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 South Coast PMR net report

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 844
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 10, 2024 10:20 am

John123 wrote:
Hello Ray,

Another great report.👍

A very belated happy birthday to you.🍾

73s John.

Hi John

Thank you for the birthday wishes 👍


Ray 2290
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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 11, 2024 5:36 am

M'Lords ,Ladies and Gentle folk.

Welcome to another episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast, Channel 14, Monday Night PMR net


"What if Guy Fawkes had succeeded?"

While your pondering that question, on with the review.

The net is held almost every Monday night and is scheduled to start at 8 o'clock 🕗 (20:00 UTC) and goes on to, and sometimes past 23:00 UTC 🕚 (11 o'clock).

My location was, a foggy Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌳 Forest in the county of East Sussex and the set up was the CRT Space U (powered by an old car battery) and the trusty "Sputnik" 1/4 wave antenna.

The net can be found on analogue channel 14 and doesn't use any kind of access tones.
This makes it open to all regardless of radio experience or knowledge and if you hear a callsign and think "Do I need 1 to join in?" the answer is NO.

With the forecast hinting at some "Tropo", I started the net late at 20:30 due to hearing 2 Yorkshire men having a Qso on channel 3, shame they couldn't hear me calling and there were some northern voices on channel 8.

Here is cast list of who called in and who heard and or worked who.

CT 5159--Neil--Coxheath--Kent--1st location of the night 🥇
CT 3466--'Radar Ray'--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
Joker aka DDB 285--Steve--Reigate Hill--Surrey
FB 228--Martin--Hellingly--East Sussex
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
TM 231--Phil--Diss--Norfolk
CT 940--Richard--Reigate Hill--Surrey
DS 01--Pru--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Richard
Dave--Bury St Edmunds--Suffolk--Voice pattern only to Radio Corner
CT 4515--John--Firle Beacon--East Sussex--Working HF QRP and PMR
CT 5159--Neil--Maidstone--Kent--2nd location on the night
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Celebrating his first VK contact on HF
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who called in, and to those operators who showed patience when I changed the order to work as many people to Phil as possible, well you never know how long the tropo will be around.

The distance from Diss to Radio Corner is about 100 miles or 162 km.

South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Diss_t10

That almost brings this episode to a close, thank you for reading this far down and have you spotted any mistakes? If so let me know so I can correct them.

And one last thing, a short snippet video of the night.

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen, paper & camera 📝🎥

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 15, 2024 10:24 am

That is incredible distances for UHF. Thanks for sharing.
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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 844
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 17, 2024 7:28 am

Spider281 wrote:
That is incredible distances for UHF. Thanks for sharing.

You are welcome

When the "tropo" kicks in, you don't know where your signal ends up.

Take a look at this video from last year.

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 844
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 22, 2024 10:17 pm

Hello and welcome

Here is another episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast Channel 14 Monday Night Net, held on Monday 11th of November 2024.


"What's it going to be, a 2⃣fer or 3⃣fer kind of night?"

The weather on the night was like a November night, clear skies, gentle cold breeze that cut to the bone and a temperature at the start of the net of 5 degrees C or 41 degrees F.

So with the clear sky and half moon 🌓 shining down, I set up the 1/4 wave "Sputnik" antenna up on a fibre glass pole and connected it with a bit of RG 58 Mini coax to a CRT Space U powered by a car battery 🔋.

This all took place in Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌴 Forest in the county of East Sussex.

Once set up, I tuned to PMR analogue channel 14 at 8 PM 🕗 or 20:00 Hrs and put a call out. This caused a Tsunami of "hello's" from all those waiting.

Here is the list of call ins, check ins and who heard and or worked who.

CT 5159--Neil--Mereworth--Kent--1st location of the night 🥇
OM 001--Graham--Burgess hill--West Sussex
CT 3466--"Radar" Ray--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 940--Richard--Reigate Hill North--Surrey
DS 01--Pru--Reigate Hill North--Surrey-- Shotgun or keeping watch on Richard?
CT 1647--Phil--Hadlow--Kent--Working a handy 👍
CT 4627--Steve--Reigate Hill North--Surrey
Pyro--Jay--Reigate Hill North--Surrey--Working a handy 👍 and shotgun with Steve
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 9484--Mark--Haslemere--Surrey
Ryan--Uckfield--East Sussex--Mobile A26 🚗
CT 4362--Chris--Reigate Town--Surrey
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Speed Bird--Reigate Hill South--Surrey
CT 5159--Neil--Ide Hill--Kent--2nd location of the night and getting closer to Radio Corner
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 5147--Paul--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Checking his new mobile installation
CT 5140--Jack--East Grinstead--West Sussex--Mobile 🚗
CT 4515--John--Firle Beacon--East Sussex
Harry--Haywards Heath--West Sussex--Working a handy 👍
CT 5159--Neil--Maidstone--Kent--3rd location of the night
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

The net finished sometime after 11 PM 🕚 and the temperature had fallen to just above 3 degrees C or just above 38 degrees F, and yes I was wearing shorts.

Special shout out to Neil CT 5159 for, yet again, working 3 different locations, Ryan for spending a couple of hours chatting to me and being a "listening station", and Phil CT 1647 for persevering with different antennas on his handy.

