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 T2lt configuration options....

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Call Sign : 26-CT-3921 / M7GDA
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QTH or Location : Lambourn
Equipment Used : CRT SS9900, CRT ONE N, CRT Electro, UV-5r, B550p, HP-202, Sirio 4000, T2lT, Sharmans X-50, Diamond A430....and many bits of wire.

T2lt configuration options.... Empty
PostSubject: T2lt configuration options....   T2lt configuration options.... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2021 12:26 am

Hi all, I've been thinking about how I can make my first CTX activation and found lots of useful info on radios/power supplies.  However, I think my biggest challenge will be the antenna.....I use a Sirio mag-mount for static mobile, which I've used to great effect, but I also have a T2lt which I've only used a few times on a 10m pole at my previous home QTH.  For any CTX activation I'll be slinging all the radio gear into a rucksack, so I'm looking to save such, I'm wondering if/how the T2lt can be used other than on a vertical 10m pole?  Cheers chaps, Simon.
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T2lt configuration options.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: T2lt configuration options....   T2lt configuration options.... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2021 7:52 am

I have found the T2LT works well for skip almost any way it's mounted.. vertical, horizontal, diagonal or bent in the middle in an inverted V. But I guess for a CTX activation you'll be talking to more UK based people ground wave / line of sight and probably will want to get it vertical as that's what most others will be using.

If you're lucky to have a tree at your chosen spot you could string it up vertically from a branch maybe. Otherwise there are cheap lightweight poles out there you could try. I have a 8m SmartBreeze pole that collapses to about 1m which I ratchet strap to fence posts. It's light enough hold walking with or can be bungy strapped to backpack.

Good luck if you get out to activate soon. I think most would probably choose Summer months Laughing

glenn dog, Victor, Tristar and TheReverend like this post

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Call Sign : 26-CT-3921 / M7GDA
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Join date : 2020-12-22
QTH or Location : Lambourn
Equipment Used : CRT SS9900, CRT ONE N, CRT Electro, UV-5r, B550p, HP-202, Sirio 4000, T2lT, Sharmans X-50, Diamond A430....and many bits of wire.

T2lt configuration options.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: T2lt configuration options....   T2lt configuration options.... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2021 6:05 pm

SangueG wrote:
I have found the T2LT works well for skip almost any way it's mounted.. vertical, horizontal, diagonal or bent in the middle in an inverted V. But I guess for a CTX activation you'll be talking to more UK based people ground wave / line of sight and probably will want to get it vertical as that's what most others will be using.

If you're lucky to have a tree at your chosen spot you could string it up vertically from a branch maybe. Otherwise there are cheap lightweight poles out there you could try. I have a 8m SmartBreeze pole that collapses to about 1m which I ratchet strap to fence posts. It's light enough hold walking with or can be bungy strapped to backpack.

Good luck if you get out to activate soon. I think most would probably choose Summer months Laughing
Thanks bud....sensible and logical advice...I think I might have to bite the bullet and take my 10m pole with me!

Tristar likes this post

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PostSubject: Re: T2lt configuration options....   T2lt configuration options.... Icon_minitime

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