Hi. Inam Graham from Edinburgh, Scotland and have just bought a CRT 7900 rig for 10 and 11m so looking for a callsign to start DXing. I originally had a CB back in the eighties as a spotty teenager and then went on to obtain my Amateur licence. I have only recently come back to the world of radio after finally having enough space to put up some decent antennas. 11m has changed for the better and i now hear plenty of good DX and with the sunspot cycle due to peak in a couple of years, the bands are only going to get better.
I have recently put up a Silver Rod for 11m on a 18ft mast and an end fed half wave long wire for 40, 20, 15 and 10m which is 60 odd feet long stretched from hose roof to a tree at bottom of garden and it performs very well. It is hhoked up to an old Icom 706 set but will be looking to upgrade that soon.
Anyway, i would be gratefull if i could be allocated a CT callsign please.
Many thanks.