Thank you all who called in and sorry if you tried and wasn't heard.

If you have spotted any mistakes or worse think I have left you off the list, let me know.
That about wraps up this episode of "Ray Reviews"

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 844
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2024 4:55 pm

Hello and a warm welcome to all

Here is another episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast PMR Net

or did you know

"Sir Alex Issigonis, the creator of the Mini, was born on this date"

The net was held on a cold, rainy, wet, foggy, Monday the 18th of November 2024.

My location was Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌲 Forest in the county of East Sussex or GB-0251, JO-bb-01, GFF-0319 or the home of Winne the Pooh, to name a few.

The net can be found on analogue channel 14 and uses no kind of DCS, CTCSS or any kind of privacy tones, this makes it open to all, and you don't need any kind of callsign or CB nickname, you can just call in with your name.

My set up was the CRT SPACE U powered by a car battery 🔋, hooked up to a "Sputnik" GPA with some old cheap thin coax, up on a fibreglass pole.

The net is scheduled to start at 8 o'clock 🕗 in the evening and finishes anytime after 11 o'clock 🕚. If you do tune in before 8 o'clock, you can sometimes hear the pre-net chatter.

Without further ado, on with the list of who heard and or worked who on the net.

CT 3466--"Radar Ray"--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex 🥇
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
OW 001--Slyvi--Burgess Hill--west Sussex--Station Manager of Graham
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 5159--Neil--Secret Area 49 🛸--Kent
DDB 342--Andy--Reigate Hill--Surrey
TK 8--George--Tonbridge--Kent
Ryan--Uckfield--East Sussex--Mobile 🚗
Zac--Uckfield--East Sussex--Twirling an umbrella 🌂 in the rain & Mobile 🚗
CT 4515--John--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
DDB 285--Steve--Reigate Hill--Surrey
Pyro--Jay--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Steve and working a handy
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--working a handy
CT 940--Richard--Reigate Hill--Surrey
DS 01--Pru with the husky voice--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Richard
DDB 50--Allan--Redhill--Surrey
CT 5140--Jack--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Making a grand entrance to Radio Corner 🚜
TC 156--Steve--Gatwick--West Sussex
Speed Bird--Russell--Reigate Hill--Surrey
CT 5147--Paul--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who called and to the listening stations.
Sorry if you tried and wasn't heard, please give it a go another Monday night.

Here are some of the topics of conversation during the evening.
The ISS space station passing over and transmitting pictures. Adam passing his bike test. Stainless steel exhaust pipes on classic cars and the 1948 Ferguson TE20 Tractor 🚜 that Jack arrived on.

That about wraps up this episode, see you here next time

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 844
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 18 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 28, 2024 8:58 am

Hell all and welcome

Here is another episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast, Monday Night, Channel 14 PMR net, a net open to all no callsign or handle needed.


"RIP Martin P, silent key"

The weather at the beginning of the net was cold about 7-8 degrees C, with a clear sky and no wind.
At the end of the net it was still about the same temperature wise, but, the wind had picked up, it was getting cloudy and there was lightning on the horizon.

My location to enjoy the net and light show, was Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌳 Forest in the county of East Sussex.
The set up was the CRT Space U, and the 8 year old, 'yes 8 year old' sputnik antenna up on a pole.

The net is held almost every Monday thought out the year and can be found on analogue channel 14, no access or privacy tones needed. It is scheduled to start at 8 PM UK time and it finishes anytime after 11 PM.

Here is the list of check ins, and who heard and worked who.

Barclay--Tonbridge--Kent 🥇
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
KP 441--Steve--Mobile A281--West Sussex
CT 3466--"Radar Ray"--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
DDB 342--Andy--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Working a walkie talkie
CT 1023--Andy--Eastbourne--East Sussex--One of the original founders of this very net 👍
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 2207--Neil--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
CT 5159--Neil--Area 49 🛸 near Detling Hill--Kent
DDB 285--Steve--Reigate Hill--Surrey
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--Kent
Pyro--Jay--Merstham--Surrey--In the garden working a walkie talkie
CT 4515--John--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex--2nd in command
Ricky on the ridge--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 1647--Phil--Hadlow--Kent--Working a walkie talkie
CT 2207--Neil--Crowborough--East Sussex--2nd location of the night
DDB 50--Allan--Redhill--Surrey
CT 5140--Jack--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
Speed Bird--Russell--Reigate Hill--Surrey
CT 5147--Paul--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--By the trig point, pedestrian mobile, working a walkie talkie
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
2 Tone aka KT 842--Kev--Burgess Hill--West Sussex--Welcome to the net 👍
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Special thanks to Andy CT 1023 for calling in and the kind words that had me stumped for a reply.
Thank you all who did call in and to the listening stations who know who they are.
Sorry if you tried and wasn't heard please try again on another Monday night and don't forget that just because you don't hear anything doesn't mean the net is not on, it could mean the the stations being passed around could be out of your range.

That about brings this episode to an end, let me know if you spot a mistake and I will do my bit to correct it

Best 73 and don't forget to put the empty milk bottles out.

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

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