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 Suspect mobile antenna not working too well?

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antenna - Suspect mobile antenna not working too well? Empty
PostSubject: Suspect mobile antenna not working too well?   antenna - Suspect mobile antenna not working too well? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2023 9:35 am

I tried DXing on SSB last weekend and the 10m/11m. The bands were very busy and US was coming in really strong some stations almost hitting 30! I was situated on high ground.

I am running a CRT 6900 onto a Red-Devil super modulator on a 5" mag-mount.  I managed to get the SWR down to about 1:2 as I have a Range-rover Evoque with a pan roof so minimal ground plane.

Unfortunately I didn't manage to make any DX contacts even though trying for 3 hours so I suspect my antenna isn't working too well or perhaps I was just drowned out by more powerful stations, not sure. Made a couple of local contacts 20 miles or so but that's all. 

I tried both calling CQ-DX and responding to other calls, but alas nothing. 

Any advice or suggestions?

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antenna - Suspect mobile antenna not working too well? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suspect mobile antenna not working too well?   antenna - Suspect mobile antenna not working too well? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2023 10:14 am

Big Beam antenna and 1kW linear! antenna - Suspect mobile antenna not working too well? 1f44d Very Happy

Joking aside Adrian, many here run mobile setups with some utilising homebase style antennas strapped to poles in the ground, drive on mounts or else lashed to the nearest fence for better performance. Obviously there'll be those flattening their vehicles battery (or using an extra leisure/marine battery) to run a bit of 'extra' power too.

We seemed to have had some great propagation recently but even though you might be hearing the 'big' stations there's no guarantee you'll get back to them unless you're a big-gun yourself. When the prop is really good you can get back with minimal power and the proverbial bit of 'wet-string' antenna.

I think if you were hearing as well as getting back to local stations that the prop wasn't as good or easy as it first seemed. (Usually you lose all the 'local' stations on a good lift except for ground wave contact.)

It's all frustrating I know but also part of the challenge and fun with the radio interest. I tried desperately to get back to Greenland the other day (would've been nice for the log!) for at least a couple of hours with no contact made. Similar failures with Africa after hearing stations romping in from there too. But I did grab Malta & Andorra to add to my DX100 list. Smile

I utilise digi-modes as well as SSB with my paltry Foundation 10W but surprising what you can do. I still get a thrill that I catch some 'big-fish' with my 'bamboo & bit of string/bent needle' QRP operations and there's no guarantee that the 'best' gear will herald any better at times.

We're often at the mercy of the radio 'Gods', propagation, 'Skip' or Mother Nature.....and she can be a fickle cow! Very Happy

Enjoy yourself, keep at it and don't be too despondent with what may appear to be 'failures'.

At least you got to have a good old chat with some locals.

All the best,
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