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 Is Westland 707th heaven?

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Is Westland 707th heaven? Empty
PostSubject: Is Westland 707th heaven?   Is Westland 707th heaven? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2022 12:51 am

New old stock? Containers in Romania? What's it all about then?
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Is Westland 707th heaven? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Westland 707th heaven?   Is Westland 707th heaven? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2022 12:55 pm

That was just before Christmas last year so you've missed it by a few months. Apparently, there was a container or warehouse of 'new old stock' of boxed Westland 707 and Lafayette 1005's found and some guys from Romania were selling them for about £160 on eBay. They had 100 of them and some others but I believe they're now all sold and are showing up on eBay from people that bought them. Folks are trying to make a few quid and who can blame them so won't be as cheap. They are all 40 odd years old now though and if never used from the factory they'll want checking over thoroughly.

Edit: here's one of the last listings -
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