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Welcome to the Charlie Tango DX Group. The home of ALL things Radio - CB, 11m DX, Amateur, PMR446, PLD, Network and Data. We welcome all radio enthusiasts of all knowledge levels. Join today and claim your own unique World Famous CT Call-sign
Call Sign : 26-CT-4266 Posts : 9 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2021-09-29 QTH or Location : Shanklin, Isle of Wight Equipment Used : CRT Superstar SS9900 v4, Venom Silver Rod 1/2 Wave Age : 58
Subject: ISLE OF WIGHT NET Tue Oct 05, 2021 7:03 pm
New Net coming to Isle of Wight very soon. Broadcasting on 27.305.00 USB. Welcome to all stations whether Local or Distance. Looking to do two Evenings a week on Wednesday and Saturday. (Times to be decided). Will update here and on Facebook. Feedback welcome. Hoping to meet as many people as possible so let’s keep Radio alive. Speak soon
morris, Sy76, jimbo12625 and teadrinker68 like this post