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stephen Gunrunner
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stephen Gunrunner

Call Sign : 26CT526/MR021/M6XXX.
Posts : 277
Times Thanked : 11
Join date : 2019-06-27
QTH or Location : wooler north northumberland or some were near it
Equipment Used : mobile 4000hp base A99 radio base magnum257hp mobile magnum 257 standed power
Age : 67

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PostSubject: the super bowl   the super bowl Icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2022 3:47 pm

Got my new to me Fanon fanfare Am , , switched on went to chan 6 and it was there this is the first time i had a listen, and then put a call out but they never heard me, but there will be a time that they will hear me, funny picking up very well on the Fanfare and next to no crap, but on the magnum 257 it was 6.7 sig of pure noise. but very little noise on the fanfare older radio better filtering very low in the box there is no mike gain or rf gain but it works and the magnum mike gain and rfgain same antenna A99 , what ever it works, its not Uniden but not Cybernet, its in very good condition so next time i will be more ready with my little helper key up and it a 4 modulation with swing up to all most 30+

John123, glenn dog, Victor and Sharpshooter like this post

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Major contributor
Major contributor

Call Sign : 163-CT-329
Posts : 489
Times Thanked : 13
Join date : 2022-04-05
QTH or Location : Deeside, Flintshire
Equipment Used : A growing list

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PostSubject: Re: the super bowl   the super bowl Icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2022 12:04 am

Sorry Stephen.
Meant to reply the other day but my posting demons reappeared.

They're back again now so I'll make it short.
I parked up near the coast/river estuary the other day whilst I dropped my dog off for a cut.

Got quite a few new fm contacts , some chuffed to receive me as a newish breaker, and distance.

Went for a flick around on am and heard Americans for the first time 👍
Absolutely made up.

I think one was in New Jersey (loud and clear) talking to a uk breaker (not so clear)
And i think he was a Charlie Tango 👍

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