango profile even if the viewer is not a member of the forum or logged in.

For example at the bottom of this, (my) posting you will see several black bars showing 'profle', 'pm', 'email', 'www' and my 'online' status. If you are not logged onto the site you can still see the 'www' bar and this links to my Amateur Radio call sign on Also my profile to the left <--- can be clicked even if not logged on which will also show those same details on my contact list.

Anyone should be able to find your contact details simply by looking for you on Charlie Tango.  Creating my own QSL Cards? 1f44d 

If a DX QSO has your call sign you can simply tell them to find you on Charlie Tango.

I know, seems a bit of work but surely anyone wishing to QSL you would be able to undertake this simple task.

Again, I hope this helps.

All the best,

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Alan Pilot
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Age : 16

Creating my own QSL Cards? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating my own QSL Cards?   Creating my own QSL Cards? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2021 8:28 am

It's about time you got some more entries in your logbook Victor.
My card is made in Microsoft Publisher i can add detail's then save as .jpeg and send but then don't save changes to the publisher document if you understand.
A m8 did it for me as a start he has just joined the forum last week.

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